
Monday, January 21, 2019

Thwarting Tool Use

I don't know what it is about tool use, but the just love to screw me around, especially if it is a new one. Forced fumbling and fuckups, pressing the wrong button, or the only button the wrong way, you name it, they just grind the piss out of me. All to infuriate me no end.

A variant of this is to have the tool fuck up, which is why I never buy cheap ones as they always exacerbate the imposed adversity. Or, more accurately, they are exploited for their weaknesses to make it more problematic, from bit or disc installation, tool use, safety etc. And the assholes are at it again, thwarting me from using my decent cordless 4.5" angle grinder, as the grinder disc "somehow" locks up after being installed with the arbor nut. I take the disc off, and the bare arbor turns just fine.

Like WTF; I have never, ever, experienced something so bizarre as this before, and I know angle grinders reasonably well. I even put the disc on and didn't wrench tighten the arbor nut, just finger tight, and still it won't run. This grinder doesn't even have five hours on it, and "somehow" it just won't run. Needless to say, with the relentless sabotage of everything, I was infuriated beyond words. Why is it the Psychopaths need to obstruct me doing something so fucking basic as using a grinder for 20 minutes? That they are obsessed with rotary tool use is a given, but why now, and why so blatant? And of course, if it runs without a disc on it (bare arbor), but doesn't when there is, just how am I going to get service support? It never fucking ends, this relentless and insane fuckery by way of unconventional sabotage at every turn.

And that spawned an hours long episode on researching a better grinder, and lo, if there wasn't one that recently released. And lo, if it wasn't $220, about 3x what I paid for the one I have. All to get a better handle, one that I can safely grasp, and a paddle switch instead of the unsafe slider switch. I passed on the upgrade as it just wasn't worth it for the little that I use the tool.

Yoga; an almost new crew yet again even if it the regular Monday night hot yoga class I attend. A near full room of yogis as I predicted, as they like to jump on me when I get back after my extended absences.

I finally got the angle grinder running; I got hit with a major mind fuck and didn't have the arbor nut in place, "forgetting it" as it was conveniently buried underneath something in the dedicated tool box. Well done assholes.

All to grind a 1" wide end of a pry bar, but the rigid disk sucked so bad and was heating up the work, so I looked online. That became a two hour episode of looking at youtube, but I did learn that zirconia abrasive flap wheels do a good job on metals. So more online research as to where to get these in town, and I set off. I was gangstalked up the asshole enroute, but got to where I wanted and it wasn't too bad. It took at least 20 minutes to sort through the various grits and sizes with the store assistant, as it "just seemed" that their selection was rather poor for the 4.5" size. Anyhow, I got 4.5" and a 5" sizes in two grits, and lo, they worked great and sharpened the tool up in 20 seconds, even if the 5" size was getting a little sketchy on the safety aspect. And minimal heating of the work, a total bonus and not having to dip it in water every 20 seconds.The rigid resin disc would of taken at least 10 minutes of grinding, and 5 minutes of heat abatement. Wonders never cease; I was finally allowed to up my game in using an angle grinder for coarse sharpening. And when being kept in a world of forced delays, ditherings, fuck-ups, re-work, putzings and other interference, discovering the utility and efficiency of zirconia grit flap disks for grinding metal is truly stunning.

Dental surgery today; "only" two hours instead of 3.5 hours last time when they did the prior sinus lift and bone graft. I suppose having an E. Indian male dental surgeon, as in brown skinned, was a big deal for the perps as I don't normally encounter anyone that close for so long, let alone another skin color. This dental visit was to get the anchors installed in my jaw for the eventual placement of implant teeth that will mounted once the anchors knit to the jawbone.

I had to then go out and get my Rx filled, and was duly covered by a surfeit of gangstalkers on my ass, including three LD staff in a swarm from two aisles and in two directions, pretending this ersatz confluence of independently working staff members "happened" to erupt all within 5 seconds (and in front of me) was a "coincidence" for crissakes.

Finally got my resume off that I had been working on for a week. All these "interuptions" keep happening, or else I get distracted. I have never had so many "distractions" in all my life since this reign of abuse came down 04-2002. Funny how so many things changed that day, and ever since, now closing in on 18 years of this insane abuse-athon.

One of my commercial cabinet firm colleagues came by over the past two days to help me install the 13.5' of counter top that was freely available from the job back in December. He and I hauled counter tops to his place too, as well as other material that was to be thrown out had we not rescued it. Nothing new in the construction business, but I will only take items that are given to me. My colleague not only had the experience, but also other tools, so it was worthwhile to pay him something as I am sure it would of been a 5x longer and an exercise in constant mind-fuckery, tool failure, wrong cuts and every other possible imaginable disaster of personal sabotage the perps could of dreamed up. As it was, one cut-out in the counter for a center wire port was too big, and that was "me" doing the measuring. In quotes, because I knew something was wrong when I measured it, and yet I couldn't (and strangely) get my head around it at the time. Not too big of a open gap in the counter top, but the assholes will NEVER let me do a good job when that is all I want to do. An exercise in vexation to the highest degree, and they make it worst when starting a new endeavor.

And all the three months on the construction job last year using battery powered drills and impact drivers, and still they won't let me operate the switch correctly at least half the time. It is the horizontal slider switch with four positions, the outer two being on (fully moved to the L or R for forward or reverse respectively), or a position inboard on each side for off. I cannot recount how many times in a day they fucked me out of having it reverse when I wanted forward, (or vice versa), or off when I wanted on (and vice versa) or else screwed me out of re-setting the switch when I knew what my next use was. And of course, it wasn't enough to screw me using my own drill, but when using others' too. And for the record, all of the power drills use the identical format of the switch positions, and the switch being in the same horizontal configuration. (The excuse of a differing ergonomic design between drill manufacturers doesn't wash as a reason for fumbling with the switch as often as it "happened"). So yes, using a portable drill extensively was new, but I had used them on and off for some years. So why the relentless fuckery and sabotage all day long for three months over using a drill? (Actually two tools, an impact driver and a drill, both from the same manufacturer and with the same switch mechanism). And yes, the assholes were at it again the past two days when helping out on this counter top installation at my residence.

That the place got turned upside down for 1.5 days surely served the perp's games, as well as the many trips in and out to do cutting work, and then hauling the heavy counter tops back and forth. Then using the three tables that were displaced was also of some interest to the perps, but I have long given up on the minutiae of what disruption they planned serves what purpose.

After my colleague departed about noon Sunday, the perps went berserk and sabotaged the shit out of me in my own place. Forced hand openings to have me drop things right and left, dumping food on the floor, sending me to the wrong location in my very small kitchen etc. All to infuriate the shit out of me, presumably to make up for the fact they weren't doing this while my colleague was here. 

There has been a decided increase in gangstalking and obstruction fuckery this past week, the first full week since returning from Victoria. Is that how they say "Happy New Year" in perp-speak?

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