Sunday, December 02, 2018

Blood Test Day

Blood test at the hospital today, next door to where I am working in construction on the new 6 floor extension.  And in keeping with the consistent fuckery over such events, the assholes hit me with two forced forgets. I "forgot" wallet with the all important health care card, and also "forgot" my cell phone, used for clocking in at work. A never-before double forget mind fuck. I drove home at our coffee break at 0900h and retrieved both. And to no surprise, the vehicular gangstalking was intense, as were the vehicular cluster-fucks at intersections. The is the norm when heading home during regular work hours to deal with forced "forgets", mid-day appointments etc.

Prior to coffee break, a confluence four other tradesmen came into this 5m x 3m room where I was working. I had been there late yesterday all by myself, and no one was around. And in addition, my boss came around too.

I took my blood test at the day's end, about 1500h, and this time I was the only one there. Usually there is some 10-15 people ahead of me, along with staff activity. One such activity is for someone to enter or exit an adjacent doorway, and in doing so, cause the wall to shake, and thereby, my seat back as well. The lab tech seemed particularly distant and cursory for some reason. As always, I never give off any vibe or like for this to occur, and yet it "happens" with such consistency that I wonder if there isn't some kind of telltale identifying field around me that others can see, and I cannot.

Yoga yesterday, another interesting show, again heavy on the tattoos, truly an Unfavored sight. This time the tattoo-ed instructor wore long sleeves and hid most of hers, so instead I had the woman beside me doing  a full arm show. Fucking disgusting IMHO. I also got skunked from my usual mat location by a new Asian male yogi, surely another one installed who will likely pass through this shit show, as so many do.

After yoga, a new "practice" of the class members is to swarm me afterward. For the past five years the class members held back, as if commanded by some common agent, and I was in the change area alone for the most part. Now, a sudden change in post-yoga behavior and I am now swarmed in short order. One attractive woman who was turning around to go gives me a sharp look for whatever reason from 8' away and I stare back without any acknowledgement or change in countenance. (I internalize these directed stares with a "fuck you, what is there to look at" notion). As usual, I get to feel like a constant freak, and yet there is no reason for this common behavioral event that erupts and is directed at me. And all this began in 04-2002 when the perps first went berserk/overt on me.

Immediately after this eye contact with the attractive woman, three dudes from the yoga class swarm in front of her to block my view, or otherwise intervene in the space between me and her. (She was heading out the door then anyhow). Which then illustrates another long standing perp stalking stunt; have my view of the babe (Favored) be replaced by a dude, or dudes (Unfavored, both) in this case. Though, this stalking stunt vignette was complexed with the above mentioned piss-off of having her glare at me for absolutely no reason. And what in the fuck was that about, and why does it play out so consistently for 16 years of this insane choreographed abuse-athon that I have been cast into?

The construction work site is winding down with a whole lot less trades dudes about. But the heavy stalking at every turn I make when transiting the corridors and at elevators from a consistent group 10 or so is just too obvious for words. Sometimes the same stalking Fuckwit "happens" to pop out from the same door when I am making the same corner in the same direction, 20 minutes apart. (I am usually fetching supplies for others, so I often cover the same beat at frequent intervals).

The radiotherapy side effect damage, aka, ass-leaking that has dogged me for 10 months has somehow been increased of late. I went home at lunch, and yet again, any mid-work day transiting began hordes of heavy vehicular gangstalkling.

Another gangstalking plague that has been noted at the work site in prior postings are the E. Indian cleaner workers. Yet again, there they were at every floor when I starting a new task. Yesterday, they upped their coverage yet again, by descending on our trade office when I was about to have lunch there. As soon as I saw that set-up, I got the hell out and had lunch outside, which was warmer that it had been of recent weeks.

As work seems to be winding down, despite what the boss man says, I took some of my stuff home, and lo, yet again, I find that someone stole some of my special cobalt steel 6" long drill bits, this from my second order; 3 in fact. This time it has to be someone in-house, as I locked them up every night after the first theft of my 6" drill bits (from the first order). Earlier someone stole 10 drill bits from the little box that was routinely left  on the work cart. They had opened up the box, removed the drill bits and then put the box back where it was normally placed.

I thought about these drill bit thefts some more this evening, and concluded, in the absence of a confession, that the circumstantial evidence points to my skulking Russian co-worker of the last 8 weeks. Only he knew I wasn't using the first order of drill bits as they were too large diameter, and presumably felt comfortable stealing them all as he knew I had switched to smaller diameter drill bits that were store purchased. The second order of 6" drill bits, a length that one never sees in retail stores, were smaller diameter and arrived later. (After unexpected and considerable delays in delivery). He also had access to where there were stored in a locked cabinet overnight. And too, he would of also known of my habit of not retrieving the drill bits from the storage box until I needed a new one, often weeks later. I routinely kept the one in use on the cart until it became too dull, and, he knew that too, and felt comfortable stealing the bits from the storage box as there would be a latency of discovery by a week or more.

And what is with the medication intake fuckery now? After two years of taking them at the same time every day, suddenly I "forget"?

And too, what is with the lunch spoon fuckery. I routinely pack my titanium spoon with my lunch, and have done for over 5 years, and suddenly I "forget"? The deal with this is that the former folding titanium spoon, which had a "habit" of folding unexpectedly, (read psychopathic perp intervention) became my back up spoon that was kept in my pack should the replacement (single piece, also titanium) spoon be "forgotten". Well, four such "forgets" in two weeks, with the back up spoon being available, isn't normal, and is nothing less than  blatant mind fuckery. And likely for the purposes for some kind of comparison, as the metal content and type (and presumably, energetics) of eating utensils and my food digestion has long been of interest to these assholes. And presumably, the titanium source in each soon instance was from differing smelters and ore supplies, or whatever the other parameters these assholes are pursuing while they run and ruin my life to the most possible degree.

And the number of maser eruptions has increased of late at the hospital work site. Very often there is automatic door opening hardware (motor, wires, aluminum box) over the door, from which an eruption of blackish filamentous "stuff" just erupts and comes at me. The perps are nuts when I enter and exit doors, and are very often a prime gangstalking site for their shills and operatives to circulate around me, and sometimes hold me up while some kind of excuse is made for them to delay. This time, they seem to be replacing the gangstalkers with their magnetic beams and fields. It is my contention that the gangstalkers are placed for their energetic interactions (among other reasons such as view blocking), as bio-field interference agents, whose bio-field would interfere and interact with mine, and from which some kind of measurement or detection can be remotely determined. Only when they are confident in the baseline of energetic interaction study, at a certain site or regular path, do they back off and then start using their technological means such as magnetic beams such as masers and plasma beams. Which also explains that the stalking and fuckery is always intense whenever I am first in a new location or circumstance, say, new job. Just my observation.

And I see that the assholes are still at their pill (medication) color fuckery games. My ADD Rx, re-started in 07-2018, and of a black and transparent capsule with orange microspheres visible through the transparent part, has now been switched to a generic form. This new form is an all orange colored capsule with white micro-spheres inside. And here we are, now 16.5 years into this protracted and senseless abuse-athon, and here are they are still putzing with my medication color. These been the same medications that were suspended for 16 years due to their fucking insane and illegal interventions when they first went berserk/overt in 04-2002. Get a grip assholes, and get the fuck out.

Enough venom unloaded for a week, and to see what the next will bring.

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