Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Out Time Before Gardening Time

More variations on gardening, as in weeding and soil digging, at the First Feral Family house today. I was out for coffee with a former work colleague until 1030h, then back to this apartment to then phone my perp abetting mother, and she told me that the in-town brother was in my neighborhood. So I called him, and he said he would come by, and so it "happened" that he drove into my regular outbound downtown bus stop just as I arrived there too. So, I get a ride where normally I wait for my bus. And not to forget that when picking daffodils last month, the crew bus would drop me off at the same location. Here we have bus-vehicle-same bus stop convergence, as in testing more combinations and permutations over where and how I get a ride at this same location. Exciting for the perps, but it tells me that they are sucking wind (literally with their vacuum cleaning games), if this is what they are pissing with after nine years of this depraved and insane abuse. Another deflating moment for me at least.

Interesting though, my colleague was without her smirk that was noticeable at our last encounter about a week ago. I have no idea what drives the "smirk look", whether something humorous was revealed in advance or do the perps intervene and have her wear it.

Yesterday was a big digging day too; weeding in other beds, with a huge mound of weeds, 6'x6' and 1' high, still with lots of soil attached to the roots.

But the noisescape, as presented in suburbia, starts the same way. First the STRATCOM bombers overhead, at least three in the first hour, and then the local aircraft are buzzing overhead. Then neighbor noise, either lawnmowers, or today, a gasoline powered string trimmer from a neighbor. Then on the nearby street, San Juan, the heavy duty rattling diesels and the performance muffler noises start up, giving way to hotrod muffler noise for the last two hours of digging. And what noise do I hear when I get back to my place? Why more freaking hotrod muffler noise. So I look outside to see the offending vehicle, and there was nothing but generic sedans which are almost never modified. Per usual, if I challenge to see the offending vehicle, and it isn't there, the noise drops off real fast.

Reading tonight, with the Harley motorcycle noise getting through my earmuffs somehow. Plus some overhead pounding too, another mysterious noise event given that there is 12" of concrete and steel between floors/ceilings.

And an update on what I suspect the perps pulled off in this region, given their preoccupation with petroleum products and how they love to hound me with gasoline and heating fuel tankers. A tractor trailer tanker crashed on the highway area we call the Malahat, and dumped 42,000 liters of gasoline into the Goldstream River drainage, less than 100m from the river itself. The highway was closed for nearly 24 hours until the mess was cleaned up, but apparently it still smells bad, some three days later.

And to note, the Goldstream River was the one that someone put flourescent dye in 12-2010 and made the water turn green. Also coincidentally, (used advisedly), someone put the same flourescent dye in public fountains recently, per news article.

I did fill up my mother's vehicle yesterday after a protracted round of taking her places, duly gangstalked with all manner of acts. I suppose there is nothing too conspiratorial in filling up a vehicle, as I do this  a dozen times per year or so. Regular readers and TI's will know there isn't an nano-second in my existence that isn't governed, scripted and controlled by my keepers, but I only mention this should other TI's have perp harassment and stunts that involve petroleum products. And as for those very big spills like a year ago in the Gulf of Mexico, I am sure the perps are up to something for all that I sense their involvment in (managed) world events.  I don't go big into conspiracy theories here, but it is most interesting to observe the similarities that I get to observe that appear to have some connection with this intensified abusive harassment regimen they keep me in.

Same deal both days, today and yesterday, in taking the city bus into downtown from suburbia in the evening. Some 20 to 30 passengers on the bus at that time of day? What a joke, especially now that the Stanley Cup playoffs are underway. One dude came onto the bus with his partial case of beer, a seeming leftover from his visitation to his pals over watching hockey on TV. I haven't seen anyone do this for over 30 years, college days; the dude takes the "loser cruiser" to visit his pals. Right. More like it was for brown colored glass with amber liquid inside for a mobile gangstalking color reference. And that he hung around for five minutes at the same bus stop I was at surely wasn't coincidental.

Anyhow, there is much more I could write, but I am having a "writer block", meaning I am getting messed with as to what to write about. Censorship by mind-control, a new twist on self-censorship.


Anonymous said...

