
Sunday, September 30, 2018

Get Yer Booties On

 Monday, and for some curious reason I got screwed out of yoga tonight. Normally, if there is such a thing, Mondays are good for many statutory holidays through the year, e.g. Labor Day, and therefore, classes get cancelled. For whatever reason they didn't want me there, and had me "misread" the clock, and also get consumed with hair plucking, and by the time I was allowed to figure it out, it was too late. Well done assholes, but what is the excuse this time? Maybe they wanted to put a freak, aka Unfavored specimen, in my exact location of my mat, without me there. They have no compunction about sending in someone early to occupy my usual mat location to force me somewhere else, which isn't a big deal, though this time it seems my presence wasn't desired. So it goes in this arcane and insane choreography, never more evident by the gangstalking Fuckwits that need to cross my path, ahead or behind in such close timing, or else stand where I stood, say in queues.

And at the construction job, we are now to wear disposable booties; I caught it in the ear because they weren't on right, then later, when wearing them outside (I did not plan to enter the building with them on).

The disposable bootie requirement is now running at 200 pairs an hour project wide, and especially for those trades that need to go in and out of the building.

This was a situation I was in, along with my co-worker as we had to move cabinets on a dolly from the parkade into the building, which was at least 8 trips for the pair of us.

The assholes pulled a big finger cut on my L index finger, as the cutting knife "somehow" skipped off the plastic pallet strapping and into my finger. It was of such a degree that I had to grab it right away to staunch the blood flow, and attend to it at our office and use the first aid kit. It was a ten minute job to clean it up, as well as anything else I came into contact with. Well done assholes. And haven't we been through enough of this "blood sampling"? Apparently not. Last week my co-worker was cut, though much less, and wouldn't put a band-aid on.

And true to form, they then use this injury to turn me into a bigger klutz than I am already. This "habit" goes back decades, when finger cuts somehow made me more clumsy and fine motor skill impaired.

Another favorite jerkaround is that they like to aggravate a healing wound, which they did the next day. For "some reason" I placed my injured finger near the collapsible dolly mechanism and it got momentary pinched at the wound. It could of been a lot worse, and at the end of the day when I re-bandaged it, there was only a small bleed from this follow-on episode.

A day I would of gone hiking, but no, the rain came on and so it turned out to me a mellow day at home mostly, save a trip to SOF supermarket.

And it seems quite plain that the "herding" has reached greater proportions, not just today. This is where they obstruct the location I intend to go to, or else, stalk my ass and force me along different routes than the direct routes I usually take in the same stores I frequent.

And to add insult to injury, the assholes have given me a cold, my first in years. The cold and flu fuckery ended back in 2012 when I began a once per week tanning habit. And as it turns out, tanning generates dopamine as well as the more known vitamin D. On with the echinacea and vitamin C, and we shall see what happens this week.

The sleep issue has diminished significantly from 08-2018; if I take my ADD Rx before about 1000h, it isn't a problem. The Rx is a time released design, and specified to last 8 hours. But "somehow" the sleep interference problem persists for much longer, such that I get no sleep all night if I take it later. I have no idea how it could possibly happen in conventional terms.

Anyhow, enough for the week and to see what the next brings.

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