Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Still Here

Don't ask me how I somehow "found" my way back to being able to compose again in my own blog, but I did. At least for now.

For the last 6 weeks I have been through a series of Google sent "verification" requests, and thereby cast into to a dysfunctional morass as to what they want, how to get passwords reset, and the rest of the interface hell that Google foists upon me and all others. Yep, its the same assholes who have inflicted the world with the Android phone, and in 45 years of computing (IT) experience, I have yet to understand how anyone could create such a incomprehensible shit-show of an interface and keep their job. And if Apple weren't so idiotically hung up on their proprietary audio file formats, I would of gone there a decade ago.

But as Blogger, or Blogspot (per above interface and concomitant naming confusion) and this diary of being a Targeted Individual (TI World) weren't on a Google platform (or service, or product, or whatever they call it, again, per above), I would not be using any Google services.

Added into this realm of orchestrated fuckery was that this here desktop went down twice over 4 weeks, and in the latter trip to the repair shop, I had to get the boot drive (Windows and all software) reloaded as it was corrupted "somehow". (The physical drive was fine). My second backup PC alternated in its repair shop visits as well, and despite my best efforts, there was no getting back to this here blog except to look at it. The right hand corner to sign in (my last resort) was blanked out, so I could not get into my own blog from the backup PC, and nor could I re-establish a connection to this blog via my Google accounts. Now, with this main desktop PC re-built and re-established, (a whole lot of effort BTW), somehow the whole Google thing has seemingly recognized me, and my Google account, even without logging in LOL. And deep under "Dashboard" I discovered I could find my way here to write to explain my absence in this posting. (No new comments, no one asking, so I am under no illusion I have a wide readership of ever-eager readers waiting for a new installment of imposed trials, abuses and other fuckery that is the daily lot of Targeted Individuals, or at least, this one.)

Add on the fact that I never wanted a Google account in the first place (except to support this blog), and then about 4 years ago the phone company forced me to have one, and somehow that got me two Google accounts, just to add to the confusion. In fact, I tried to delete one of the two Google accounts and the system would not let me do it.

Enough said for now, and in a week or so I will get to regular postings, and detailing the litany of this abuse-athon, which is what it is really all about anyhow.


Anonymous said...

I don't know what it is with them and their obsession with pregnant-looking men. They had one wearing a black T with the letters "It" on it. Presumably, it's a negative reference to the IT field. Usually, they pull the unfavored stunt on the fields I am least likely to get hired in. Or am I wrong on this? Cause, they do the nut-piercing/burning thing when I am looking at Condos in a city that I am applying to jobs in. A few TI's will agree that they do the nut-jabbing when you think an incorrect thought, but maybe it's there to provide pain to a conclusion that I am coming to in order to reinforce the aural energy that is given off when reaching a conclusion. So it doesn't have to be a false conclusion to receive the nut-jabbings?

Another interesting tidbit is that I received a thorough private-part slow-cooking last Monday. And I was told that I was coincide with the start of a new school year. Now with labor day approaching, they are doing the slow-cooking sensations of my nervous system. Trying to figure this one out, what the motives are. I thought it was to reinforce the notion that I am a threat to school students, something like that. Or maybe it's to coincide with the notion that I plan on returning to school at some point. I get notions from them and in-person stalkings that this internalized notion is false. Oh well. I wonder if the assholes they send after us get tortured and punished the way TI's do? I imagine they want the gangstalkers to carry out a VERY SPECIFIC set of instructions, else something bad happens to them. Maybe they have it worse than TI's do? Just a thought.

AJH said...

Answer to: "I don't know what it is with them..."
My theory on prominent male gut hang (in my situation) is that this is an elicitation of abreactions (subconcious traumatizations) when I was in captivity of their company and related depredations during the three years they have deleted my recall, aged 2 to 5. That is to say, I was exposed to sexual abuse then. This organized abuse is documented in Brice Taylor's book, and others, that children were kept at adult parties for "alternate entertainment". And still are, recent Jeffery Epstein's pedophilic activities being in the news of late.

As to whether I was in such circumstances I don't know, but there are so many other themes (Unfavoreds)that they are so consistently presenting to me, even 17 years after they first went berserk/overt on me. Perhaps I am correct, but too, I find the sight of male gut hang disgusting, and even eliciting that particular reaction at the right moment (for them), just might be all that they are seeking.

I haven't got many nut jabbings or zappings (worse) these past five years thankfully. Most of the curious situational and sudden "events" have been noises and light perturbations; a single thwack on the door, a creak of the house, the bathroom fan coming on, a momentary dimming of the lighting etc. Most often these are associated with my attention shifting, decision making (even if trivial), or acceptance or rejection of a notion. My abusers seem to regard valid or invalid acceptance of a notion (your own determination or planted by them) equally; they want to know how you build and keep your knowledge. In the latter case, rejecting once held notions or principles and re-building one's perceptions is also of interest to TPTB. As one likely operative said to me when seated at a conference, long before 04-2002, they want to know "what knowledge is". Interesting.

The perps also like to dissuade one from incorrect conclusions especially about their motives or intentions. If they don't want you in a particular field of endeavor they will let you know more directly in my experience. After vineyard labor, the fall season would be wine making labor work, aka, cellar hands, harvest interns etc., something I am quite capable of. But not any more; the last winery gig was a nightmare with everything going wrong for me and getting dumped on so often, one particular set-up by unhelpful co-workers comes to mind.

As to gangstalkers duty fulfillment, there are two possibilities as I see it; they are either willingly mind controlled for that event, or else they have been trained in advance, and possibly with some added direct-to-skull guidance (voice or a visual text field, something they did to me once), as to where exactly to stand etc. (I often experience the gangstalker, if talking to me, looking up and past me as if reading something over my head). I don't think they crap on the gangstalkers too much if they are regular folks cashing in so to keep a positive vibe. In all likelihood they have some specific features (Unfavored ones usually) or genetics that the perps wish for me to see or be esposed to, even for an instant. In fact I often wonder if the gangstalker really knows why they are selected and arranged. Would the perps really tell them that their tattoos are disgusting, or that they are too fat, stupid, ugly etc.? I doubt it somehow. Food for thought anyhow. Thanks for the comments.