I used to think we had laws in this great nation. Apparently, perps are allowed to do whatever they want. They are little cowards protected by massive layers of government corruption. If these perps came face to face with us, in a physical confrontation, no doubt we would beat their a***es from here back to wherever offices they monitor us from. I'm real tired of ugly women and fat weak bald men who resemble the men who scheme all of this harassment stalking me, belittling me, and playing mind games with me. I just logged onto, and I get perped by their headline they had. It said something to the effect that Obama said "I understand your frustration", which were my exact words to another TI.

Just so you wimpy little perps know, we are smarter and physically stronger than you. And that goes to perp abettors like Katie. You know who you are, Katie. Grow the fuck up and get an education, because these mind games you're participating in aren't yours. They belong to the wimpy little bald men who can't get laid who have tons of money, drive stolen vehicles, and who fund these campaigns against strong free-thinking individuals like me who can kick their asses.

Anonymous said...

I'd love to hear from whomever is doing this, from the military industrial complex, or the Central Intelligence Agency or the National Security Agency. And to all the perps, I have only this to say: I have had literally thousands of informants, perps, stalkers, weirdos, shills come after me. Not to mention sophisticated mind games. Can you imagine a big TV station like WTAE-TV perping little 'ol target like myself, who really isn't a threat to anyone? You perps... you aren't any better than that flasher who flashed these women at the mall. Seriously. You've just got a large mob of retarded brain-damaged sheep doing your bidding. C'mon perps, you know what you really look like. Fat bald and ugly, drive vehicles that are paid for by the blood of innocent TI's by myself.

And what's up with this pedophile bullshit? Who is the pedophile? It's been said that people in the know claim that pedophile networks, child abuse rings, big-time, I mean big-time drug trafficking rings are behind this.

If any of you perps want to come after me personally, well, you better get someone smarter than those two jerks you sent after me back in 2006. Go rape some kids. You perps are scummy little small-time crooks. You ain't as bad or flashy as you all think. And I can kick any person's butt involved with this system.

Want some, perps?

Anonymous said...

Here is where I'm getting my information. I was getting belittled to death by perps and little psy-ops in news stories. Imagine, Pittsburgh PA is a big area. And I am from the suburbs, a little town. And I basically get perped and singled out in news stories with their camera shots they use. There are a lot of people, and the city spends billions of dollars, and all WTAE-TV cares about is: well, the news, sure, but also keeping a single target like myself down. Hooray for corruption and experimentation.

Anonymous said...

And this one too:

Protected all the way. The same way perps never get prosecuted. That's going to change soon, I guarantee it.

Anonymous said...

Interesting. There was a tanker spill in this region around the same time frame.

Happened on Wednesday (yesterday). Another (non)-coincidence?

AJH said...

Answer to: I used to think we had laws...

We have laws for the "little people" it would seem. As TI's, we are in the front seat of a massive experiment that is beyond our means to understand what it is for. And too, the stage performers pick on us in the front row at will, as subjects to be harassed, humiliated and otherwise abused. Though, I don't think there is an audience who gets some kind of derisive entertainment from it, save the odd smirk, though these too are elaborately staged as I came to realize yesterday.

I suggest a simple non-critical mantra , something like, "this too will pass". Thanks for the comments.

AJH said...

Answer to: I'd love to hear from...

They speak in riddles and with planted notions that may or may not be true. And they love to rile up TI's, regardless of what was done before, minutes, days or decades. Heard that military phrase, "total information awareness"? In our situation as TI's, it is "total neurological process awareness and control by remote means". Though I suspect the control aspect has been around for many centuries, especially given the perps' interst in war, armed conflict and demise.

Anonymous said...

Looks like I fell for the "getting us riled up" part in a big way. I know they have various means of achieving this. Thankfully, in public spaces, I am able to tune out the "front stage performers" in the background, and not get riled up like I used to. In private, though, there is nobody around, and I have plenty of time to think about what they have done, and go off on the deep end. Though, I should have thought it over before shouting the invective against the perps in my replies above.

AJH said...

Answer to: Interesting. There was a tanker spill...

