Thursday, December 11, 2008

Yellow Fingers

Another late start to blogging, and a likely short posting too. The yellow dye "from" my work gloves of yesterday changed to just yellow fingernails after being in the shower, and sometime after getting back from my disability training appointment, my fingernails were somehow rid of the dye.

But I am sure it served a purpose, because I had a yellow coated gangstalker loitering around me for at least 10 minutes at the waiting area for my appointment. One of those customer-staff hybrid personnel I see all too often; the one that hangs around the waiting area in a coat, but also seems to know enough staff to then use the facilities that are reserved for staff. And she had red hair with her yellow coat and red pants, and it wa plenty of fugly colors that I just did not want to look at.

As this was a supposed "disabilities" office, I shouldn't of seemed too surprised to see a blind act with a guide person exiting the building. The guide dude was in front and put the stare on me for no fucking reason, and then has a purported blind person immediately behind him with a hand on his shoulder. In other words, they were walking in close file, not unlike the vehicles in their various configurations. The waiting area had windows out onto the street, and so this blind and guide act chose to then loiter some 15' away in view for the next 20 minutes, doing the chat routine that I so often seen. I have never seen so many people engage in streetside debates/confabs/chats until the harassment started in 2002.

And I thought this appointment was going to be a induction session, but as it "happened", enforced cluelessness again, it was an appointment with a dude about future possible training for being "disabled". He got me to tell my story in part, and then got cranked up that I wasn't declaring that I was disabled. And of course I was also managed to be clueless that this was in fact a disabled person's resource office, and so I had to tell the dude that I get CPP Disability hence I was "disabled". That kept the lid on, but I told him he can also make his own conclusions. The upshot was that they don't have any training money until April 2009, and that I could do some informational interviews until then, and he supplied me with a cheat sheet of questions to ask. It was a 30 minute appointment, and the worst of it was that it pre-empted my once per week yoga class, all to go through this disabled bullshit again.

The perps got a real hangup about this topic, and routinely noisestalk me whenever the word "disabled" comes up. I have no idea why, and it has never been part of my life until the fuckers cast me into this bullshit as a cover for income and access to trashing my existence all the time, not just outside of work hours.

I got my full share of plasma beams and projections from the Christmas decorations when at this agency. I also got wedged in between two Fuckwits in the waiting area, one of whom went outside and stood behind me on the street, through the floor to ceiling glass, and then came down to sit beside me again. The perps have long gangstalked me up the asshole while egressing buildings, so this kind of peripatetic gangstalking is not new. They did the same at the laundromat when I was using it; the seats were lined up against an outside wall and then there were chairs placed outside, immediately behind me, and the loafing Fuckwits would come and hang out there. The through-the-wall gangstalking is as important as the direct line-of-sight gangstalking, and the above yellow coated gangstalker demonstrated that today.

I did my one hour daily cleaning job earlier, this being at a local Mazda car dealership. It still makes me wonder what the perps expect to gain from having me in buildings with new and used vehicles. And it seems that the shop area has them arranged by colors not unlike the ones that I see parked or driving. And as the Mazda Tribute is a copy of the Ford Escape, my parent's vehicle, it wasn't too surprising to see these in the shop tonight. There were two of them in fact; a silver-grey one outside the Service area, and a mid-grey one at the other side of the Service area which I would pass by while taking the garbage bags to the dumpster. There are always personnel remaining at work when I get there at 1745h, and they loiter around and eventually filter out, often using the washrooms before departing. And lo, if I don't get to clean out those same washrooms some 15 minutes later.

I haven't quite figured out the boss man; helpful sometimes, and other times a smirking oddity in his better-late-than-never instructions, or even instructions after the fact. Then he is all over me for things that I "forgot", which is code for mind-fucked set up, as I just don't forget the kind or amount of "forgettings" that are happening. The job is to take an hour he says, but 1.5 hours is more like it, though he has stopped cranking on the fact that it should take 45 minutes. I cannot see how it can be done without seriously impairing job quality. And then the boss man has been adding more tasks this week; mopping of more floor area in the Service area, and then more washrooms in the showroom. He isn't getting his side of the job done any faster, so I don't know what the deal is. It is all a bit strange, and the perps like to make sure there is a continual element of this as part of the show.

Time to call this one done for the day. I also had a 45 minute forced nap late in the afternoon after wondering why I hadn't started this blog posting earlier. The speculations of what this offers the perps are endless, though I suspect there might be some dusk onset considerations, and having me prone while still some daylight might be at issue. Another who knows, who cares.


Anonymous said...

Hi, I've noticed the loitering gs myself especially the ones who like to stand or sit directly behind you, somehow managing to make their presence felt even if you don't initially SEE them. I get ones that ride on the train home who select a seat right behind me even when the train is empty and any other seat is available. They also like to vibrate my seat by kicking or eating crunchy foods, newspapers rattling, cell phone convos etc.

AJH said...

Yes, it is mighty curious as to why they do what they do. I even have them follow directly behind on a motorized wheelchair which cannot be heard. One block later, they suddenly make their presence known by passing me.

I have never seen so many on-street chats and debates going on as another way to have two loiterers with a plausible excuse. Most often this seems to be some distance dependent observations; them, often in red of late for me, standing there for a full block ahead putting on the chat act, and me walking towards them, passing by, and then often turning my path by 90 degrees at an intersection before walking away. This way, they get distance dependent testing in two orthogonal directions.