
Sunday, June 23, 2019

Dental Scene

A dental appointment at 1450h with a major bill; I had to split work at 1400h to deal with getting back to my place to do some preparatory online banking on my desktop at my residence. This was forced by the fact that "somehow" my login from my phone "failed". But for extra imposed inconvenience, the Psychopathic perps weren't done yet; they had me leave my cell phone in my vehicle when parked, and then when I attempted to login from my desktop, they required a "security check" whereby I was texted a message on my phone. I have never, ever, had this degree of security requirement before, so I had to go out to my vehicle and retrieve the phone, come back inside and duly answer the text message that "somehow" also failed to have an audible notification ring, (another never before), answer it, so I could transfer the money to the appropriate account. And technology is supposed to makes things easier; all to let us down at key junctures.

All of the above was preceded by a phalanx of vehicular gangstalking, the last-most of this train "happened" to be my former employer of a few years back. I also see this guy most weekends as I do a day a week for his wife.

Dental appointment; last weeks wax casting was to make an exclusion mold, but they forgot to cut out the hole for my missing two teeth. So the dentist did it with the help of the dental assistant. Then the implant caps were removed, and the internal mounts screwed in, and another wax mold. A holy shit show of yet more vehicular gangstalking on the way home, no stops as the coverage was so intense. When there I got hit with a two hour nap attack, for which there was absolutely no reason, as I had a good night's sleep previously...

The infernal online wrist watch order continues; a polite but firm email (having paid, I think I have a right to be indignant); now three weeks into attempting to order it. I would put this in the class of online order obstruction.

A mixed weather day like yesterday, and decidedly cool at 18C. Both yesterday and today, it was a force play to have me wear my coveralls (navy blue), a cotton blend garment I rarely wear, and with the onset of rain, to then change into pants with my rain pant overalls (powder blue). The coveralls were worn first thing to begin a weed whacking job, and as I get splattered with foliar material, it would allow me to change out readily. As it "happened", it was too windy in the morning to begin weed whacking, so we did tucking in the vineyard instead. By 1000h the rain came on and made the cotton blend coveralls untenable to wear as they suck up the rain and stay damp.

Today, the weed whacking was in earnest, and afterward I continued to wear the coveralls while doing vineyard tucking. I was all set to head out of the winery after lunch, and lo, if the weather didn't suddenly change, and so I changed (again), into my rain pant overalls for the afternoon.

Back at my residence in the evening, and was driving off to SOF; I waited at the first stop sign, only 30m away, and two vehicles, one closely following the other (8') or so, were about to cross my path as I waited, but no, they both decided to turn left so to be in a lead-ahead vehicular gangstalk situation. I haven't seen anything quite so obvious in the six years I have lived here. But what was more obvious, and blatantly stupid, they did the "corner cutting" routine, both of them, one after the other. This is when the L turning vehicle cuts across the stop line and into the opposite lane on the left to make their turn. This peculiar and dangerous driving habit started when I moved to Penticton in 2012, and hasn't let up. (And even erupted in Victoria since, my former city of residence from 2003 to 2011 since the assholes first went berserk/overt in 04-2002, when I lived in Seattle). And what was more absurd about this corner cutting episode is that they each had no way of seeing what might of been coming in the opposite lane as their vision would of been obscured by the house property on that corner. This pair of in-file vehicular gangstalkers proceeded ahead of me for a block, and one went R, the other L at the stop sign. Like WTF; either they are traveling together in some kind of convoy, one riding the other's bumper, and cutting the corner and taking the same risk (identical and peculiar driving behavior), or else they were arranged. Take your pick.

This is not the first corner cutting episode where it was completely obvious that they knew the obscured corner was cleared of oncoming vehicles and pedestrians in advance, but normally the Psychopaths don't make it so obvious. I observe the L turn corner cutting driving habit nearly daily, but it is nearly always arranged (IMHO) such that the driver can see around the corner and know it is clear for him to cross into the opposite lane.

Speaking of egregious driving, three days ago I had an oncoming vehicle on a paved back road, cross the centerline some 40' in front of me and halfway into my lane before she pulled it back. The female driver didn't seem too fussed or apologetic about this threatening stunt, and so I gave her the finger. I have had other, but much higher speed, oncoming vehicles in my lane, and again, in two of the worst cases, neither driver seemed too concerned about scaring the shit out of me or otherwise exhibiting any contrition as to their dangerous driving habits. Welcome to the world of  Psychopathic Perpland where Driving While Controlled (DWC) is just a passing moment at the office. Or is that DWD, Driving While Deranged?

