Sunday, September 15, 2019

Splitting Wood

I am doing some on-off labor for a person who has a viticulture services business. He is keeping me somewhat busy on his personal property, an acreage, where he is putting in vines. Like any farm, hobby or bigger, there is no end of things to deal with, and today I was splitting firewood rounds for him. Not the old fashioned way with a maul, wedges and sledges thankfully, but with a rented hydraulic powered wood splitter. What a treat to use, and lo..., if the perps didn't exercise their fuckery whenever I use a new tool, machine or device, or software. A single hydraulic lever, forward and back, and only when I applied force on the lever. Sure enough they had me send it forward when I wanted it to go in the opposite direction, and vice versa, their usual tool operation fuckery, that even extends to operating a light switch or any other off-on binary switch. Though nothing major and no dangerous events. A reprieve of a kind.

The Psychopaths have long had an interest in me being around wood, and I suppose being a forester served their agenda in that respect too. And what is it about wood and all its properties that so interests the perps about, yet another plant material, even if it isn't alive. This is speculative of course, but it must be they they channel some kind of energy such that they grow tall and vertical, and presumably have some kind of signature retention of that energy. Otherwise, it would be easier for the trees to grow along the ground, which of course they don't.

Due to my extra wood splitting tasks, I was later than planned for yoga, and the "usual" crush of unusually prompt yogis erupted in this circumstance, displacing me from my regular location on the opposite side of the room from the entry door. At least 16 there, of which five dudes, three of whom who seem to "need" to remove their shirts. An absurd eruption of decorum in my view, one of them being a particularly languid and flabby specimen and seeming having never been to yoga before, anywhere, not just this class. So if you are a flabby and untanned middle aged male and haven't been to yoga before, or at least this studio, would you really go shirtless? I think not, unless you are instructed to do so.

(And if you think I am being overly analytical about attendance of the other yogis, there was a class about four years ago, when at class end, the male instructor thanked everyone for coming, and then added, "especially those who came on short notice". Like WTF; who gets notice to come to yoga, especially many, not just one person. Talk about a gimme as to orchestrated yoga class attendance.)

 As "usual" about five or so yogis I had seen before, and the rest came from I don't know where in this long running TI Victim Tour called yoga class. One of the quasi-regulars is this young blonde woman, about 160lb I reckon, just getting a little extra weight on her but nothing disgusting. She is big for sure, and almost my height, and she had a bikini top on to reveal a bare midriff. And what was more attractive is that she has no tattoos, none. In past classes she "happened" (at least 4x, the only times that she has come to class), to set up beside me on my R side at the next mat. So today, while I was barrelling in later than when I wanted, but before class start, she "happened" to precede me and set her mat down and with the room near packed (at 1720h for a 1730h start), I set my mat up beside her near the entry door. This would be the first time (of about five times) where the sequence of our arrivals was reversed. And furthermore, I was forced to place my mat near the only entry door as this location becomes a big cluster fuck every class.

I don't know this woman at all, and she scoots out quickly when class is over, but during class she seemed so annoyed/pissed, though not at anyone or anything that I could detect. Doesn't one go to yoga class to enjoy it to some extent?

I wasn't kept tattoo-view free in yoga though, in keeping with this particular odious trait of the Pscyhopaths to show me this Unfavored feature; one of the shirtless dudes in my usual mat location had a major fugly tattoo run down his L arm that was facing me. Well done; bring in a new shirtless yogi dude with a tats down his L arm who somehow "finds" my usual mat location (90% of my visits), just so I can see them from the other side of the room, a location that I have studiously avoided placing my mat. Having the regular blonde babe beside me in the same orientation (on my R side) fits the long running Psychopathic stalking pattern of placing the babe, (blonde is even more Favored), close by and having the Unfavored (unsightly) Fuckwit tattoo-splattered dude further away (10' past the blonde in this case), as if she was some kind of distant-dependent elicitation of auric goodness/gorgeousness (Favorable image) that needed to be compared to the more distant Fugly Fuckwit (decidedly Unfavored on two accounts). Go figure; this particular stalking vignette has been so incredibly consistent, the stalking stunt of a close-by blonde and further away male Fuckwit.

It did not escape my attention that after I arrived, still 10 minutes before class start, there were a few more yogis coming in, about two or so, one being the above mentioned dude with the fugly tattoos. He asked me if he could sit in front of me, and I said sure, or the other end of the instructor's mate, and he took the latter option. And lo, if some of the other mat dwellers didn't then proceed to shuffle their mats and make room for him, which as mentioned above, is my usual mat location. How is it that nobody does me these favors, the few times I come late? I get it, in fact I got it long ago; I am the pariah, either recognizably so by some means, for possibly have been instructed about with all other attendees as orchestrated shills, possibly having a prior rehearsal as it seemed by way of one instructor's verbal slip a while back. Why does this shit go on and on in such predictable patterns?   

