
Friday, April 24, 2009

A Second Nap Attack

I have never normally napped in the afternoon (or other times), but today I was put through my successive nap, this time sleeping on the bed with the just laundered bedsheets. And as laundry is such a big deal for my tormentors, I shouldn't be so surprised about the nap attacks. And the outside noise, putative traffic that cannot be seen anytime I look, has been cranked up to bet through my earmuffs for longer trail-off durations. Any kind of hearing protection should cause rapid attenuation of noise, but now, these ear muffs don't. Just another anomaly.

It is a shut-in day until I head out at 1715h to the part time cleaning job at a local car dealership. I suspect the gangstalkers will be out in force then if past events are prolog, which they usually are.

Even the not-so-loud noises such as Vespas, a buzzy noise scooter, are somehow getting through my earmuffs today, and I suspect, for the longer term. The big deal of this is to have me take the earmuffs off and put my fingers in my ears to quell the ongoing noise absurdities. And to no surprise, they know how long to make the noise before I take the earmuffs off, and usually the noise is just short of that duration.

I am getting blanked out again as to what I wanted to type, so I will pass for now on attempting to journal.

A big roar of a hotrod erupts outside as I read a rather scurrilous comment that I rejected in my capacity as comments moderator. For the benefit of the author, who accuses me of being unobjective, I don't know where you get that from, not having communicated with me before. I suspect such unbidden virulence just might be the root cause of just what you accuse me of. How about declaring your clinical credentials before you spout off? Or perhaps demonstrating what you have read? The shrill shill perhaps, and thank goodness for moderated comment pages.

And constant noise from vehicles outside this entire afternoon, as before, strangely getting through my earmuffs for longer durations than a few days ago. It has been one of those days today, a near serial stream of hotrod noise, bad muffler maintenance, heavy duty vehicles and now the motorcycle noise to make sure I don't forget them. Any time I have looked outside for the causal vehicles there hasn't been one, and the noise dies down. Just the usual perversity, and plus the increased surreality that seems to have escalated in the last few days.

An extra vacuuming shift at the part time cleaning job tonight. Vacuum cleaning devices and vehicles have been a huge part of the perp scene, though I wouldn't say it was harassment per se. I do get extra gangstalking when handling the vacuum cleaner, and today, an brown wearing gangstalker standing next to a stack of brown boxes in the most absurd place, hampering egress in this very tight hallway section between Sales and the Service garage. And also, there were plenty more brown boxes constricting the aisleways in the Parts section, and even a shopping basket full of brown cardboard parts boxes ust where I kneel down to empty the garbage of one recepticle. Can the perps get enough brown things around me? Probably not, and all the more pointed when in the LD store on the way back.

A negro woman with some kind of fugly blue kerchief in her hair was my pedestrian crossing gangstalker at the traffic control, and then she "happened" to show up in the aisle I was in, and then also showed up in the same checkout behind me, with another brown skinned specimen in between, an E. Indian woman. The latter woman was also doing the same aisle gangstalking, and it seemed the two of them were alternating going down the aisle, with me finally leading them, and lo, if they didn't fall into the same checkout line, one of two that were open. I suppose the chocolate that I had in my shopping basket might have been an attraction, a local brown colored substance that serves as a reference for other "brown stalkers" perhaps. I can never get out of the LD store fast enough as it has always been an extra intense gangstalking scene in there, and that goes back to the early days of the intensified 2002 harassment. I was there when they did a wholesale replacement of all the customers, and a coordinated surge of the more odd looking ones arrived in their place. In the middle of the surge was this dude standing there with some kind of protective glasses on, not even bothering to appear to be shopping, and seemingly ready for some kind of altercation (no coat on when it was winter time). Not that there was any reason, and nor did I provoke anyone or take any such action. The mind feed of the moment was that he was a martial arts trained operative, though I have no idea why he was dispatched as the centerpiece of a gangstalker surge at the time. I haven't seen anything quite so odd since, this "flash mob" with a central sentry looking like he was braced for a fight. And I have no idea as to what the circumstances were that the perps needed this more threatening display, but it seems that 2002 was the year they threw everything at me, hoping for quick results. Recall that at the outset (04-15-2002) they had taken me somewhere for some four to ten hours, and my recollection is that I was carried aloft and then out out down in my own apartment. Very strange, but whatever they did they scrambled my recall order of what happened when, and it has taken some years to put this back in sequence. And they took my watch off me so I didn't have any time references. My watch and the rest of my pocket contents were put in my shoes, which is something I had not done, so it was mighty curious as to how they got there, never mind who had appeared to have searched the apartment in my absence. And here we are, incrementally making remotely applied mind control advances seven years later. Which begs the question, what were these assholes thinking when they tore up my life with constant overt abuse and gangstalking in 2002? As always, I will be the last to know; I suspect they knew this long haul was coming, but were looking to expedite their research with whatever they did to me when removing me from my apartment.