I made it to SOF supermarket safely after that, but the Psychopathic ambulatory  gangstalking was in earnest; they mobbed the hot chicken stall for the three times over 15 minutes I was in the store. The black hoodie stalker was all over me in the store; he didn't bother to even pick up a basket to make his act plausible, and kept up this agitated wandering around, seeming to know my every move in advance even if it was highly irregular due to getting stalled out at the cooked chicken counter. Then the Fuckwit "happens" to show up at the bus stop some 60' behind my parked vehicle somehow with no shopping in hand. I didn't see him on my way out, he wasn't following me, and yet was there just as I was backing out. Yet again, here we have a purported grocery shopper in a grocery store and he hounds my ass for 15 minutes while there, and doesn't purchase a thing. More obvious stupidity.

Another Fuckwit at SOF swooped in behind me just as I was beginning the self-checkout and set up at the next check out, and adroitly timed his checking out so that he could step out in front of me with an exaggerated gait just as I was heading out. This was opposite the checkout supervisor, another player in this ambulatory obstruction stunt. As it "happened" she was exiting the self-checkout area as I was about to enter and I had to wait out her well-timed egress. The number of ambulatory Fuckwits that "happen" to step in my way, or exit when I am about to enter (or vice versa) went up at least 30 fold since this insane abuse-athon began when the Perps first went berserk/overt in 04-2002. It is incomprehensible by any conventional means that so many Fuckwits (or people if you prefer) somehow manage to step in my path with such well timed precision in any public venue. (Sometimes as I am approaching noiselessly from behind). That it has been so consistent for so long with identical timing, and very often at locations of doorways and checkouts, spells "total orchestrated gangstalking net" everywhere I go. Unless someone out there has a plausible alternate explanation. So what is it about this town that brings out all these Fuckwits that just need to stalk my ass and how is it that they do it with such precision?

On the touristic side, a double rainbow pic and six black vehicles. As I recall, there were two more black vehicles off-camera. And a pit-lamping (headlights on) white vehicle further back. All there for the one time in six years I go to this liquor store by myself. (I helped my injured Fickle Friend get his sauce there about six times two years ago). It just "happens" to be on the E side of this mall I regularly go to, and I nearly always use the less used W side parking lot. Recall a few weeks ago when I at this same E side mall access, and the  split family gangstalking stunt erupted, mentioned in a prior posting.

Excuse the Paint 3D border from the screenshot, the only way to save a modified file (removed license plate numbers) in this Microsoft software application. I get the "something went wrong" (on file save) error, the ultimate in lame-assed exception reporting IMHO. I even followed the equally lame online help to "fix" the problem; you know, uninstall and re-install, and lo, if I didn't get the same ridiculous error message. And how many MS Windows 10 updates have I been through and still this absurd error still comes up? At least six I reckon. I suppose they will remove the Take a Screenshot command in a future upgrade and make this software truly useless.

A vineyard work day, and lo, if the headphones didn't break apart at the socket of the driver and the head band. This is my backup pair, and I am down to none as the other pair is at the repair shop yet again, as mentioned in a previous posting. There is nothing quite like the Perps and their headphone sabotage, as they are so utterly consistent about it, But I take exception to the fact that they fucked the second pair while the first was unavailable. Well done assholes.

Saturday, and a day off from work, but not Psychopathic Perp intrusion. They are on the rag today, pure and simple, and ensure damn near everything goes wrong, or at least, fails on the first attempt. Often this is the buildup pattern before heading out later in the day, but not this time. They constantly fucked with me when keyboarding this morning, pulled items from my hand, increased the food splatter and spill events and pulled their forced clumsiness games (where I happen to somehow lose my proprioception abilities and bang into everything at a significantly higher rate than the pre-abuse onset normal). By the time I headed out, I was around a hundred infuriation level Fuckover stunts. I am not allowed to even use my fingers the way I want; one of their favorites is to force my fingers down on the PC mouse, and thereby invoking commands contrary to my intentions.

