Friday, September 19, 2008

Offline Posting #3

This is the last scheduled posting until I get back, 09-23-2008 or so.

Taken 08-23-2008, 1650:27h. A wide angle picture of the closest intersection to my apartment, and taken from the balcony. White vehicles predominate; one on either side of the intersection and five on the crossing street from the bottom to the top of the frame. Of the five, three are parked on the left side of the street, two on the right side. As is so often arranged, the red vehicles are preceded and followed by white vehicles, in this case, parked in file on the left side of the street that runs from the bottom to the top of the frame. In this case, there are three red vehicles are parked in file on the left side of the street. Behind the foliage of the tree in the lower right corner, there is yet another silver-grey vehicle behind it.

Taken 08-23-2008, 1650:36h. A zoomed in version of the above picture, nothing too new from the above

Taken 08-23-2008, 1650:42h. A more zoomed in view of the picture above, better showing the arranged white and red vehicles. A lead parked white vehicle, then three red vehicles, and beyond the driveway, two white vehicles with a white and red motorcycle parked between them. The arrangement of scale is also a big deal for the perps, keeping the colors the same and arranging for more disparity of scale between adjacent vehicles.

Taken 09-02-2008, 1631:12, a different day than above, but still with white vehicle symmetry, (three parked in file), this time on the opposite side of the street, right side of street that runs from lower left to upper right. There are at least three blue vehicles in the mix, and plenty of added blue colored "reflectance" (plasma fuckery IMHO), the pond on the courtyard being the most curious of all.

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