
Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Deep Blue Funk Monday

I don't know exactly what they did, but they pulled me into a nasty dullified day yesterday. All meds were the same, and no seeming reason. They pulled a nearly no sleep stunt the night before, but those never have any deleterious effect strangely. I say "strangely" because it was normal to feel tired and weary if one has little sleep, but since all this came down 04-2002, and their sleep interference fuckery agenda/methods became so frequent, they never let me tire on days on no little sleep. This could go on for three days, and I wouldn't tire until it suddenly came on where it suited them, usually my parked vehicle. Today, the passing traffic road noise at the vineyard job was increased and was highly annoying. My motor skill fuckery was increased, messing up how I use my fingers, always a sure rage-ification harassment. After lunch they gave me a little lift, though it wore off by 1600h and I was still dulled down well into the evening.

The gangstalking fuckery has got a little more silly, very possibly because of the new "social distancing" required. They planted a multi-Unfavored outside LD; male over 30, white hair, oversized fugly shorts, large gut, red sweater and a pointless spread legged stance. (That is six Unfavored features wrapped up in this one stalker,- well done). I almost always get Fuckwit stalkers at building and store entrances, and upon entry he was standing in the doorway in this peculiar stance talking to another male. Yes, the planted Fuckwits, as in plural, with their time worn excuse (public "chance conversations") to hang there and look stupid and obvious. Except that these cats chose to "forget" it is Covid-19 "social distancing" (2m) days and stand and chat at a normal 0.4m (18") at the store entry. Fucking rude to begin with by diverting public egress, and all the more galling that us plebians are supposed to comply while these Fuckwits get a bye. (I reckon I was 1.2m close to them as I passed by). I spent some 10 to 15 minutes in the store as I got held up with getting my Rx, as well as circumventing the brown stalkers when I was getting near the chocolate section. (Chocolate, aka Vitamin C, is a major food group for me). So when I exit the store, why, this spread-stanced male Fuckwit is still there, in precisely the same egress blocking location, but his chatting pal was absent. And he was looking at his feet momentarily as I glanced, as if he was checking that he was still in the exact same spot, facing the same direction.  FFS, who, especially in these Covid-19 Social Distancing Dogma Days, stands at a store entrance so everyone has to pass by them closer than the prescribed 2m (either side), in this absurd and uncomfortable spread legged stance, in exactly in the same location for over 10 minutes? Only a Psychopathic Fuckwit Gangstalker IMHO.

And the gangstalking Fuckwits seem to be more on my ass at every turn now since their Covid-19 operation started. (I cannot imagine that they would not of had something to do with its release and timing as well as "crisis" response). While they may not be getting enough close-to-me stalking opportunities as in the past, they have made up for it by upping the obvious coverage. The last visit to LD three days ago was like a full-on freak show, and they didn't let up. This last visit was akin to this one; pick up the Rx, buy chocolate, and get the fuck out.

Even this last visit begat this disgusting stalker oaf of at least 300lb (obesity is highly Unfavored) in a black outfit wandering around and making that he didn't know where to go. And ensuring I had two unforgettable sightings of this horrendous creature.

Another Monday passes, (yesterday) and yet again I "found" myself in a deep blue funk in the latter part of the day. I was working on vines at a former employer as he needs me and the normal full time employer doesn't. All legit in the latter case, as the vines are tied down, the irrigation repairs are done, and bud break is just on, so any further vine work will be in two to three weeks. (More below). Normally, if there is such a thing in such abnormal circumstances, I don't get these deep blue funks, so perhaps they are gunning me with some irradiative methods to accomplish this. Such blue funks have occured in the long past, even before the fateful life-invasion of 04-2002 when this abuse-athon began. Yesterday at about 1400h this came on, which was timed to when my ADD Rx meds roll off. And it didn't help that I had zero sleep the night before, another Psychopath delivered specialty, per above.

Again, "normally" I don't suffer any from their imposed sleep deprivations, which would go for three days in the year following 04-2002, and felt just fine without the sleep. Since then, their sleep deprivations have been limited to one-nighters, and almost without fail I have never suffered from subsequent tiredness or any other ill effect, including mood issues. But it seems they aren't going to let me get away with such benefits any more, as they now use their imposed sleep deprivation as an excuse to feel terrible the next day, or latter part, in this case. Or perhaps this is their way to tell me that I need to start a new round of medication for whatever purposes that serves for them. We shall see.

For the record, I rarely had any sleep issues before these assholes invaded and have imposed their ruination and abusive methods upon me. Which is why if there are any sleep disruptions, I automatically assign it to their fuckery.

Another calling card of starting a new gig or at a new location, is that it gets disrupted in such a way that my co-workers are busy working while I am elsewhere. This is so consistent with the Psychopath's working habits of removing me from an activity or commitment early on, e.g. doctor's appointments etc. One can count of this "happening" withing the first week or two. This time it is the second day of this gig, and the circumstances are also somewhat contrived. I had a new windshield install appointment for last week, and the day before I get a call to postpone the installation as the replacement windshield was found to be broken at the warehouse. So, the appointment was rescheduled for the next week, two days into the new gig. Funny how that "happens".

