
Thursday, July 18, 2019

Turn Up the Gangstalking

What is with the intensified gangstalking these last two days? And the added pit-lamping, the headlights aimed at me at every turn in the road, at my vehicle egress (entrances and exits), building entrances and exits etc.

Nothing too weird on the vineyard workplace front, save this infernal dog that "somehow" has it in for me, and me alone, putting up a ferocious front if I "happen" to be nearby. Today it was three events as it hung around at the property gate awaiting the return of the owners. They left the dog behind but in the care of someone nearby who drives in with their very loud and ill-maintained muffler. (Don't we know that one; in this case a later model sedan that for "some reason" hasn't fixed their muffler in over a year, and often does noisestalking passes around the vineyard. Now, it gets to drive into the vineyard on ostensible dog care duty to put on more of the same loathsome noise, just closer in).

Said dog will go flying past other workers it doesn't know well, and then puts on ferocious barking, even baring its teeth today. Even if it has a frisbee in its mouth from a game with the owner's family, the dog will bark at me with the frisbee still stuck in its mouth. I think I will call the dog "Pepper Spray" and maybe the owners will get the hint. As if they don't know; I told them, and they have seen the fucking animal taking a beeline for me to suddenly traumatize the shit out of me, and all I get is this loopy grin. Or else the dog is mind fucked and is programmed for TI harassment, and they know this and of course, cannot do anything. At best, they don't give a shit.

All I hope is that I don't get a leg full of teeth, as the dog can operate in stealth mode, and now with the vine canopy reaching full height, it can get in close without me seeing it further out. And it knows it, as it is a German shepard x labrador, and is smart enough to know the score. And too, it seems to operate in auto-harassment mode; laying on the barking close in, say 10' or less, then wanders off not looking at me with its tongue hanging out. It too, has the "Fuck the Victim, and Fuck the Victim More" streak that is so impressively delivered by the Psychopaths in all other capacities, all the time. Just get me out of here; I have had enough. Now at 17 years of insane and relentless Psychopathic abuse, and now I have a deranged canine to contend with at my workplace.

Back to the lead item; tonight's venture to local organic store begat a procession of red, and a single brown vehicle ahead of me, leading and taking the same turns as I do when most folks don't take that route. The brown vehicle must of got too annoying, (I loathe brown colors) and they had it turn off early, while the deep reds proceeded ahead of me. Then the wacko in the truck who somehow "needed" to make a L turn into the R lane (behind me, after I made a R turn) coming from the opposite direction. Like WTF; the road traffic rule is that you turn into the L lane, and then change lanes if need be. I have never seen something quite so strange driving-wise, and in saying that, I am sure there will be more weirdness to come.

Then after entering the store, and in the supplements section, and looking for an item, a blonde customer service woman is leading this brown shirted dude with orange disposable gloves, and they immediately need to get by, and walk over just where I was. At least I got an "excuse me" out of the deal this time. Elsewhere in the store, other Fuckwits popped out from the aisle ends in this long running stunt of posted stalking Fuckwits at my every turn, especially at store aisle ends. Then the regular cashier woman "happens" to arrive 4' away while I was at the chocolate section, standing around and eventually selecting an item. Then at the checkout, why, it is the same brown shirted dude in the orange gloves again, a first time (for me) cashier. Where do they get these bozos, and why must they walk on the very ground I am standing on in advance of another long standing Fuckover theme, making a financial transaction? Haven't we had enough brownstalking these past 17 years of this senseless and relentless abuse-athon? Seemingly not.

A white vehicle tail on me most of the way home, following me 90% of my route, again an irregular one, and hot on my ass until the last block. All of the above fuckery for a 8 minute trip to the local organics store, and maybe a whole 10 minutes in the wretched place (as it is coming to be), and the same trip duration on the way back. An exercise in targeted hell for a Prisoner in Disguise. Well done assholes.

