
Saturday, September 23, 2006

A Minor Update

I am still online but my PC repair is stalled out, a "unavailibility" when all parts were availible at the time of ordering. Another go figure. The usual financial considerations caused this in the first place.

I now live in a rooming house thanks to all involved parties, and it does bespeak of a lot of perp planning; the overhead noise is identical to that of the past three places where I had overhead "neighbors", and it is open season on having plenty of noise about me, well into the night. It is a 8x10 room, an absurdly small sink and shared bathroom facilities. Most of my belonngings are in storage at additional cost owing to this "perp-sizing" location where there isn't room to swing a cat, as Mark Twain said, adding, without causing it considerable harm.

Life is hellish, and the perps are getting more aggressive with their gangstalking ugliness. Masers are flitting about me everywhere, and are especially prevelant when I start a new task. Anyone who has any part in this is fucking sick, and would likely not participate if they had to spend a week like this, never minnd four years of this constant criminality.

from the laundromat public internet station, back to this again


  1. Hi AJH.

    I hope things start to go better for you. It's not fun to be living inside the box. (The box is when perps are on all four sides of you.)

    I however hope that things will start to go better for you. I am trying to get all targets together so we can have a big powwow over at

    I hope that we can get some organisaion going, so that we can get together.

    Think of this as an official invite. The site will be fully operational by the end of the month.

    So I hope to have your imput and see what we can all come up with. Till take care of yourself, you are not alone in this, united we stand, divided they fall.

    All the best.

  2. Hi John Hughes.

    I do not have an email addy for you so I am leaving this on your blog.

    An Invitation to build your world.

    I wanted to take a moment to invite you and your communities to the grand opening of Gang

    Stalking World. The website will officially be opened as of

    September 30, 2006.

    The site is designed to help to try to facilitate and organise the various individual and group

    efforts into one.

    There are currently several strong efforts on going to bring awareness to the cause of Gang

    Stalking. The idea is to provide access to the various efforts that are on going. Make it

    available to everyone all in one place.

    Link Exchange. On the site you can leave your links, blog links, or any other related or useful

    links. I would also ask you to please add a link back to to

    your website if applicable.

    Leave your link here if not already added.

    You can update the profiles page and leave information about yourself.

    You can leave information about your various causes and on going efforts to bring awareness to

    the Issue of Gang Stalking.

    If you have an on going or upcoming event you can also post it to the site.

    If there are any important concerns or things that need to be discussed, you can post them in

    the At Issue portion of the website.

    Have a useful news article or link? Post it here.

    The site has a forum, with topics relevant to gang stalking.

    You can even leave you contact information by editing the contacts page.

    Gang Stalking World works only if we utilise it. The majority of the site is based on a wiki

    platform, similar to This means that information can be added or updated in

    real time. Just click the edit button and add your details where applicable. Preview your

    details first. If you still make a mistake just hit page history and revert back.

    I hope you will RSVP to this invitation to make gang stalking world a part of your initiatives,

    and community.


    GmB Bailey.

  3. I did visit the site and am appreciative of the effort you are making to publicise gangstalking. There is something that the perps need from this execise as it is not only for the harassment value. That is what I want to know, as they even put their operatives overhead of me sleeping in a temporary cot.


  4. Dear AJH,

    try this:

    You probably know your perpetrators type of job, maybe even the employer or their kind of business, if they are self-employed.

    Write anonymously to the Tax Office, giving their names, adresses and business. Tell the Tax Officers that they are cheating with taxes. Maybe you know some hard facts you can communicate. If not, invent them. Make it as nasty and juicy as possible.

    Post your anonymous letter with the rest of your mail at a central post office station where it won't be tracked.

    Then sit back, relax and watch what happens. Soon your perpetrators will be so busy collecting evidence for the Revenue Service that they won't have any time left to stalk you.

    Take care!