Another MS Windows upgrade, and another take-out (or crash if you prefer) of my audio functionality. I checked the Event Log, and yes, there was a security patch update today. That is, nothing at the operating system level, so what gives? I think we are getting close to 15 occurrences of this event this year, and the year isn't done yet. Sometimes the Psychopaths mimic this problem by causing a momentary (or longer) power outage which resets the external amplifier to zero and fakes me out for a time (minutes to days) until I discover that it isn't the PC itself. Funny how they like to create a regular problem (Windows updates killing the audio) and then arrange to have the same problem caused by another means (though only two of the power outage causes this year). Go figure.

I went swimming for exercise last night, the first time in 20 years, as I never found the right swim club when I moved to Seattle in 1999. It went well, though only for 30 minutes as there was no coach. Only two other swimmers, both friendly enough. The usual locker room coincidence, even if hardly anyone there, where someone "happens" to be using the locker next to mine. Tiresome to say the least.

And all day ear ringing, especially in my R ear which still seems to have water in it. I have never, ever, in 15 years of club swimming (3x/week) had water-in-the ear issues that went longer than the same day. And now, a whole fucking day of extra loud ear ringing, slightly impaired (or different) hearing, and the sensation of something in my ear. I tried at least 4x with Q-tips, alcohol, head shaking and the rest of it, all to no avail. Another never-before stunt that just "happens" to erupt after not having done a fitness swim in 20 years. Well done assholes. Nothing like exploiting a new event, or at least, one that hasn't been undertaken in a long time, in the minds of the Psychopaths.
Another arranged coincidence to maximize my infuriation and inconvenience. I applied for a winery labor job last Friday, five days ago, and I had plenty of experience to at least get considered IMHO. That the job posting had just been extended by a month a few days earlier was a possible tip-off that they were still looking for someone. On the following Monday I had a day job, which would of been a likely day for a response to my job application. And lo, if I didn't "somehow" forget (read, forced "forget") to take my cell phone with me that day for work. As I was heading out the door, I sighted the phone, but put on my work vest as it has the pockets to put the phone in. And somehow in this intervening interval of 15 seconds or so, I "somehow" forgot to put the phone in the vest pocket. This is a new level of unbelievable of micro-managed neural intrusion. I have never, ever, had such an incidence of such goldfish memory. And yet the assholes pulled this in the most deliberate fashion. Their usual strategy to fuck with me like this is to create some issues, e.g., being late, and frazz the shit out of me and use this as the nominal reason for "forgetting" something that was so plainly obvious.

And in keeping with this forced "forget" stunt of not taking my cell phone to work, they nearly always have someone phone me while the phone sits unattended at my residence, who then gets voice mail, leaving a message, all to force protracted contact (if at all) with the person who left the message. That is, to cause rounds of phone tag, usually going on for days, (often over a weekend, like this instance) before an actual real-time phone conversation occurs. Sure enough, the prospective employer phones on Monday and leaves a message, name and phone number. I phone early the next day and no answer, so I leave a message. As it "happened" I was working only 500m from this same prospective employer, and I stopped by there after work, explained my phone tag problem to the polite tasting room person who phoned for the same person, but again, he wasn't answering his phone. Now two days after the person called, still no response.

Like WTF; what is the fucking point of jerking my ass around as to when I carry my phone on my person just so I miss a call on a day when it was totally expectable? I get 2-4 calls a week at best, and this would of been an expected call on this day, and it just so "happens" I get nailed with a severe and never-before case of goldfish memory neural intrusion just to fuck up this whole episode and protract real time contact. (Yet to be fulfilled). Which is what they have done repeatedly all my existence. That I am pissed is an understatement, and it being so obvious makes it worse.

And in case you think I am prone to phone-forgetting, I am not. Sure, maybe twice per work season/year, and this is the first instance this year (as I recall). So here I am, waiting for an important call on this very day, and I get nailed with a "forget" just so I miss the call. Thanks a bunch assholes.

Other related games of forced phone-tag (or delayed contact initiation) is for them to mess with my phone so it rings off just when I grasp it, not touching any of the highly inconveniently placed buttons or touch screen in the process. Another is to find that I had a call with no ringing, just a message some hours later.  Also dropping the phone (forced fumbling) just as I am picking it up is another one of their stunts, which suddenly rings off. I have no concept why a multi-billion dollar budgeted human harassment and nonconsensual experimentation agency has a need to fuck with me over answering a phone, but they have been absolutely relentless and consistent about this ever since they intruded and went berserk/overt in 04-2002.

Well, it seems that my above analysis of my extended water-in-the-ear was incorrect. The sensation of ringing and something in my R ear continued all day today, along with an  elevation of body temperature. So.... the bastards gave me an ear infection, again playing fake-out, and having me think it was one condition, when it was another. I have never had an ear infection before, so forgive me in thinking it was a regular post-swimming outcome. I hope the infection subsides and I don't need to do a round of antibiotics, another perp interest that I have come to learn. Add that one to the list of Never-Befores, because in some 13 years of fitness swimming, 3x/week, I have never had an ear infection. I go once after an absence from swimming, and what "happens"? I get an ear infection from my first visit. Well done assholes.