And what is it about the Psychopaths they they need to sabotage the repair effort to deal with an original sabotage event of theirs? This theme plays out countless times, and became immediately apparent since they first went berserk/overt in 04-2002. That is, they invaded my apartment with unconventional weapons and measures, later deployed personnel inside, and have since kept up this abuse-athon ever since. This time, the very reliable track lighting, after  two years of continuous service and zero handling of the lighting since installation, "happened" to go out on one side of a "T" junction. I took it down recently, examined it, and determined that "somehow" by cutting it short by a few inches, that the internal track wire was cut a half inch too short as it moves inside an insulated sleeve that itself also moves inside the track. To fix it, I need to insert a half inch of 14 gauge wire in each of the two track inserts to stop the wire shifting upon installation. I find a 6" piece of 14 gauge scrap trellis wire at work, and put it in my pack on other items. I get home, and lo, if it hasn't "disappeared". I cannot count the times that "sabotage on sabotage" (repairs) has "happened" since 04-2002, but suffice to say, this had never occurred to my recollection before then, and is now of a consistent Fuckover (harassment) frequency. I would give this particular abuse escalation at least two orders of magnitude since The Day of Abusive Infamy, 04-2002.

I worked to 1300h, and then a dental appointment. A big one, as my two implant teeth (side by side), finally get installed. After nearly two years with a two tooth gap, and $11k, dental surgery, I get two new teeth. Not quite so fast though; the dentist had trouble with her torque wrench, and could not get it engaged. I offered to help her, but she wasn't much use as she was flipping it around so much. She called the rep, to no avail, and then the local dental surgeon. He offered to help her out, and so I ended up being the go-between, taking her torque wrench to him, he examining my implant caps, taking an X-ray, and he backing off the caps with his torque wrench. He "fixed" her torque wrench (identical make and model), right there, adjusting something on it, and so I took both the dentist's torque wrenches back to the first dentist so she could continue. Which she did, professionally, and even added some material on one implant tooth to get the bit right.

A sunny day, but lo, if a sudden rain didn't come on as I was setting off in mid-dental appointment to the dental surgeon, as "wrench runner", per above. As if the sudden rain onset timing wasn't enough, the traffic volume had one of those sudden and unexpected increases for that time of day, about 1430h. And too, the crazy assed driving also erupted on the slick streets; a woman goes full speed through a just-red traffic light, just as I was thinking of making a left turn at this intersection. But no, I waited an extra cycle. In this town there is at least a two second lag such that it is red in all directions before the traffic control goes green. So this person actually ran a red at considerable speed on rain slicked road surface, as it would seem that running a yellow light just wouldn't do. (See analysis below). I don't think I have ever seen such stupid driving in the rain, even in Vancouver for all the time I lived there and its substantially greater rain. (And too, Vancouver traffic behavior also goes extra stupid in the rain, but not nearly at the risk level this idiot woman was taking, or more like, participating in).

And do the perps ever love to jerk my ass, gangstalk me or just plain fuck with me when making a decision. And I was planning to turn L at the yellow light until the above mentioned crazy bitch ran the red in the oncoming direction. A decision deferred, until the next traffic cycle when there was an advance L turn signal. And here we have it again, hounding my ass in this senseless and relentless abuse-athon for 17 years, and a prior 47 years of covert orchestration and fuckery, and bazillions of drivers every day making decisions world wide as to making turns, etc. with respect to traffic controsl, and here are the Psychopaths hounding my ass over a driving decision in mid-dental appointment. (A peculiar touch to say the least, as how many dental patients end up driving between dentists during their appointment to accommodate the dentist's tool use problems). Bring on the coincidences some more.

Day off, laundry, a stalking show, as it is never that busy. And lo, if the landlord wasn't there picking up laundry, bedding kind of stuff that one cannot do at home. etc.

This after a round of noisestalking outside my place, a particular single engine aircraft being most notable. Said noisestalking included the landlord on his cell phone. (Like WTF; does he really need to go outside in his backyard to take a cell phone call when he can see me there and knows I can hear him?)  That stalking vignette drove me inside just as I was finishing reading the book, "The Many Worlds of Hugh Everett III" by Peter Byrne. Originally Hugh Everett's thesis was titled "Quantum Mechanics by the Method of the Universal Wave Function" in 1957, which was later subverted and redirected by his thesis advisor, Dr. John Wheeler, who was an follower of Neils Bohr, the reigning quantum mechanics theorist. And it just might be discovering the Universal Wave Function is what the Psychopaths are pursuing at considerable personal expense..

Heavy aircraft coverage overhead today, mostly fixed wing as there is a visitation from some WWII bombers, and lo, if that same infernal single engine fixed wing didn't join the fray, noisy as hell, doing repeated turns overhead.