In the afternoon I did some local errands, and went to Summerland IGA supermarket to get a particular kind of sausage made there, and there alone. A first time grocery shopping experience in this town, and unlikely to ever be on my beat. You would think I was the anti-Christ by the look of the cashier at the checkout; tense and grim when she had been friendly with the customers ahead of me. Like WTF; I get a worse reception than a smelly Quebequois fruit picker by my reckoning, and for what? I wasn't doing anything weird, and was perfectly civil. So what is about me that is a telltale signature for repeated high dread, even among those I have never set eyes on before? Either she was prepared for an orchestrated visit by this victim (me), or else I have something visible about me that brings on a tense grimace. Or both. I don't care really; all I want to be is left the fuck alone and to be paid out for this fucking atrocity that I am kept in.

The above mentioned out of town grocery store visit was a classic perp gangstalker Fuckover play; three turns of Fuckwit stalkers arrive in turn just where I wanted to stand at the meat counter and order the sausages. Then the pop-out stalker acts from behind aisle ends, and the step-in-my-way games. Then when I wanted to bail out, why, a checkout cluster fuck, another classic stunt. One of my store criss-crossing tails just "happened" to arrive behind me at the checkout line. Well done assholes. And they even gave me an unusually obvious hint in the parking lot (pictured below), not that I expect them to let up any. In fact, any new activity, location of an activity or work site is a prime moment for extra stalking coverage and things going wrong.

EH Team; as in Electronic Harassment Team, aka the Psychopathic Confederacy, Abuse Delivery Division. (No license plate obscuring needed). The van is done up in one of their favorite, though not a publicly common color, flat black. No Fuckwits posted in the van that I could see. And it was hell to get out the parking lot with vehicles arriving behind me, arriving beside me, and the "usual" eruption of adjacent parked vehicles moving just when I was set to move. And a dipshit lead-ahead vehicular stalker too.

Getting to Summerland also brought on a full phalanx of vehicular stalkers, and one dip-shit stunt that also begot me a near collision. This fat woman pulled from the R lane and crossed in front of me to get to the L-most turn lane. No braking required, but it was awfully close, which I suppose was the real idea. Get a stalker over top of where the victim is to pass over (or where the victim was) with the least-most time interval. Haven't we seen that a few hundred times at checkouts? That is, moving in on me before I have picked up my grocery bags or received my receipt, and the oncoming near-collision driving stunts where they mind-fuck me NOT to veer off the road when there was plenty of safe room to do so. That is, a "how did we NOT have a major head-on?" stunt, a signature of their exquisite timing capabilities.

A day of vineyard work, with the assholes screwing me out of taking my ADD medications again. Just what is it that they want from me in this insane game of Rx intake sabotage?

And can we have enough things going wrong at once? Hopefully no more;
  • two pairs of headphones "broke"
  • vehicle parking brake release button is broke
  • my regular PC just had some kind of BIOS problem; this is written on the backup one
  • on my replacement Stanley water bottle stoppers order, per warranty, was messed up on three accounts; they supplied one when I wanted two, supplied the replacement stopper when I expressly indicated (twice) that I only wanted a plain one, and the supplied single stopper came without all its parts
  • online watch order obstruction, though they did say they would ship it (06-21-2019)
  • two attempts to scan hand pruner parts at Staples failed in two weeks
  • overhead track lighting partially failed when it normally very reliable
  • phone battery has become a heater and discharges very fast, and the online replacement is taking far too long
  • on the people fucking up front; an spurious $287 charge from a known outfit for something that I didn't order
Anyhow, enough for a week, and hopefully the above "gone-wrong" shit show list will be substantially shorter with no new additions.

Sunday, June 16, 2019

OS Upgrade and Kill the Audio

I think this the third time this year (2019), or maybe the fourth, but MS Windows has done it yet again; they upgraded the OS and killed the audio. I was so utterly pissed with this sabotage feature in 01-2019 that I finally executed on a long running intention and acquired a Sony music server so that my stored audio files could be played without a MS Windows dependency. And I am glad for that, as I am now listening to Carolyn Wonderland, sans PC. But that doesn't deal with web sourced audio such as Youtube and Netflix of course. (Visuals come in fine). So... I'm halfway there in getting away from MS invoked audio feed sabotage. Give it a week, and it will likely "recover". Perhaps it is the J River Media Server set up that is conflicting the situation. Call me old-fashioned if you want, but there aren't any dependencies except an analog signal (when wire connected) with dedicated audio components. But on the other hand, one might grant me an exception having been down the path of senseless upgrades, feature bloating, sabotage-ware, ergonomic interface confusion featurization and other like (ahem) upgrades.

