
Monday, September 02, 2019

Labor Day Weak

Labor Day, same here as in the USA. I got hit with a 2.5 hour nap attack this afternoon and still don't quite feel recovered from it, one hour later.

That there has been ongoing sleep disruption of late is without question; awakening at 0900h and even if going to bed in good time, doesn't mean that they won't keep me awake until 0300h. And even if I went on 3 hour hike yesterday, it just doesn't do anything to normalize my sleep pattern. The excuse, as I see it, is that while I am now off vineyard work (as of 08-16-2019), they can muck with my awake/sleep patterns as much as they want. This has been consistent when they first attacked in 04-2002, the day they revealed themselves and went berserk/overt which still continues as ongoing harassment. Then, they kept me up all night evading being zapped in the streets of Seattle, and driving the freeways all night, as my vehicle (or any nearby metal objects) offered protection from this form of abuse. Sometimes I would sleep in my vehicle in the rest areas, but they soon adapted and would nail me with some kind of slower onset irradiative targeting that would begin in an hour or two. That they had equi-spaced vehicles placed in the rest area parking lots from 0100 to 0500h, when I would arrive in an attempt to sleep in my vehicle, meant that they were more than ready for my arrival.

I have been doing some work for a former employer this past week, and into this week, and it may last a few more depending on his vine sampling schedule. As to why sleep disruption is so important to the Psychopathic abusers (aka perps) I have no idea, but as with all my activities and cognitive function, they have an intense research interest.

One particular event that has been highly associated with nap attacks is when reading books, especially biographies. Which is in fact the case at present; "Girls Like Us" by Sheila  Weller, which covers Carole King, Joni Mitchell and Carly Simon is my current read, and follows recent readings of biographies of Gordon Lightfoot and Hank Williams, separate books. So with this latest read, a "three-fer", a biography in good measure, of three well known musicians in one book, it just may represent some kind of experimentational challenge for the Psychopathic assholes and whatever they extract from me as I read. That, and the associated noise-scape when I read outside, in particular the most loathed HD motorcycle noise, seems to indicate continued perp interest. And too, that infernal noisy single engine aircraft, the same one, that keeps doing turns overhead or low overflights when I am outside my residence, also suggests they are interested in what I am reading. This same aircraft "somehow" manages to arrive and spread its noise almost anytime I enter or exit my residence, and also finds me at my vineyard job sites both N and S of the airport.

I finally, after a six month delay, I got onto getting my documents ordered and crafting a write up for detailing my foreign work and living expense which is needed for the Canada pension application. That was the years 1999 to 2002 when living and working in aforementioned Seattle, and I am doing the best I can to document this, even if my then wife, came to visit in 2001 and stole my visa records, bank statements, income tax returns, and pay statements (pay stubs) for the first two years. Naturally, she did not respond to my email earlier this year when I indicated that she might know of their disappearance when the same kinds of records are all in order and present, and could she supply an answer, or even give them back. I had noticed that my 1999 and 2000 1040NR was missing a week after she had visited, but didn't think that she had made a wholesale pre-divorce document raid and took all these documents. That her visit was timed in 08-2001, meant that the tax returns were done, and she brought our daughter as a foil to ensure that there was time to steal said documents.

Well, as it "happens" the documents are all important to determine my foreign work and residence, and lo, if they weren't missing as I found out earlier this year. I suspect my then-wife's lawyer put her up to this international act of piracy, albeit documents only, as my now ex doesn't didn't have the wherewithal to be so consistent and figure out what was "needed". That my ex was full measure for being devious and deceitful is a given, but planning for divorce proceedings wasn't in her usual foresight skill set. Anyhow, we shall see what the pension folks are going to think of this melange from the past. One more instance of order (my documents in this case), being disrupted and sabotaged by an entity (my ex as the wilful and abetting agent in this case) that has every interest in disrupting every fucking thing that has order, a pattern, routine, protocol or other set of established procedures or processes. Same old, same old, just more intensified since 04-2002.

And as mentioned in prior postings this year, disrupting order by way of imposed fuckery, and forcing partial completion or completion with new and different methods and tools, aka, combinations and permutations, is just what is needed for adding into the experimentational  mix to determine the Universal Wave Function if one subscribes to the theory of Multiple Universes, aka Many Worlds as first theorized by Hugh Everett in 1957. All too high-falutin for me, just leave me alone as I never asked or wanted to be a permanent subject in a non-stop abuse-athon (17 years so far, on top of a prior 47 years of covert fuckery), in the service of an insane Psychopathic Confederacy, organized, consistent and relentless that it is, and who has limitless resources and alien-level technologies (teleportation, tele-kinetics and remote neural influencing for a start). Never mind the escalated level of "coincidences" and incessant gangstalking that erupted after 04-2002. I will take the poison pill thanks, never mind the red or blue.

 Anyhow, enough for a posting I figure, as I am getting back into the routine, after it got disrupted by "coincident" technical machinations these past eight weeks. No doubt the Dashed Expectations imperative, assuming I have regular readers, had something to do with all this too.

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