A 10 hour sleep last night, and a 1.5 hour nap attack later today, just as I came inside after dealing with the aforementioned noisestalking and reading of the book, per above. In fact, I finished the written portion, and turned onto the Glossary when all the above noise shit came down. Refining their craft it seems; choosing the very moment between different components of the written word, and for all I know, the Glossary could of been written by someone else. Another task completion stalking/noise eruption IMHO, another Fuckover Feature that the Psychopaths came to teach me by considerable repetition.

It is interesting that Information Theory, (whatever that is exactly) is by some quantum energy researchers, included in Quantum Energy Dynamics, (QED), though not fully articulated in The Many Worlds of Hugh Everett III. And it is interesting that the Psychopaths had me deeply involved in relational database design for twelve years, 1989-2002, then summarily cut me off with their berserk/overt intrusion of 04-2002. And they have never, ever, let me come close to getting back to IT, even if I took Oracle upgrade courses in 2008. Well done assholes; lets have an over-educated farm worker and not let him even get a toe hold on advancing in the business. All the better to fuck the shit out of him, and in earning so little, we can control him al the more.

As much as I like a certain browser, and they are at least 5 years behind on getting open  tabs synchronized across devices, they now have this as a feature. After  a week of the spare PC operating because of the boot problem, the regular PC is back in action. And with both PCs running, do you think that I can synchronize tabs? Fuck no; we have all the commands and stated features, and you can synchronize a tab at a time, but if you think you want the convenience of getting one box back up to speed with all the open tabs of the intervening week on the other (spare) box, why hell no. All the above was good for a half hour of screaming at the assholes, and/or the browser maker. It will be a long time before the hamfisted, dumbed down, and/or technocentric ethos of MS, Google and their ilk will ever get to the usability level of Apple. Another 20 years I reckon. Though MS is starting to wake up, and is trying, and even has the "Move" command in the dialog box now (in some places- tentative, per usual), something they could of done for us long term command line VMS and Unix users when we got stiffed with the MS Windows platform (v. 3.1) by way of corporate imposition of the standard desktop way back when. I don't think MS's usability credibility will ever recover in the minds of those who were using Unix workstations (non-Intel CPU) before they were thrown under the bus for the sake of corporate desktop uniformity. Not that the management did shit either; they just rolled over like nearly all of them. One shoe fits all, from power workstation users (me, and most of my colleagues) to the office secretary in the eyes of our workplace IT clowns. A sabotage and scoot job, and it does make me wonder how all of my IT colleagues knew to invest in MS back then (1990), and eventually make a personal bundle. I thought Windows desktop was utter shit then, and never thought it would go the near full corporate saturation level it did. There is more elected/selected differences between Apple and MS and how they each fumbled and stumbled and succeeded  along the way, with the former making a comeback via mobile platforms that "somehow" the Embalmer never quite figured out, including the idiocy of embracing the closed Symbian platform. All water under the bridge I suppose, and perhaps easier to note in hindsight.

I remember seeing the Embalmer (Steve Balmer, MS CEO at the time) on a TV interview about in 2004, and repeating the phrase, "controlling and ensuring the user's full Windows experience" at least three times, as his defense of MS's monopoly and closed platform. Yeah right; screaming at the MS Windows OS for 30 minutes at least 3x/week because it was an (advanced) feature-deprived clunky mess, bloatware in other respects, and an interface jungle pandering to dumb-shits. I still reckon I should be a one person benchmark for GUI usability and comprehensibility for those over an IQ of 100 (LOL)!  After one "grows up" on the semantic and interface consistency and predictability of IBM and DEC mainframes, and later Unix workstation GUIs, turning over GUI interface and new platform architecture to the kids who knew only DOS was a paradigm shift into the toilet. Only Apple was the bright light on the GUI interface at first, though Jobs wasn't cut out for development of a corporate level OS. That Linux has since come to the fore, as a corporate back-end at least, is another bright light. I suppose there are books on the 1990's workplace desktop, OS and GUI wars, and perhaps one day I will investigate that.

A whole four days has passed by and I haven't attended to getting this posted on the usual Sunday night. Funny how that "happens", these sudden blasts of lassitude for no apparent reason. So without further ado, here is the posting.

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