Update; and I got the above all wrong. Yes, there was a MS Windows upgrade that day, and as it "so happened", also a power failure while I was away working. Normally these would have nothing to do with each other, but as my amplifier volume control resets itself to minimum when the power is cut or switched off (a very sensible feature), I did not think that it was the amplifier volume control that was the problem, and instead (per above), blamed it on the MS Windows upgrade. Largely because I have been conditioned on this being the problem, per past experiences this year. And so, a case of misplaced blame, though with the prior conditioning and the "happenstance" of a MS Windows upgrade with a power failure that same day. Well done. Add another Psychopathic theme into their long standing objectives list, misplaced blame (aka, erroneous blame assignment).

All this occurring on another day of dealing with the most infuriating interface and fraught functionality of all time, the so-called smart (Android) phone and its ever hyper touch screen that somehow fires off into fetching commands for which I had no intention of selecting. (As if I don't have enough fraught sabotage going on without this one added to the mix.) No device has cost me more grief than that fucking interface/design, and I am not including its klutz-prone keyboard in this polemic of techno-loathing. I was so happy with my Palm Pilot, and I would upgrade the physical device every two years or so, and it was so stable and consistent. I hold out hope that the Samsung Galaxy Note can take its place, once I can get one at half the present usury prices, currently $1400CAD here. And it seems that the older models somehow "hold their value", which could be translated into price supported somehow.

A partial day at work, having to deal with my vehicle making some peculiar noises while running, even when rolling. At first I thought it was related to the recent struts and shocks upgrade, but no, another "coincidence" event to cause me to take it back to the same shop. There they found crud on the driveline splines and cleaned it off, and it was OK. I was thinking it might be a wheel bearing or universal joint (the factory supplied lifetime kind, har, har), but no, it was a simple fix. Presumably an event to force the vehicle back with the shocks and struts installed for a week. Not unusual in this long running parade of "come back again", "repeat" and "return" stunts.

Then off to the dentist for wax impressions; a wide metal plate loaded with soft wax for me to bite my teeth into while the dental technicial hung onto the tray, about 5 minutes. Twice as it "happened" (repeat stunt perhaps). But seriously, $273 for 20 minutes to sink my teeth into soft wax as it hardens. At least the dentist showed up for a few minutes and I got the lowdown on the sequence of impressions.

All the while there was a hammer drill sounding off next door, presumably a new tenant begining alterations. I made a joke about it being the wrong kind of drill for dentistry, but I don't think she knew what a hammer drill was.

And all the while, the infernal noise of lawnmowers outside, only to find that the landscaper laborer "happened" to be finishing up behind my parked vehicle. The 8' wide and 80' long berm was duly mowed by then, and he was just cleaning up. And have I mentioned how the perps love to chase me with cut grass and lawnmower noise? Many times, and of late, they have been highly energetic in delivering this noise when I am outside. Not to mention that I spent the morning weed eating, some 5 hours worth.

And if all that commotion wasn't enough, why, it was full time vehicular gangstalk city; a 200' long traffic line on Skaha Lake Rd. to prevent me making a L turn, and so I made a R turn and took a long way around. That didn't stop them from tailing me with a vehicle all the way to the PO at LD. I suppose taking this 3x normal routing was just too exciting, and so my vehicular escorts were on full duty. I was taking my headphones, yet again (4x in 5 years) to the repair depot, and between that and taking time off in the afternoon, an irregular event, it was just too exciting of a gangstalking moment to pass up. As mentioned in past blog postings, the perps go absoutely nutty when I travel in town on an irregular day, say week daya.

Or is this gangstalking shit show over the fact that I was running a weed whacker for 5 hours this morning?.....

Then a 1.5 nap attack in the evening, though this might be in fact warranted due to later evenings and early mornings. As in a real sleep deficit, though this never bothered the Psychopathic assholes in the past, who so like to manipulate my sleep hours.