The regular employer had a notion I was going to return to Vineyard "K" where the highly aggressive dog resides, and to complement the problem, the owner does nothing or worse, e.g. letting it out to find me. The employer said, "give the owner another chance", and I said that incident of March 8 was his last chance (his fourth), and I am not going back there. I subsequently engaged in a lot of back a forthing with another employer, and the phone company didn't help in delaying communication with their new hidden method of turning longer texts into a "multimedia message", (even if just text) which translated (twice) means it gets converted to "data", which translated, means that it is sent via a different channel (I assume). I just don't get this cell phone system management and why they must semantically screw everything up; voice, text, pictures etc. are all data FFS. And yet they draw these firm distinctions between voice, texts etc. and then if too long or big, unilaterally cut them off and arbitrarily call them "data". And to make matters worse, present it as if the text message was sent when it wasn't, all because "Mobile Data" was turned off. And of course I turn it off as no end of unsolicited data is going back and forth, even to the point of some kind of charges for something in the night when I am sleeping (truly). (Cell phones are constantly powered unlike a desktop computer). Never mind them selling cell phones and getting memory and storage terminology blended together. It just drives me silly, and it is worse than dumbing it down, it is purposely confusing, aka FUD-ifying

Back the employer above; after the March 8 dog/vineyard owner incident, I asked him to call the dog owner/vineyard owner and ask why the dog was let out uncontrolled. The owner didn't call back for three days, and finally offered my employer a vague excuse I am told. I wanted to know where this owner is coming from, where his head is at, and why he engaged in a outrageously provocative act given the prior history of last year. And I get nothing, so it wasn't resolved. I was working in the pruning and tie-downs then, and finished the job last week, which then begs the question as to what I do next. My employer didn't have a plan, except to send me to Vineyard K, saying to give the owner another chance, per above. How fucking lame-assed is that, never mind letting this issue fester for another 5 weeks until I addressed it (because only Vineyard K work remained). I was looking for another full time vineyard gig all the while, but nothing came up save my former employer, a mixed situation. So I suppose it is another summer of flitting between employers and vineyards, something the perps also love; do the same thing elsewhere. On top of their long standing game of fuckery of having things go wrong, so the same thing gets done again (if possible, for a non-destructive task).

I suppose I have read too many forward thinking business books and magazines in the past, e.g. Fast Company. In an employment or relationship situation, one work's the issue through to resolve it, so it doesn't continue or fester. But no, in the case of my regular employer he doesn't say shit about what transpired on the phone call until I ask, and he didn't ask why the dog/vineyard owner let the fucking dog out again when there was plenty of prior arrangement. This long running squalid subterfuge behavior again. My brother called me about that time, and I told him the story, and he said launch a workplace harassment claim. I hadn't thought of that and I might just do it.

And I should know that issue resolution protraction/diversion games from the ex; I cannot think of any significant issue that got satisfactorily resolved between us. Always a "just enough" solution to paste over, or feel good, but nothing of permanent substance. So could issue resolution obstruction be yet another Psychopath objective, such that the same issue goes around, and around? Probably, given their long term habit of fuckery to cause re-work, as well as accomplishment obstruction and protracting annoyance and angst, I would have to say yes, unequivocally.

Anyhow, enough ranting on the particulars of the last three weeks and the escalated idiocy and its continuance.

Onto Covid-19 and the apparent causal SARS variant virus. Have we been had? Seems so, especially doctors from many countries are saying the same thing; every sparrow that falls is getting assigned to Covid-19. That takes planning, to have this same over-arching mindset installed over many hospitals in many countries.  Three videos...

-now removed by YouTube, as in WeDecideVideo; a St. Louis ER medical doctor was speaking to his phone camera for about 11 minutes, now removed due to "violating community guidelines". No, it was nothing about community or guidelines or any violation, it was about the content not fitting with the official supplied narrative of TPTB. Here it is on Bitchute, 11 min.

-another doctor calling out the Covid-19 hoax, a respiratory specialist, not the one I intended for the same reasons above, 12 min.

-two doctors speaking on Covid-19, embedded at Zero Hedge due to ANOTHER YouTube censorship stunt,

And then, just yesterday, a confirmation of the above from Fox News personnel bantering about Covid-19 being a hoax while a live microphone was on. Another video, with annotation and comment, though later attributed as a "joke", the audio suggests otherwise. Down the Memory Hole for this one should TPTB prevail.

It just shows (to me at least) just how prevalent and complete such economic and political control is by TPTB.

Not the most gratifying way to call this blog posting done, but hey, at least it I got it done as it seems any kind of activity is getting sandbagged these days.

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