Glossary of Terms and Explanations

This is a keeper page for all the terms that I use, which may differ as to how they may be used by other TI's. For the most part, I try to be consistent with the majority of definitions, by my usage may vary per included notes. I try not to have my blog too acronym-ish as I feel it detracts from readability for the first time reader.

Before Overt Harassment, the day that I came to understand that there was harassment and it was targeted at me, even if it might be covert to those nearby. Having a pain beam trained on one is an example of covert harassment, but it will drive the victim to madness as they cannot get relief except if near steel objects or inside a vehicle. In my case, it was before April 15, 2002, the day of Overt Harassment Onset, or OHO, see below.

This is the term I use to apply to "happenchance" meetings, that occur among gangstalkers/perps inordinately frequenting in my proximity. That is, like the sitcom "Cheers", where someone would show up in the bar and invariably they would know someone there and strike up a conversation. I suspect these Cheers-ing stunts are arranged to have a cover for loitering gangstalkers (i.e. dwell time), as well as whatever properties they are looking for in the TI's mind while listening to the banter. Not only human voice, but of course the content; topics like employment, numbers, paycheck amounts etc., are very common, but it could extend to mundane matters as well.

Chicken Run
As the perps don't let me purchase any other meat, and a cooked one at that, this is the event of going to the supermarket and purchasing a hot cooked chicken, often constraining the choice to be a half, or partial bird, and the exercise of bringing it home, removing the skin and then having a first meal directly off the bird without benefit of dinner plate. I suspect that this serves as a baseline to compare potential energetic contributions of the dinner plate ceramic (clay, a soil component, also of intense perp interest), fridge materials (styrofoam, plastics and steel), and whatever else "happens" for them to fridge stored food. And too, this is a high gangstalking event, with them pacing about and reprising in different sections of the store and checkout, before and after I pick the chicken up from the special heated display under the hot lamps.

Energy/Energetics Interaction
There is some reader confusion as to how I use this term. I use it because it is all inclusive of all energy sources, be they thermic, electric, magnetic, physical and getting into woo-woo territory for some, psychic energies. That list does not include orgone, plasmic, etheric or like energy that fills all space, as water fills oceans and lakes. And most conventional understandings regard etheric energies and the like to be nonexistent, despite the evidence of "dark energy" as postulated by cosmologists. To make a long theoretical physics story short, which includes suppressed science, it seems the perps are able to utilize etheric/plasmic/dark (or whatever term you prefer) energies and remotely apply them for mind-control and action-at-a-distance harassment such as object manipulation. If you don't believe this it is fine by me; whenever you read "energetic interaction", think "electromagnetic interaction", which is a smaller subset of the entire energy field we live in, but is sufficiently accepted to be comprehendable by all. So why do the perps send in the gangstalkers in so close to me anyway? I say it is to have energetic interaction, (aka fully cooperating and rehearsed portable bio-field peturbance) to thereby serve as a means for remote detection of our respective energy fields. Again, if that isn't acceptable, use the term electromagnetic energies instead, which is true, though partially so IMHO.

This is the act of setting me up for a stunt to ensure that I know I have been jerked around. It could be in the form of dashed expectations or other futile outcome, but normally involves stringing me along until they allow me to access my own perceptive faculties to then learn there was an extended game. It could be a thought/mind game only, or it could be more elaborate with sending me somewhere for as specific item only to find it is no longer stocked or available.

Meat aerial
This is an erection, usually applied in the night, with no sexual thoughts or intent, and is remotely created by a unique method of discrete surges which one can feel, unlike a normal erection. These can go on for an hour or more, and that too is another new behavior that erupted since OHO. What this accomplishes for the perps is unknown to me.

Overt Harassment Onset aka, the Day of Infamy. This is when I had a high tech invasion of masers and plasma beams for some two hours after being carried in on the shoulders of six men who put me down on the floor of my apartment. I was probably kept sedated for some 8 hours previously, and I have no idea where I was after I fell asleep about 0400h after being followed by some strange male dudes to 24Hr Fitness in Seattle. They came to check out my vehicle, they later broke into my locker to steal my medications, and then put them back at my apartment. In the meantime, my apartment had been rummaged through; all the clothing was shifted and moved to appear as if they had looked through all of it, blue ink was put on the office chair mat, PC cables were moved, they stole a research paper from my briefcase on the beneficial effects of certain stimulant medications, there were at least three males on a nearby apartment balcony at 2400h overlooking mine and looking toward me, and a few other oddities that indicated that someone had been through my apartment. Other oddities were that my penknife was put in my shoes, something I never do at my own place.

A too-cute name for the sickest assholes that have ever graced the planet. If they are as pervasive as I think they are, it is a sordid legacy of deepest turpitude and mendacity. I use the term only as a noun, and not as a verb for gangstalking, one of many things they do to me. Also called the SS for Surrepticious Sickos, Fuckwits, World Gestapo and various other profane expressions. They write the script that manages my every thought and action, and ensure there are many hundreds of stressing moments in any day; temporary and uncharacteristic befuddlement, foiling my grasp, dithering or smearing my vision, ensure "reactions" to their affronts are highly charged, plant obstructions and ill "fortune" at every turn, ensure my electricity bills have irregularly high charges, and a host of other impositions to ensure my life is living hell every to the last sub-second.

The event of scripting a noise, usually from a familiar subset, exactly when I generate or accept thoughts that are either mine or planted, or coincident with any other perp event of interest such as recognition, contact with substances of interest such as plastics, paper wood and metals, changing in web pages, bookmarking web pages, Windows editing (select, copy, cut and paste), any financial transaction component, changing walking direction, detecting gangstalkers or other facets of harassment and invasive mind fuck games, or other moments that have some kind of energetic change they are attempting to remotely determine/assay. This term is often too narrow, and should be called "phenonmenon stalking", as the noisestalking will often be accompanied by simultaneous plasma, maser, forced farts, coughing or other introduced phenomenon.

Any seeming gangstalker who has his or her head shaved. Often they will will be young, and still persist in this repugnant "hairstyle". I don't get it, and the perps tell me this is to simulate alien heads for which I have subconscious traumatizations. Another is that I was witness to certain clinical testing where the patients' heads were shaved and tattoo-ed reference lines placed on them. I have no conscious recollections, and the perps are consummate liars, but have been relatively consistent in telling me, and highly persistent in showing me this disgusting "hairstyle". Once they put on a woman in a bald head, and to make things worse, she was a negro, another of the Unfavored demographic group. And in all likelihood, my "reactions" to these sights are managed and governed to be more reactive than I would be if left to my own predilections. There is no racial or political perspective intended in using this term in this blog, unlike broader societal vocabulary usage.

This is the event of scripting environmental intrusions at the precise moment that something comes to mind, assuming I have free choice, which has become rarer as the harassment is closing in on seven years, at this writing, 02-2009. The intrusions are in the form of simultaneous noises, plasma flashes, maser flashes, forced scratches of itches, vision perturbations, sudden pain, buzzing feet, and a host of other transitory perturbations. This can also be scripted at the moment that I accept a planted thought that comes to mind as being relevant and useful. So many of the planted thoughts are spurious, irrelevant or just plain wrong.