Some new and temporary vineyard employees today; two young Quebequois women, and two mid 20's males. The dudes came walking in a few minutes later, and put on a show of high rudeness, or was it just plain orchestrated rudeness. Same difference; one was a frizz hair, the other a do-rag (both Unfavored features) and they both were walking down the newly paved main driveway, coming straight at me for 80' on a 10' wide driveway. They walked side by side, and the do-rag comes straight at me and passes by within 6" of me while speaking with his buddy. Like WTF; as if he didn't know I was there. The do-rag doesn't say anything, and after he passed by I say, "good morning", and he replies in kind. Here it is, their first day on the job and they don't feel compelled to ask about where to meet, where is the boss lady, or anything like that? A case of native astounding belligerence or else orchestrated utter rudeness. Getting a Fuckwit to pass so close to me is always a big deal for the perps, and to have two dudes with their heads down coming at me and pretending not to see me has to be the ultimate in fucking rudeness. I am going to go with the orchestrated Rude-Dude scenario, and not assign it to the Quebequois behavioral trait. I have met many vineyard and winery workers from Quebec, many of them friendly, and have never seen anything quite so fucking outrageous as this.

Seems like yesterday's bowel issues passed, another bone of contention/adversity added to the day. The planted notion is that the weed whacking activity of the prior day wiped me out with pollen and dust allergies, though I have never had quite this level of "reaction" before. And of course the Psychopaths amped it up (yesterday) by having me "forget" never to have coffee first thing in the morning as it (appears) to conflict with my medications. And of course, after us regulars agreed to put the coffee on for 1000h, why, someone conveniently put it on at 0700h when I arrived. And of course, for me to "forget" and and have some, all to add to feel rather unwell in the morning. Well done assholes, and doubtless to feed my later afternoon outings, per above.

Although hot, it was a productive day, and we got lots of shoot thinning done. It seems to be a two pass vineyard activity this year; we got to them early but now three weeks later a considerably larger number of shoots have come on. It is likely we will be going back to other areas too.

And too plenty of semantic "coincidences" over "Stanley". My Stanley stainless steel water bottles are in desperate need for new stoppers, and I had spent many hours for many months looking for replacements. Only yesterday, just before the Stanley Cup final was playing did I finally find some on the Stanley site, and after some email exchanges for a few days, they are sending replacements. And too, it was the Stanley Cup final game when they put me into the above mentioned colossal nap attack. And of course, screwing me out of recalling that the final hockey game of the season was on.

Father's day and all that BS. My daughter did deign to call this year, and asked if I received her card. No (of course not), because 9/10 times she never mails it on time. Just why is it that the perps need to perpetuate this shambolic attitude of hers? She has her act together, so why this shit so consistently? Ditto for birthdays (mine). I always get her a card on time for her birthday, but "somehow" she can't get it together for mine. Last year, not even a card. Building the pissy attitude cred I suppose, even if unwarranted.

Anyhow, another week done, and the typo sabotage is now getting out of hand and typing any more is getting extremely tedious. Plus, there are many more masers floating around between this LED screen and me. And only a few minutes before, they kept peppering me with the fuzzy ball zingers while I was handwriting an address from this LED screen to paper. High excitement for low minds.

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Split Family Stalk

I was entering the mall for the SOF supermarket from the E side, which I rarely do, and lo, if the assholes didn't put on the family stalk show. The father 10' ahead of his wife in the "usual" (and ridiculous) couple or family stalking situation, then one of the two young girls (age 4 or so) lingers behind; something apparrently wrong with her footwear when it had been just fine when they were traversing the parking lot. The entrance was 15' from me, and I momentarily held up to let the child re-join the family, but no, she fakes me out by starting to proceed and  stopping again to then look at her foot or shoe again. Screw that, I have seen far too many feints and dodges every time I go through a fucking doorway, (everywhere) so this was just another as I saw it. And so I proceed, and then lone child tails me in, and then runs around me to re-join her family when inside. Nothing wrong with her foot or footwear before or after. And besides, why was the mother such a ditz as to not wait and/or pay attention to her child? Because they were on the family gangstalk, and this was the scripted scenario, and if they pulled it off correctly, they maybe got a bonus. And they weren't done yet; the same troup "happened" to be there ahead of me at the checkout, per "usual" financial transaction moment..

It is just fucking insane that I am not allowed to pass through a doorway, including my own residence, without some kind of orchestrated shit show, now for 17 years of this relentless and senseless abuse-athon. And it should be noted that a common public gangstalk move is to have a couple physically split apart and force me to pass between them. (That is, I am acting like a normal public citizen and not running from this obvious shit). These stunts are aided by aisle constrictions in stores, or other blocking operatives forcing me along a certain expected path.

And of course, the stop, start and fake me out is a well worn public gangstalking stunt. Which is an extension of the "dashed expectations" fuckery that suddenly arrived with considerable frequency when all this rain of abuse began in 04-2002.