More pretend PC building, looking at motherboards should the money ever drop from the sky. Though it has occured to me that this may be serving the perps' needs, these reviews of circuit boards, memory slots, cabling, connectors and the like. And it does make me ponder just what the grand plan is, as so many of these motherboard recieving slots are various colors; orange, yellow, blue, black, white etc. The perps wiped out my ever reliable Tripp Lite (?) power bar a while back, and it was replaced with a lesser store bought one that was of white colored plastic with grey slots that covered off the recieving prong holes for "safety", causing me to wonder if there was a perp reason behind this. That is, to extrapolate their relentless interest in all things' colors, could the color of the wire sheathing, circuit board, recepticles, and all electronic devices have some kind of bearing on their experimentation/harassment objectives? Very possibly; at their seeming local HQ (they tell me), perched on a commanding hilltop and littered with all manner of aerials, I noticed they replaced a brown colored partial masking facade with a white one. I assume they also let me in on this, as it was brown colored one week, and white the next, and without any apparent work crew, which suggests that they may have used some extra-conventional means to change the color. I reckon at least some of the communication gear would have passed through this facade, so perhaps there was some kind of brown color interaction they wanted to eliminate. All speculative to be sure, save the fact that the perps are nuts over the color brown, and that the color of everything seems to be of such critical importance to them.

Related to the color of PC wiring, I have also ordered and installed bundled IDE cables in past PC's, and within a few months the PC "failed" and the repairman pulled them out and put back the normal ribbon cables to connect hard drives and other devices. The failure wasn't related to the IDE cables, it is just that the repair was a used as a wire/cable change that I didn't ask for or need. That is how it goes sometimes, things get changed on you and one doesn't get the parts back. I had a Nexus CPU cooler that was ordered and then installed by the PC repair personnel, and was later "disappeared" when this PC was rebuilt with a new motherboard and a stock Intel CPU cooler. Other supposed repair shop modifications have been a routed groove in the plastic facia of the case, which was later deepened to be a slot, then some months later the slot was filled in with a transparent fill, as if a window, to see the LED lights that had also mysteriously arrived. That is the short story on my PC repairs, which I haven't attempted since 2004 as the perps cause my fingers to shake and fumble for just that activity alone, that I cannot perform it. It seems they must have my PC removed from my premises for a time, and do whatever they need to do, and then have some "fallow time" with the new parts and modifications before I get the PC back. Regular readers may recall the time that I had a new glossy black Antec Solo case with all the extant PC parts installed, and lo, if the gangstalking vehicle beside me for the last two city blocks wasn't also glossy black in color before I got to the apartment entrance. Enough riffing on the color theme, and time to call this one done.


  1. Interesting that you've determined the color Brown gives perps fits. My mom got all brown curtains for the enclosed back porch, which encloses the all glass windows and sliding doors. It covers a large area of glass. In light of what you're saying about brown, maybe she did it to foil the perps' surveillance? Also, I've noticed my dad got shades for the skylights, so now you can't see out.

  2. As for the recent rash of harsh comments, I think it may be my own stalkers. They can tell what pages I post comments on, and there are really large hoards of them. I'm not sure how they get their messages to each to each other: maybe via myspace or mass texting? They've asked me who my wireless provider is, and I believe they've gotten perps in other cell companies involved in 'mass texting' about me and my 'profile'. The idea behind this is, they are using other providers besides my own, so I can't find out via mass texting what they are texting about me. When I speak to an acquaintance whom I suspect is a perp, they will start texting after so many minutes of conversing with me. I'm sure it's going to a 'group'.

    Now, these people who are 'followers' (ahem, in the 'stalker' sense) of mine are very rabid, and don't want me settling down with a close friend. Rather they would prefer I remain 'single' so I can prostitute myself with members of their group. When I refuse their demands, I receive bizarre mind control harassment with the goal of separating me from this 'close friend'.

  3. To elaborate in my previous reply, My perps want me to steer clear of relationships altogether. That's what I was referring to by the 'close friend' thing. It seems logical, though, that they'd want me to remain single. I'm sure they're afraid the person I hook up with may provide some measure of protection against harassment, and make me less vulnerable to their attacks.

    Also, now that the weather is starting to break, they are really ramping up the harassment, taking it up a couple levels. I guess this is to prepare for the end of the semester, where I'll have a couple weeks off. Or maybe they are simply stockpiling many more harassment tactics for the summer.

