
Sunday, June 02, 2019

One Time Riffing Posting

Normally I add diary postings over the week and then wrap it up for a weekly posting, usually on Sundays if I don't get messed around or else backed up with other essential things. (Like attending to matters that were inexplicably delayed by the other party).

This time it is a little different in that I am attempting to pull this together in one sitting, not having made any notes or entries over the week. Naturally, the immediacy of the orchestrated idiocy and assaults (sometimes insults) will have diminished. I still yet don't have a handle on whether my readership wants the slings and arrows in all their detail, summaries thereof, or my ponderings as to what is driving the perps to such insane ends that they cannot openly declare their experiment on the human race, or even to us lowly TI's and the daily travails and adversities we are subjected to. Anyhow, I just roll on, usually with a mixture of these, and a few other related tangents. Not that I have hit the mother lode on finding a commonality with anyone, a group or even a TI. It just seems that whenever I meet TI's, (and they are genuine ones), I get the feeling that I am a temporary prop, possibly directed even.

Could be worse I suppose; one irresponsible TI claimed I was a perp without any due diligence of course. Makes me wonder if it wasn't the accuser. And for the record, I am not; every fucking day I deal with imposed adversity that is at least an order of magnitude greater before these unknown personnel searched my place in 04-2002, then invaded it with many unconventional technologies, as well as displaying their capabilities of teleportation and telekinetic fuckery, not to mention their infinite capacity to orchestrate my existence and especially notable by arranging gangstalkers around me at every turn. These Psychopathic Confederates have been very consistent since then, one of the most prevalent methods is to piss me off. Which they do at least 80x/day, and on a rough day, 200x. Pulling items from my grasp is a stock stunt, as is riling me up by thwarting my intentions, and especially when attempting to complete some task.

Anyhow, lets get back to the week. A hot one in the Okanagan Valley; easily 30C each day, often getting hazy in the afternoon, and a few clouds then too. Even a few thunderclouds and a thunder in the distance. I was on vineyard work all week; shoot thinning is running big right now, which is removing extra shoots so that there is less crop load and the vine canopy has sufficient airflow. The shoots are easier to remove now, at about 6-12" long that when they are 36" long and have to be cut out, as pulling them would damage the adjacent shoots that one intends to keep. And do the perps ever love screwing me over when it comes to "accidentally" removing the intended shoot that I wanted to keep. You know, "inadvertently" snagging a leaf of the keeper shoot in the process of removing the intended shoot. I call this "Pyrrhic Progress", damaging or destroying what one intends to keep. (Often they time this stunt when I have an alternative remaining, so not all is lost). They pull a similar stunt in the winter when pruning; "accidentally" (by way of imposed mindfuck) having me cut off the very cane that I wanted to leave for the source of the shoots that year. (One has to select a healthy cane (lignified shoot) that arises from the central area of the vine trunk that is below the horizontal wire on which it is later tied to, usually before May in this region). The good news that these forced "accidental" or deliberate mindfuck incursions are much less than they were when I started vineyard work in 2012.

Speaking of sabotage, the Psychopaths pulled a new one two days ago, or rather, a new variation of footwear sabotage. I was in the habit of putting my boots outside to dry off for a few hours after work, especially as it was so hot, and the boots could dry out faster and not stink the place out. I put on the alarm for two hours or so and then retrieve them, as all too often, the assholes had me "forget", and lo, they were soaked from overnight rain or the irrigation. (Another one of the perps' fetishes is messing with water sources; from drinking, household supply, cleaning etc.). All was going well this week, the routine was nailed down, and the boots were dried out, retrieved and placed inside for the evening. And lo, if the assholes didn't fuck me out of setting the alarm, and lo, if they didn't wipe out my adversity vigilance (normally set at a considerably high level, per constant experience), as to responding to the noise of lawn irrigation water hitting the outside wall every few minutes. As it "happened" the landlord inexplicably turned on the lawn irrigation manually in the evening when it is programmatically set for early in the morning. Well done asshole; you filled my boots (not on the lawn, but somehow the sprinkler got them anyhow) with 1/2" of water and soaked the leather as well. And how many fuckups did we have leading up to this? At least three; 1) I was mindfucked out of setting the alarm, 2) and exercising my normal associative vigilance and 3) the landlord "acting up" and putting on the irrigation for no seeming reason. (The lawn was healthy).

But the Psychopathic assholes weren't done yet; I dried the boots out, and put them on today for a different vineyard gig, and lo, if they "somehow" didn't shrink, and were uncomfortable to wear all day today. (It just wasn't enough that all my boots shrank last year, (or else my feet inexplicably grew), so that I ended up wearing thinner socks to be able to wear all of them comfortably again). I am pissed beyond measure, as the assholes have constantly sabotaged these boots, as they do with all my footwear. It just "happens" this gets expensive; $200 for the boots, then at least 3x $100+ repairs (two sole replacements, one heel rebuild). The leather is also cracking up no matter what treatment I do, so I figured I would get one more season out of them. But no, unless I go another round of of having them fixed or stretched, or whatever, they are finished. And as it "happens" the perps just love to bend my ankles over, so good stiff hiking boots are vital for my vineyard work. Anyone else can work in sneakers, or below ankle boots, but because the assholes pull these ankle bending stunts so often (to "cause" sprains), I must use over-ankle stiff boots. Well done you assholes, just what I needed; the expense of another pair of boots with a target painted on them for yet more years of sabotage assaults of premature wear, sole repairs and rebuilds along with the inevitable months in the shop to get them fixed. Cannot the perps fuck my footwear enough? Seemingly not. Never mind the wretched shopping experience to obtain appropriate replacements.

And they weren't finished on the sabotage front; my headphones packed it in yet again. This particular pair have been sent across the country to the repair depot at least 3x in the past seven years, and this will make it at least repair depot trip #5 (read on). I hate in in-ear products, and all the more as the perps manipulate them to fall out or otherwise become a Pain-In-the-Ear (PIE). Perhaps I should consider myself "lucky" on this one, as they haven't just "fallen apart" or disintegrated like so many other makes. This same pair was sent to the shop in 2003 after it was used at work to prevent the punishing head pains which came on after they first went berserk/overt on 04-2002. The headphones worked admirably to prevent the directed head pains they were hammering me with. That is, until the assholes sabotaged them by turning the vertical post by itself, so that the gimbel mount fell apart. All these years, and yet I clearly remember being absolutely astonished that the metal post was spinning all by itself and grinding the plastic gimbel mount so that it could not be worn. (Almost) needless to say, the replacement headphones duly fell apart in short order so I was without this form of protection from these intensely painful head pain assaults. Later I put magnets in my mouth and foiled the insane bastards for a while, but then they remotely degaussed the magnets and rendered them useless.

Enough tripping down memory lane, none of it good. And to call this a posting for the week, such as it is.

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