Putting in vineyard trellis posts today; the holes were dug by a machine thankfully, as the ground is hard and full of rocks. It was my job to use the level and ensure that the posts were plumb and aligned and then I filled and packed the hole, keeping the post still plumb. All was good, and only one ornery post just wouldn't go plumb.

The above mentioned prospective job interest turned out to be a big nothing; the winery doesn't need any more staff. Well, it seemed they did four days ago, but the next business day after, they didn't. Expect me to believe that given the number of fake-outs, futility missions and related fuckery I have been through these past 17 years of this relentless abuse-athon? And I do find it interesting, this case being one, where "no prior experience needed" is stated in the posting, and I have plenty of experience and I don't even get an interview. Or even an expression of future interest, say, "how about you come by so we can talk about vineyard (not winery) work for 01-2020?" Nope; that shit never happens, and it doesn't matter how starved the winery and grape growing industry is of competent and loyal workers, they either don't think 4 months ahead, or else someone is jerking their chain IMHO. I suspect it is the latter, as they indicated in the ad that there may be future employment in the new year after the harvest is done, end of 10-2019. So much for that.

Another round of job prospect fuckery made itself plain this morning. I get a text from somebody I didn't know from my former employer on the construction site last year. The job finished up back in 12-2019, but a second renovation phase of the extant building was begun this year. I asked around with former co-workers, if the company gets the job, and if they need a laborer, give me a call. Nada. And today, by way of inadvertent text message I learn that my pissy Russian co-worker got the job. Nice, huh? (For the record, I did reply to the inadvertent text to ensure they sent it to wrong person, and didn't get the name wrong). Not even an interview for crissakes.

Onto the doctor today to get my R ear looked at; a 30 minute wait in the office, not so bad as these walk-in clinics go and no major freak show specimens (Unfavoreds) in the waiting area. He flushed my ear with lots of warm water, but nothing came out. So.... yet more antibiotics, which just pisses me off no end. The Psychopaths have been exploiting their use as a reason to create other (embarrassing) problems, and I was sincerely hoping that I was done with this act, as the the last three years I have been least 3x/year. And lo, just when the side-effects clear up, why, another fucking round of antibiotics. Lets see; I have had antibiotics in me, on my skin, on my R big toe, in my eye, and now in my ear. Aren't we done this one yet?

The MS-Magicware was enacted earlier, and lo, if the audio wasn't working again, all day. But, in the evening, after returning from the grocery store, (and a busy gangstalking time it was, with one Fuckwit on multiple staring passes), I come home to put on some movie streaming, and lo, if MS didn't pull another install and killed the audio. Call it another one of those senseless and relentless perp dashed expectations stunts, one of the many forms of the managed and intensified adversity that suddenly erupted 04-2002 and hasn't let up.

I saw an interesting construction job advertised about three days ago. And just like last week, "somehow" I didn't pull it together and get a resume and response off until late this afternoon (Friday). Which is the identical timing and circumstance of responding the above mentioned winery harvest job. So what is the point of the assholes running interference so that they delay my job ad responses so they "hang" over the weekend? This is a specific example, but they pull this shit all the time, or else flat out block me altogether, or else pull the ad prematurely. I don't get it; why does some insane organization who I don't know, need to run interference, or otherwise delay, just about every plan or intention I ever make? And if it has suddenly intensified since 04-2002 when they first went berserk/overt, then it isn't ADD in the least.

A landscape job with the owner of a vineyard, and my former employer, yesterday. Some light rain, enough for us to put things under cover and get rain jackets on and then it backed off. I cannot possibly estimate the number of these inconvenient-but-short weather changes  that force these temporary changes in clothing (as in putting on rain gear), but I reckon that these have tripled since the onset of this abuse-athon in 04-2002.

It was a roundelay of tasks yesterday; landscaping, then loading the pickup truck with it and additional garbage, then lopping off overhanging branches over the driveway, debris removing with the leaf blower, cutting a weed stump with a chainsaw and then applying herbicide, re-organizing the pickup load and then taking the truck to the landfill and doing a tour of the differing dump piles; glass and cardboard recycle, metals, vegetation piles and finally the refuse. As regular readers will know, this was quite a whirlwind tour of all Psychpath/Perp favorite tasks and activities; and especially the landfilll. They just cannot get enough of me visiting landfills and traversing and dumping in the various piles. Don't ask why, as I don't know.

The vegetative material has long been a gangstalking prop from the get go though, starting in 04-2002 even. The sudden predominance of landscaping vehicles packing vegetative matter such as lawn clippings, shrub cutting etc. didn't go unnoticed then, and they are still at it. And having me work in farm and vineyards these past 11 years likely serves the same purpose, though I don't know what.

Rain all day today, which is very unusual, and that kept me from going hiking. I later went to Oliver to pick up 4lb of basil for pesto making, and the vehicular gangstalking scene seemed rather heavy for that time. Nothing dangerous or outrageous thankfully.

Enough for a posting I reckon and to call this one done.

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