First rule of being a TI- there are no coincidences, never were, and never will be. Dr. John C. Lilly called his masters the Earth Coincidence Control Organization.

The perps are obsessed with petroleum and all its downstream products, where it came from and what processes it passed through. And maybe to the point that here were are burning gasoline and diesel fuel in our vehicles for over 100 years, when there is free resonant energy to be captured like Tesla did to drive his electric motor powered vehicle. And never mind that it isn't likely a fossil fuel either, given the abiotic oil genesis theories. I haven't figured out the perps' interest in petroleum, but they were always hounding me when I filled up, until 2006 when I had to give up my vehicle. Thanks for the comments.

Anonymous said...

Interesting theory, that the reason we still use petroleum products are partly because of the perp research agenda with these products. I was reading a similar tale about asbestos, how it's documented all the way back to 1906 or so of people becoming ill and its health hazards. Yet those hazards were covered up for decades by the various manufacturers and builders, until the use was finally outlawed at some point.

"The first documented death related to asbestos was in 1906. In the early 1900s researchers began to notice a large number of early deaths and lung problems in asbestos mining towns. The first diagnosis of asbestosis was made in the UK in 1924. By the 1930s, the UK regulated ventilation and made asbestosis an excusable work related disease, about ten years sooner than the U.S."

"In the late 1970s court documents proved that asbestos industry officials knew of asbestos dangers since the 1930s and had concealed them from the public.[23] A similar situation had arisen in the 1920s with the careless handling of radium and the ensuing scandal of the Radium Girls."

AJH said...

Answer to: Interesting theory....

I agree with the asbestos research; it was long known to be a health hazard and yet it was covered up for such a long time. That takes diligence and skill. But it does touch on another aspect of the perp agenda, and that being lungs, respiration (processing of oxygen and carbon dioxide), breathing etc. I suspect my yoga teacher was giving me a big hint when she talked about the breath and taking in the universal life force at the same time. Thanks for the comments.

AJH said...

Answer to: Looks like I fell for the...

I did keep one from being published, but yes, it does get extremely tense with abuses heaped on another in short order. They have control of the "emotional fuse" to a fine art, and as of 2 to 3 years ago, can now disrupt our detection that it might be getting excessive, a self monitoring activity that is now remotely governable. Thanks for the comments.

Anonymous said...

I don't know if it's just me, but there seems to be an aweful lot of windy and/or rainy days here. One day, last saturday, the wind was so powerful, it sounded like a part of the house was going to blow off. I heard something thumping, like a door repeatedly thumping in the wind. I looked outside, and at first, it looked as though the storage shed doors had gotten ripped off by the wind. Here, the wind ripped them open, and one of the doors were thumping in the wind. I know they weren't locked, and maybe they hadn't been closed tight enough. However, the wind had been very strong. Probably 75-90 MPH, in my estimation. From my bedroom, it sounded kind of like a tornado approaching. The wind had the "freight train" sound to it, blowing strong against the house. I saw on the news there were a couple of homes in the area with uprooted large trees in the yards. No injuries, I believe.

It seems to be a trend, that there are a lot of rainy and windy days. Very rare is it nice and sunny out. There are a couple of days like this here and there. But I don't think it's possible to have a viable solar or wind powered market here with all the rainy days. This led me to investigate "rain power".

I'm not sure it would be a good region to do solar or wind power here. When the wind does blow, it's very powerful but only lasts for a day. Usually it's calm and rainy or overcast.

"Chaillout and his colleagues realized that every time a drop impacts on a surface it is an opportunity missed. Each raindrop has an impact energy that is highly dependent on the size of the drop; from a small drizzle drop that has 2 microjoules on impact, to a downpour size drop that carries 1 millijoule of impact energy. "

AJH said...

Answer to: I don't know if it's just me...

No, it is not just you, as the weather has been very mixed here (PNW region) this year. They will even time the wind howling to when I am cutting branches and the like. Rain onset often is arranged to curtail outside work as an example. No 90 mph winds here thankfully. It is all very strange to come to realize that weather is arranged for perp opportunities. Wind would supply more air interaction, and water has been used to do something similar. Thanks for the comments.