Interesting that the Psychopaths mostly leave me alone on the W side mall entrance now for the past two years or so, only an occasional malingerer or a headlight shot as I exit. The mere fact (for most folks, save the Psychopaths) of getting out of my vehicle on the E side invokes this family gangstalking stunt. Go fuck yourselves; stalkers and the directing operatives.

I was leaving the vineyard at the end of the work day today, and lo, if I didn't have some sentinels (gangstalkers) at the gate. (Here we go again; entering and exiting property, this time a vehicle gate). For "some reason" the 3 year old boy was there alone at the gate with his head down and looking very avoidant and sheepish. And this infernal vineyard owner's dog also "happened" to be there too. This was a set-up at first glance, as the child is normally with the nanny everywhere on the property, and she was nowhere to be seen. Most wierd. And this infernal dog has taken upon itself to come at me with teeth barred and barking. I suppose the "usual" reason is that it is a shelter dog, though it could well be mind controlled to single me out, as no one else does or says squat about this intolerable situation. I even told the vineyard owner a few months ago that the dog goes for me alone with this ferocious and threatening display, and nothing got done. This time I screamed at the dog to piss off as I wanted to go through the gate and get to my vehicle, something it would know, as this animal has pulled this stunt before at this very location and circumstance.

Just then, I noticed that an irrigation line was broken and dumping water on the ground, and had been doing so as it extended 100' down the street. The dog and kid seemed to move on, as I was distracted by the irrigation problem. I attempted to re-attach the broken fitting while it was running (done this before, and have a technique), but no, I got a face full of water. I found the shut-off valve some 12' away, and shut it off, and then fixed it. About this time the boss lady came along, and I told her the story. I also noticed that the water ran under my parked vehicle, some 50' away.

So what was this multiple player stunt all about? The dog had already traumatized me earlier in the day by suddenly coming at me while I was deep in the vineyard, barking and barring its teeth. So I had already been traumatized, and the dog then pulls this shit again when exiting the property at the gate. Presumably the kid was trained up on this stunt as he looked so guilty, and was there on kiddie-stalk duty all by himself in a very uncharacteristic situation. And as the Psychopaths have this abiding and insane fixation over water; delivery methods (types of pipe), for drinking, for crop irrigation, bathing, weather and everything else, the broken irrigation line and the water running down the street and under my parked vehicle must of been the central objective of their test. (The infernal dog and its traumatization routine (twice in the day) seemed to be a sensitization "warm-up", and the young boy was a gangstalking prop, IMHO). As to what the Psychopaths need to know about water and its relationship to me I have no idea. It just wasn't enough that I swam in a swim club for 14 years, 3x/week, 2400m each practice. (And the pool facility even undertook a major water treatment system upgrade (chlorine to UV) during that time). And surely the rest of the swim club membership was in on all that before the Psychopaths went berserk/overt in 04-2002. I really don't care one iota as to what the Psychopathic agenda is with respect to water, just leave me the fuck alone. I have had enough.

A "need" came on to attend to my vehicle maintenance; new shocks/struts, fore and aft. All parts were ordered and I arranged for the mechanics to install them. I don't do vehicle repairs anymore, as it is yet another situation where the Psychopaths would screw the hell out of me as they know I wouldn't have the tools or knowledge to do this efficiently.

Three years ago when I had the Camry, and was working for a vineyard with winery and wine shipping duties they set it up that I was moving cases of wine between the storage facility and the tasting room. And as it "happened" the rear struts were becoming problematic and I had them replaced. And lo, if there wasn't another wine case packing job a few days later after the new rear struts were installed. And then no more wine case moving activities after that. So it would seem that they wanted to test my new struts and wanted a prior benchmarking with the old ones.

This time no wine case hauling, but starting from when I picked the vehicle up, the rain came on, rather curiously, as there hasn't been rain for four weeks. The rain slicked streets seemed to come on to prevent any "testing" (faster road speeds). And on some road sections, they put on a slow going lead-ahead blocking vehicles.  Only now (06-08-2019, Saturday) have they let me on some of the highway portions so I can drive faster, say, 80kph.

And in keeping with what has "erupted" so many times when I pick up my vehicle after it has been in the shop, another male is hanging around at the front desk. This was the apparent mechanic, and if so, possibly the guy who did the repairs and/or the test drive. Though back in 2002 when the assholes were very obviously on my ass, they didn't bother with the mechanic look, they just had some well dressed hanger-on loitering in the customer area for no seeming reason. Waiting at the local Ford dealership for their repair jobs (that take inordinately long) to finish is also another stalk-athon shit show.

