Activism Sites About Covert Harassment and Gangstalking

Eleanor White's sites, some now amalgamated from other sources
Eleanor White The quintessential TI activism and information site.
Eleanor White Organized stalking statistics- very imformative.
Coping With Organized Harassment Go here first if you are new to this abuse.
Multistalker (aka Gangstalking). Eleanor White's site on just the gangstalking portion of harassment.Mind Control Forum(s) now part of Eleanor White's The most complete and detailed site of human nonconsensual experimentation that I know of, mind control being only one component of it all. With a "quick facts" section on what to do if you find yourself as a TI
MInd Control Forums Victim's Stories now moved as a subset of
Organized Stalking Statistics Government statistics on stalking by more than one person.
CATCH An excellent site on gangstalking description, statistics and what to do.
Credibility Reviews: Organized Stalking and Electronic Harassment Eleanor White's evaluations of information quality sources (blogs, bookes etc.). One day I might make it there as "OK"
A Practical Survival Guide to OSEH (Organized Stalking and Electronic Harassment). Sage advice from one who knows what one is put through, especially the early onset where the perps go beserk with abusive hijinx.
Stalking Victims Network Incorporated I have spoken with one of the organizers, Gina Romano, a TI, and she is fiercely dedicated to bringing the scourage of gangstalking into public discourse.
Keep the Ethical Light Burning KELB. Organized by TI's and taking a responsible legal approach to what they have defined as the real issue IMHO, ongoing nonconsensual human experimentation.
Downcastmysoul Checklist An excellent checklist for the new TI.
Mind Justice A human rights group working for the rights and protections of mental integrity and freedom from new technologies and weapons which target the mind and nervous system.
The Code of the Brain by Cheryl Welsh, detailing MC military research of the 1950's, some of it translated from Russian scientific papers. This book is a description of the history and known facts of electromagnetic and neurological technology, within the framework of classified nonconsensual government experimentation. It explains how the government, in particular the United States and the former Soviet Union have engineered science into a technology in order to target and control the mind and body for political and military purposes.
The Center for Cognitive Liberty and Ethics (CCLE). Dedicated to protecting and advancing freedom of thought in the modern world of accelerating neurotechnologies. Their paramount concern is to foster the unlimited potential of the human mind and to protect freedom of thought. As far as I can tell they don't get entangled with TI's, but their social policy objectives do encompass the hell of remotely applied neuro-invasive technologies.
Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance (FFCHS). A list of the conference calls each night of the week, the moderator and specialty. Start here if you are new to being a TI.
Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance, (FFCHS) lawyer's letter to Sen. Patrick Leahy An activist letter to elected officials.
Freedom From Covert Harassment (FFCHS) and Surveillance podcasts Videos and audio recordings of activism and like public efforts to bring covert harassment to the public realm.
Government Mind Control I don't know who this is, but plenty of good links.
Stop Covert War A good site with call logs to make sure that you get to communicate with the authors. Other TI's are listed by geographic location, useful to seek out others.
Controlled America
forbrighthonesteyesonly Good links on the technology side of mind control research.
OS Nanaimo Debbie Newhook's organized stalking site; plenty of useful information and links from someone 90 miles away and with whom I speak with occasionally and who I find very credible.
JBH File I was remiss in not having this well organized link until now (05-2009). And he has Allen Barker's essays posted;
Part I: Motives for Mind Control
Part II: Resisting the Mind Control State
Part III: Mental Firewalls
TI/MKULTRA presentations to a committee. Claudia Mullen, Chris de la Nicola and Valerie Wolf, transcript, also on YouTube.
International Alliance Against Covert Electronic Abuse is a worldwide movement of people who campaign for the right of people to be free from covert community based harassment and electronic abuse. This abuse has caused serious and widespread violations of the basic human rights which are longstanding and commonplace throughout the World.
Stop EG Peter Mooring's activism site with good links and supporting details of the technologies we now know about, e..g. pain beams on the 60 Minutes show. 
Tortured in America A description and synopsis of the TI and gangstalking theme by a father of three who suddenly found himself in the crosshairs of covert harassment since 2006.
NO STASI IN AMERICA A synopsis of gangstalking and harassment activities.

Indigo Ribbon of TI Solidarity Who put this in my blog, as it wasn't me.