  4. The 'fighter' dude: could be more benchmarking of you against my trauma profile, to see how we compare side-by-side reactionwise. I have been getting more of these types, looking like they are ready for a fight, as of last Tuesday. Tuesday, when walking past the place I normally eat, they had some scary dudes there giving mean glares, like they were mean and ready for a confrontation. I saw this same exact scene play out again last night, as it was getting dark.

    Again, maybe a reaction test? Perps, being the ever so creative types, come up with new ideas like this every so often. And I see again there was a shadow anonymous (2 replies), the one talking about the apartment and the 'nest of perps'. Maybe a genuine TI or just another shill mocking me. I know it really must be difficult to tell, though. I'm sure it's an intimidation tactic used against me. I've seen that frequently.

    Also, I get harassment from gangstalkers when I accuse them of certain things. The drug theme I've been getting, designed to gaslight me into thinking I'm some sort of doper or crack whore, was probably in retaliation for accusing my perps of being involved in organized drug related crime rings. I'm not sure of this though. Maybe I should just talking about the harassment tactics, and not try to surmise if my criminals are powerful criminals involved with drugs or not? I'm sure that is part of the 'web' of corruption though that allows this mind control harassment to take place. There has to be a corrupt component in place for this to happen, else how could they fund it?

    End of speculation. Had one gangstalker walk past and pretend to call her dog 'Druggie' in a high-pitched voice when I was sitting on the front porch. For some reason, they do not like me sitting there, and I get lots of belittling harassment like this.

  5. More perp tactics: photo harassment on major web sites.

    The guy walking looks exactly like a darker version of me. He's also wearing clothes I would be wearing in a formal job setting. Interesting they have such high levels of connections to pull stuff like this off. It's a constant thing for them (, other news sites).

  6. Also note the background in the photo (the mural). Kind of suggests a "hostile" or angry environment. Note the two bald heads and the guy in the center hold his head in anguish. I typically find photos like this on certain web sites after a particularly exciting "event" (for them) occurs.

  7. Answer to: Interesting that you've determined...

    It is more like they showed me; constant toilet flush games when taken a crap, having introductory role (seeming) blondes wear brown, extremely rare placement of brown vehicles until recently etc. See the Link List to the right for a full blog (All Things Brown and Beautiful) on this color that so stirs the perps. Ar your parents perp abettors or are they unaware of the TI situation?

  8. Answer to: As for the recent rash...

    I don't seem to get whisper campaigns, just the odd blog comment that goes instantly rabid, usually a tip off that it isn't authentic.

    The perps like to create social isolation, and view any romantic associations as a perturbing event. Judging by the recent spate of huggy and hand holding couples in absurd circumstances, it would seem that there is a person to person interaction which they cannot yet model or fully detect. Hence, their "need" to slow down the rate of intimate encounters. My dealings with the pre-overt harassment (04-2002)women that were doubtless planted on me were on/off, and seemed to follow this pattern the perps are now slowly introducing in the way of gangstalking couples.

  9. Answer to: To elaborate in my previous reply...

    There is a solar component to the harassment objectives, and the perps may well ramp up harassment because of this, and that you have time off. Given the number of vitamin D stories I "happen" upon, I suspect their interest relates to this and the changes brought on by sunshine created vitamin D, and possible immune systems effects. Just speculation, but I have the dubious advantage of evaluating everything they do as nonrandom as that is the way it seems to be for me. The perps have been relatively consistent over the seven years of overt harassment on this topic, so I don't suspect it is a ruse. When they finally let me free after illegal incarceration, I had a never-before lack of inhibition about the local naturist beach (2003). After that, I never went there again except the odd visit with my hiking pals in 2004. Then not since. The one time I took my shirt off during the farming job of last year, the sun got clouded over in 20 minutes, and once my shirt was back on, at least five parties descended upon me, one being the truck that delivered the boxes for the daffodil bulbs we were picking. It is all too strange, and it is likely that this summer will be another round of similar testing; in shade, out of shade, and perhaps even tanning.

  10. Answer to: The 'fighter' dude...

    I am sure that there is a considerable amount of benchmarking between TI's, and the fact that we are often communicating like this makes for more reason the perps would do this.

    There is a strong theme of drug usage the perps like me to be exposed to, though I don't know why, as it doesn't figure in my life. I haven't figured that one out yet.

  11. I have also been targeted. But I have found real help. Why not try something different? Sometimes help comes from the most unexpected source. But you have to give it a chance. Start with the home page at You have to give it a chance (smile).