Sunday, and I normally do some private vineyard work, but was back by 1030h as the owner was away, and there wasn't much property work to do.

I spent some time outside on the lawn, as the weather changed for the good. I was reading and having coffee, and lo, if the neighborhood noise assault didn't come on. The grinder from the E house across the lane was already running when I went outside (building egress situation, note) as was a N neighbor and their weed eater. Not five minutes into the book, and lo, from the W bordering property, a loud over-revving lawnmower started up and kept going for 40 minutes, which tells me that they had to have done the lawn twice, because it doesn't take anywhere near that long unless they are protracting it.

But the noise assault was done yet; the "regular" noisy overhead regular single engine aircraft came over for some circling. This same aircraft has an astonishing habit finding me outside on many other properties. Then the more distant (one block away) HD motorcycle noise came on, the most loathed noise of all. The final noise source culminated in the parked dump truck being started up and run at idle in the lane opposite. Screw that, and so I went inside.

(Did I ever mention how the Psychopaths love to hound me with dump trucks (loaded or unloaded)? This seems to fit their continuing need to have soil samples and exposures planted around me. It just wasn't enough that I took soil science at university. All the while I was reading The Many Worlds of Hugh Everett III. Which is what I suspect the Psychopaths and their insane and relentless campaign (involving myself and all other TI's, and very possibly all humans in varying degrees of invasion and disruption) is all about; discovering the Universal Wave Function. Ask me if I give a shit; after 17 years of relentless abuse and harassment there is very little I care about.

 Enough for a posting, and to call this done for last week. As one can discern, the perps (Psychopaths) are hard at coming up with yet more variations, permutations, combinations and spatial juxtapositions of every conceivable action and motion. And putting me through most of them. Woo-hoo.

Sunday, June 02, 2019

One Time Riffing Posting

Normally I add diary postings over the week and then wrap it up for a weekly posting, usually on Sundays if I don't get messed around or else backed up with other essential things. (Like attending to matters that were inexplicably delayed by the other party).

This time it is a little different in that I am attempting to pull this together in one sitting, not having made any notes or entries over the week. Naturally, the immediacy of the orchestrated idiocy and assaults (sometimes insults) will have diminished. I still yet don't have a handle on whether my readership wants the slings and arrows in all their detail, summaries thereof, or my ponderings as to what is driving the perps to such insane ends that they cannot openly declare their experiment on the human race, or even to us lowly TI's and the daily travails and adversities we are subjected to. Anyhow, I just roll on, usually with a mixture of these, and a few other related tangents. Not that I have hit the mother lode on finding a commonality with anyone, a group or even a TI. It just seems that whenever I meet TI's, (and they are genuine ones), I get the feeling that I am a temporary prop, possibly directed even.

Could be worse I suppose; one irresponsible TI claimed I was a perp without any due diligence of course. Makes me wonder if it wasn't the accuser. And for the record, I am not; every fucking day I deal with imposed adversity that is at least an order of magnitude greater before these unknown personnel searched my place in 04-2002, then invaded it with many unconventional technologies, as well as displaying their capabilities of teleportation and telekinetic fuckery, not to mention their infinite capacity to orchestrate my existence and especially notable by arranging gangstalkers around me at every turn. These Psychopathic Confederates have been very consistent since then, one of the most prevalent methods is to piss me off. Which they do at least 80x/day, and on a rough day, 200x. Pulling items from my grasp is a stock stunt, as is riling me up by thwarting my intentions, and especially when attempting to complete some task.

Anyhow, lets get back to the week. A hot one in the Okanagan Valley; easily 30C each day, often getting hazy in the afternoon, and a few clouds then too. Even a few thunderclouds and a thunder in the distance. I was on vineyard work all week; shoot thinning is running big right now, which is removing extra shoots so that there is less crop load and the vine canopy has sufficient airflow. The shoots are easier to remove now, at about 6-12" long that when they are 36" long and have to be cut out, as pulling them would damage the adjacent shoots that one intends to keep. And do the perps ever love screwing me over when it comes to "accidentally" removing the intended shoot that I wanted to keep. You know, "inadvertently" snagging a leaf of the keeper shoot in the process of removing the intended shoot. I call this "Pyrrhic Progress", damaging or destroying what one intends to keep. (Often they time this stunt when I have an alternative remaining, so not all is lost). They pull a similar stunt in the winter when pruning; "accidentally" (by way of imposed mindfuck) having me cut off the very cane that I wanted to leave for the source of the shoots that year. (One has to select a healthy cane (lignified shoot) that arises from the central area of the vine trunk that is below the horizontal wire on which it is later tied to, usually before May in this region). The good news that these forced "accidental" or deliberate mindfuck incursions are much less than they were when I started vineyard work in 2012.

