
Sunday, May 27, 2018

Dude Flush Gangstalking Tactics

What is it about going to the supermarket that has the perps covering me with these flushes of dudes? Said dudes at the supermarket; first tail me individually, and then split off and one even paralleled me in the next aisle just when I thought I ditched the fucker who was hot on my ass. (Not many walk as fast as I do, but his asshole was game for some reason). Another in the produce section was on my ass, and then another takes over. Not quite "tag teaming", but same concept. Improbably, they then they cluster together at the same section (bacon), each pretending to be shopping independently, within 4' of each other for 30 seconds and then they split apart. I call it the "come together" gangstalking move. Then one o them "happens" split off to perform a lead-ahead stalking to the location I was headed next, the cooler cases for the coconut milk. Then a reprise of at least one of them again when at the checkout. Does this shit ever end? And why the flush of dudes, and this ridiculous choreography? And who are these fuckers; trained-up shills just for this event, or long term operatives? My inclination is the former, given how well they fit in with the general ill-dressed populace, and the gut-prone comportment, but one never knows. And besides, if they can insert thoughts so readily, my initial notion could be flat wrong. In Victoria, the Gangstalking Capital of Canada, there was a more obvious component of males without a day job, and were more dressed up, but not here, casual wear being the biggest cover going.

Shoot thinning in the vineyard all this week. Mostly sunny, save the odd spatter of rain or a thunderstorm threat. My work colleague is going to Boston for five days, to "see a friend" she says. Not bad for a small town single mother to have these contacts, but it does seem odd to me. Because Boston is a heavy perp center, is it possible that this woman going as some kind of surrogate for me? All the more peculiar is that she is flying back via Montreal, a city of infamy when it comes to psychiatric research, especially in the 1950-60's. So terrible were the "treatments" (tortures), that the Allen Memorial Center destroyed all the records in 1972. Then this MKULTRA related appalling atrocity of Dr. Ewen Cameron and his staff became publicly known in 1974. And I lived in Montreal in 1956-7, and 1958-59, and I have nearly no memories of this time, even if I was beginning to make long term memories in 1956. So anyhow, is this woman doing a surrogate tour?

It wouldn't be the first time that someone I know has gone traveling on my "behalf" as I see it. My perp abetting mother, ex and daughter did a tour together of Ottawa, Montreal, Washington DC and NYC a few years ago, (about 2013), and none of them ever lived or had any prior connection to Ottawa, Washington DC and NYC. My daughter hadn't been to any of these cities before, and the same for the ex. But in the case of Ottawa, the ex had a "friend" (again), someone I hadn't known about in the 20 years we were married, and said "friend" put them up and toured them around in Ottawa. In the case of Ottawa, psychiatric research atrocities were also performed there too, contemporaneous with Montreal of the Dr. Ewen Cameron brain trashing games. Anyhow, it is just idle speculation that I might of been in Ottawa during my memory deleted years of 1956-59.

Though the "friend" label has been used in the past to cover for actions of others who didn't seem like friends at all. Back in 07-2003, the landlady had "friends" stay over at her place, who turned out to be at least five dudes living upstairs, up to some kind of hi-jinks with masers and plasma beams, as my basement suite was riddled with this visual activity. This was especially noticeable at night when in bed, as all these plasma (light) beams came shooting down from above. Once they nailed me in the toe with a beam that was immediately painful, enough to yell at the assholes, and then I experienced this sudden flood of thought, as in planted thought, that they were very sorry. It was most strange, as I don't normally get this kind of reciprocation or empathy from them; its all one way, and its all about riling me up and pissing me off. (Or traumatizing and terrorizing me for the initial year of this assault onset, 04-2002 to 2003.) I think it was the only instance where I got some kind of "feedback" from them in the form of a emotional notion. Back in the high-Fuckover days of 2002-2003, I sometimes had some telepathic verbal engagement with them, and additionally I also got the odd dull (not painful) acknowledging sensation in my toe.

Back to surrogate travelers; my perp-abetting mother, ex and daughter are on a week tour of Iceland at present. Again, none of them have been before, and have no direct heritage there. As to why they would go in May when it is still perishing cold there I have no idea, but a lot of their travels haven't made much sense, per above.There is a geographic component to this harassment as well when they want others to travel in my footsteps, though in this case I haven't been there, ever. Not even a flight stop-over.

I changed vineyards to work closer to town, and it is much closer to Naramata Rd, and is fraught with a whole lot more road noise. Enough that I don't bother to put on my headphones as the noise will come pummeling through the music I am listening to. As always, there is only so much music they will let me listen to before they disrupt it. Prior to this, I had listened to music via my DAP and headphones for most of the day, some four days in succession. Sure, there were the odd interruptions from the boss man and my co-worker, but these were minimal. And too, occasional noise insertions from the adjacent house building, tractor work, and it almost goes without saying, overhead aircraft activity, usually helicopters.

A parcel pickup after work, and what big gangstalk at the PO. Another ski jacket purchase, getting them on sale at this time of year. But it was too small, so then a later parcel return attempt, but I missed the PO opening hours by 5 minutes. More gangstalking silliness there too, along with a another another dude flush, plus a tail in, a tail out, the kids strangely playing outside the store etc.

And what is with all the male guts these days? Its just plain disgusting.

I got nailed with a 2 hour nap attack tonight, and am rather groggy to say the least. Again, it followed reading a book. I thought I was past this imposition, as I haven't had an evening nap for a week, but no, they got me good tonight. There were some momentary awakenings, when a half hour into it, I looked at the clock, and thought "good, just a short nap". Then again after an hour, this time thinking "glad it was only an hour". Before I knew it, it was two hours later and feeling so very groggy. The perps have had me on this "split shift" sleeping schedule for at least three months now, and I was finally beginning to shake it this past week, but not tonight.

Another day (Sunday) at the road noise vineyard, with of course, the infernal HD motorcycle noise added in, at least 10x. One employee at the tasting room even came out "for a walk" she said, and stopped by for a chat, as she had done some vineyard work at her former employer. Apparently she is writing up this in a online newsletter as part of her promotional duties. Interestingly, she "happened" to come by just when there was a mid-row change in varietals. (The only row of about 50 like this where the plantings are both for one row). And given the past flushes of work colleagues and/or stalking stunts when we changed blocks (and varietals) last year, it just seems to be a big deal for the perps. Not quite as activity bound as when I get to the end of a row, any row (i.e. direction change), but a big deal enough to crank up the stalking silliness some. As to what the perps get from this I don't know, but perhaps there is a "vibe" (aka, energetic resonance) particular to one plant variety versus another, and they want to detect this interaction between a given plant variety and me. Of a given varietal and clone, all the plants are genetically identical. Interestingly, the regular vineyard has multiple clones of the same variety, e.g., merlot xyz clone versus merlot abc clone, and for three other varietals as well. Go figure. They definitely have been working me up for multiple varietals and clones of the same varietals for the past six years of this vineyard laboring gig. The 2012-2014 vineyard was 99% all one clone of the pinot blanc varietal.

Enough for a posting for the week, and to call this one done.

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