
Monday, August 13, 2018

Smokey Skies Again

Back to atmospheric smoke haze days again, but not as dense as last year. We have done this three years of the past six, and as the perps just love foggy or hazy conditions, I am not surprised. I suppose inhaling smoke particles could be part of their research agenda, but they also like to dampen the visual scene for whatever reason.

And if that wasn't annoyance enough, they have pulled the "sunscreen in the eye" stunt again, now twice in two days. I ran out of the usual kind, the the replacement sunscreen seems to be unusually more painful. This erupts near the day's end, forcing me often to drive with one eye open, ever serving their games as to what I see with one eye, versus the other. As to how the sunscreen somehow creeps up my face and gets in my eye, I have yet to find an answer, as I never, ever, put it on my forehead.

And what is with the perps being on the rag this morning when making breakfast at my residence? And this evening, after work, they are at it again. While at work in the vineyard they were relatively calm, and not riling me up so intensely. Just the "usual"; flipping items out of my hand, proprioception interference such that they ram my hand into something I would ordinarily miss, planting messes on my counter, sending me to the wrong kitchen cupboard or drawer etc. I must of yelled at them at least 15x for these transitory incursions this morning, but getting me pissed off once just isn't sufficient for them.

And more infuriation this evening, looking for a pair of safety glasses. I had two pairs, one of which was used this winter as ersatz ski goggles as it was so cold some days, but they too have gone missing. All part of my PPE for my job interview tomorrow morning.... as to why I didn't think this one through and get a new pair on the way home I have no fucking idea. I spent at least 1.5 hours going through all my tool and gear bags, but to no avail, though I did re-organize all this stuff I had long "forgot" that I had in each bag.

Friday, and my last day of vineyard work for 2018. Next week I start my construction job for two or three months. Hopefully all will go well, and I earn some decent money for once in the 16 years (and counting) of this harassment gig. The vineyard boss man even came around with a few beers and we chatted for 30 min. And we chatted about the same duration earlier at my lunch time.

Monday, and and a seven hour drive back from Bellevue WA to see the ADD doctor. Just when I thought I was getting all things ordered to re-start my ADD medications, he is taking me sideways, and wants a "sleep study", where one wears a headband with electrodes which is connected to a device to record the various wave types. I said it sounds expensive, because I would have to pay for it out of pocket, US prices. He said he professionally must conduct such a study for continuing care to cover the scrutiny he expects, being certified in three fields of medicine. He said he would forward a letter to my regular walk-in clinic (Canadian) doctors to request a referral, and I said that was fine. But if they don't buy into it, or blow this off with some kind of rejoinder like, "its just a CYA US healthcare demand", then it might be the last I see of the Bellevue doctor. Said Bellevue doctor, friendly last time, didn't seem so disposed today, and walked with a distinct limp and with a cane. I asked him about it, and he said he had old injuries flaring up. I sense he must of been in some pain, given his more terse style today. I just don't know what it is, but it seems that good doctors aren't allowed to last; that is, something comes up and I exit their care, entirely due to professional issues. Save my regular GP in 2003 (from 1980), who flat out said he didn't want to see me any more, invoking some BS excuse.

Last night at the hotel in Bellevue, there were some very loud arguments in Spanish coming from two doors down, and the hotel security came the second time and all was quiet after that.

And what was that dull glowing device on the ceiling in the hotel? It was in the center of the room, over the middle of the bed, about 8" square with a plastic panel and a dull white light glowing from it. It was wired from the hallway, with the covered wire raceway attached to the ceiling after running down the corner of the wall and ceiling. It wasn't a smoke detector or CO2 detector, as those were separate devices.

A seven hour drive today, and it was considerably more smokey today, from Snoqualmie Pass to Penticton. I see they had some big brush fires along I90 near W Columbia River gorge, with even guardrail posts burned to the ground in some places.  Some smaller ones along Hwy 97, N of Wenatchee too. In either case, if they had been raging during my trip, it would of been considerably more congested along any detour routes.

Yoga this evening, and lo, after some 3-5 yogis for the past four weeks, why, some 15 of them came for my class after today's seven hour drive. The weather hadn't changed much, and hot yoga on a hot day hadn't been a big seller until today. Perhaps it was the line of three dudes who just "needed" to take off their shirts for crissakes, back to that again. One being a E. Indian with dark brown skin, the last one to come into the practice room. As always, I haven't figured out the why and wherefore for these seeming arranged configurations of yogis; usually about 80% new, and 20% ones I recognize from past classes, even if the same class every Monday. One time they had dancers from a regular group come, and the instructor thanked "all those who came on short notice, especially you guys" (pointing to the dancers). They looked rather pained at being identified, as well as being associated with the apparent prior organization of the class members. Well, at least it has been confirmed once.

Anyhow, enough to get this posted for the week.

[A note to the TI person who left a comment, that requested it be deleted (not posted), which I did:

it is very possible you inadvertently mentioned in our conversation some items that are particular sore points with me from the initial intense harassment onset days (2002-3), when I was dealing with the succession of criminal doctors and the wretched First Feral Family, all spouting the same ridiculous nonsense that just didn't add up. And that your questions were entirely of  innocent origin and intent. (As is stepping in metaphoric "cow pies" that you didn't know were there). If so, I humbly apologize for my reactions as stated in my earlier blog posting. Yes, I do claim to be heavily mind controlled, and too, this all could of been yet another wedge driven between TI's, something that is quite common. Though this would be the first instance in my case. And please feel free to talk to me about it on the phone at your convenience.]

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