Speaking of sabotage, the Psychopaths pulled a new one two days ago, or rather, a new variation of footwear sabotage. I was in the habit of putting my boots outside to dry off for a few hours after work, especially as it was so hot, and the boots could dry out faster and not stink the place out. I put on the alarm for two hours or so and then retrieve them, as all too often, the assholes had me "forget", and lo, they were soaked from overnight rain or the irrigation. (Another one of the perps' fetishes is messing with water sources; from drinking, household supply, cleaning etc.). All was going well this week, the routine was nailed down, and the boots were dried out, retrieved and placed inside for the evening. And lo, if the assholes didn't fuck me out of setting the alarm, and lo, if they didn't wipe out my adversity vigilance (normally set at a considerably high level, per constant experience), as to responding to the noise of lawn irrigation water hitting the outside wall every few minutes. As it "happened" the landlord inexplicably turned on the lawn irrigation manually in the evening when it is programmatically set for early in the morning. Well done asshole; you filled my boots (not on the lawn, but somehow the sprinkler got them anyhow) with 1/2" of water and soaked the leather as well. And how many fuckups did we have leading up to this? At least three; 1) I was mindfucked out of setting the alarm, 2) and exercising my normal associative vigilance and 3) the landlord "acting up" and putting on the irrigation for no seeming reason. (The lawn was healthy).

But the Psychopathic assholes weren't done yet; I dried the boots out, and put them on today for a different vineyard gig, and lo, if they "somehow" didn't shrink, and were uncomfortable to wear all day today. (It just wasn't enough that all my boots shrank last year, (or else my feet inexplicably grew), so that I ended up wearing thinner socks to be able to wear all of them comfortably again). I am pissed beyond measure, as the assholes have constantly sabotaged these boots, as they do with all my footwear. It just "happens" this gets expensive; $200 for the boots, then at least 3x $100+ repairs (two sole replacements, one heel rebuild). The leather is also cracking up no matter what treatment I do, so I figured I would get one more season out of them. But no, unless I go another round of of having them fixed or stretched, or whatever, they are finished. And as it "happens" the perps just love to bend my ankles over, so good stiff hiking boots are vital for my vineyard work. Anyone else can work in sneakers, or below ankle boots, but because the assholes pull these ankle bending stunts so often (to "cause" sprains), I must use over-ankle stiff boots. Well done you assholes, just what I needed; the expense of another pair of boots with a target painted on them for yet more years of sabotage assaults of premature wear, sole repairs and rebuilds along with the inevitable months in the shop to get them fixed. Cannot the perps fuck my footwear enough? Seemingly not. Never mind the wretched shopping experience to obtain appropriate replacements.

And they weren't finished on the sabotage front; my headphones packed it in yet again. This particular pair have been sent across the country to the repair depot at least 3x in the past seven years, and this will make it at least repair depot trip #5 (read on). I hate in in-ear products, and all the more as the perps manipulate them to fall out or otherwise become a Pain-In-the-Ear (PIE). Perhaps I should consider myself "lucky" on this one, as they haven't just "fallen apart" or disintegrated like so many other makes. This same pair was sent to the shop in 2003 after it was used at work to prevent the punishing head pains which came on after they first went berserk/overt on 04-2002. The headphones worked admirably to prevent the directed head pains they were hammering me with. That is, until the assholes sabotaged them by turning the vertical post by itself, so that the gimbel mount fell apart. All these years, and yet I clearly remember being absolutely astonished that the metal post was spinning all by itself and grinding the plastic gimbel mount so that it could not be worn. (Almost) needless to say, the replacement headphones duly fell apart in short order so I was without this form of protection from these intensely painful head pain assaults. Later I put magnets in my mouth and foiled the insane bastards for a while, but then they remotely degaussed the magnets and rendered them useless.

Enough tripping down memory lane, none of it good. And to call this a posting for the week, such as it is.