  12. About my parents and the TI situation: I'm not really sure. My mom seems to be aware of my situation, and I believe she is going along with it so she gets left alone. It seems like one of those deals where she doesn't like it, but doesn't want any trouble from perps. Sometimes I get complete denial from her, like for example, "don't get like so-and-so, because that's what he was saying before he went nuts". So I get the "you're crazy" shtick from her.

    I can only guess. I believe she is abetting, but just enough that they leave her alone. Sort of satisfying the "bare minimum" requirement, and nothing more. I have had my dad do the thing you were saying, where he is standing behind the wall, with just his arm/elbow exposed. I believe he may be abetting, but "just enough" to be left alone by the nagging very persistent perps.

  13. Answer to: I have also been targeted...

    I don't buy the religious salvation line, but your site is interesting. Thanks.

  14. Answer to: About my parents...

    The nominal abettors perhaps, or seemingly so. Sometimes, even the facial expressions and furtiveness is even orchestrated to convey the notion of the reluctant abettor. It is different for every TI as to whether this is legit or not, so I won't press for details. Thanks.

  15. The 'explanations' for why I'm targetted: "it's the people you've been hanging out with." That's how my mom explains it. She tries to explain it away as a local thing with just local harassers with nothing better to do, but I know very well it's on a very wide scale, and I believe she knows it too.

  16. Answer to: The 'explanations' for why...

    The denial thing; my parents, or more correctly just my mother, does the same schtick. My father is made out to be addled from dementia, never mind his unerring ability to cross in front of the TV (magnetic radiation CRT type) immediately before or after the remote control is used (IR beam). And in my case, and discussion of harassment, which is rare, always ends at a pre-defined set point; I am usually allowed to make a reasonable arguement then she stops talking, and still keeps to her story, never, ever admitting to doubt or in any way incorporating the information to arrive at new possibilities. All that I ask is that anyone be objective, and yet this never happens. Funny that.

  17. My dad doesn't discuss it at all. My mom, OTOH, will allow for a "partial" discussion, which includes her saying something like "Well, that stuff only bothers you if you let it get to you." And if she witnesses my flying into a rage because of their provocations, she immediately chastises me as behaving badly. Or it's something like "you know, I can't have you acting like this again". Then I explain why I'm "raging", followed by her saying "well stop going up there then". "There" is supposed to mean the place I go, where I get "handled" and harassed quite a bit. And I'm not supposed to go walking through town anymore, as there are too many of them (gangstalkers). I try to explain they are everywhere now, and they're not stopping, but she insists it's just a few local wackos here in town doing the provoking; the rest is my imagination.

    I can read her facial expressions, and it seems she knows about this whole ordeal.

  18. Answer to: My dad doesn't discuss it at all...

    That is unfortuneate to have familial quislings, and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. I once had a phase when I was getting some kind of maser lashings on my nose and lips, and was pissed off enough (read, mind-fucked) to mention it to my parents, then known to be abetting. The conversation ended when I told them to go and tell their handler to stop this abuse. They duly left their house and lo, if the maser lashings didn't stop later that day. And to no surprise, my parents never asked if the condition had stopped. Those were the days when I didn't know what it was all about, it only seemed like harassment to me, and I had no clue that my life was being scripted, down to my breathing. Thanks for the comments.

  19. I suspect that I have some handlers as well in the guise of new friendships. I'm very very cautious of some of these "new friends". It seems like I can't really talk to anyone who hasn't been affected by my perps someway somehow. Maybe they go along with the perps' prescribed actions "just enough" to keep themselves "safe" from harassment.

    Whenever I am "set up" for psychologial harassment in the form of gangstalkers walking down the street (favored/unfavored/lookalikes), I've noticed I'm met with serious "cruel" in-my-face laughter where ever I go next (in the form of "sentries" doing the laughing) designed to let me know I've been "harassed" by the previous gangstalkers' presence. As if I need to know (duh they're so obvious about it, so why do they need to rub it in later).

  20. For some apparent reason, street 'weirds' and vagrants carrying bags are an important part of this gangstalking against me. It seems like this is a very dirty, seedy, low-class operation against us TI's. But when I look at the other "phases" of the "harassment" and "stalking" I've got around me, including the timing of certain world events, I can see it's actually a very sophisticated, well-run operation by some hidden shadow group with a clearly defined agenda.

    I think that the presence of the goofballs, weirds, and vagrants is designed to throw us TI's off as to what is really happening... a trogan horse or a sort of "false flagging" to make it look like some dirty underhanded operation directed by a few nutty locals wanting revenge on us. Yet other TI's report the same types of people gangstalking them. And I know a lot of them are just normal upstanding citizens, who seem to "know" when to leave or arrive at my destination. But it's interesting that there are so many types of people involved, designed to "hide" certain aspects of what is happening to us.
