
About Me; Over 1200 Character posting, updated

March, 2010

I am surveilled, harassed and gangstalked everywhere I go 24/7/365.  Most of the city's population and all its civic services appear to have been co-opted in supporting this depravity. Mind control research is part of this activity, but not all. As an example, I was controlled to drive down the wrong direction of a one-way arterial street where all oncoming traffic was rerouted. All my experience, knowledge and judgement were temporarily hijacked and subverted from a remote location. (And I noted in a blog posting, a former work colleague was driving downtown at 0640h on the wrong side of Blanshard and Pandora with oncoming traffic re-routed, coming toward me on the sidewalk, though he turned and pulled back into the right lane to make a right turn. He has the initials of WS, and drove an old dark green VW bug, and it was way too early for him to be starting work. So it is not just my perceptions that are getting whacked).

I am kept in a densified magnetic field, measured at 1600 Gauss in 2009, once 200 Gauss in late 2002. No doubt the constant barrage of maser and plasma beams, both magnetically controlled phenomena, that I see in significant quantity in my apartment residence is part of this ongoing nonconsensual human experimentation in a supposed free country, Canada. Most, if not all, interactions with others seem to be scripted with compliant and complicit individuals. This includes my family who are in total evasive denial, and from my determinmation, are fully involved in this atrocity given their unrelenting propensity to play dumb all the time. My parents and two younger brothers are whom I call the First Feral Family in this blog. And this would include TI's as well, if my interpretations of their individual gangstalking behaviors when I met a regional group in 08-2010.)

Other interesting snippets from the past are that by age five I had lived two years in Montreal, as my father finished his PhD in geology at McGill in 1959. I remember nothing from my second stay there, 1958-59, and no one in my family ever mentioned this second residence term. I only now know about it (as of 2009) from finding a family photo and could place the date from my three years younger brother, that of myself and the ice sculptures. But I have a smattering of recollections of Montreal when there 1956-57 when aged two years old as an only child; one was that the snow disappeared overnight. Which of course didn't happen, but obviously I had been somewhere else where I couldn't update my environmental recall. And for those who know of psychiatric abuse as practiced in North America then, my time in Montreal was coincident with that of the infamous Dr. Ewen Cameron of his never published "psychic driving" (aka brain trashing) program at McGill University, subject of a successful lawsuit against the CIA who supported his "research" through a front organization. The first chapter of Naomi Klein's book, The Shock Doctrine has a very vivid description of what went on then, though to an adolescent at the time.

I am often gangstalked and gamed by Scottish accented gangstalkers and shills, and Dr. Cameron had a strong Scottish accent. The constant plasma beams in lurid colors, both as flashes and enhancements of lighted objects in my apartment and elsewhere, may be an emulation of LSD experiences, as Dr. Cameron was also involved in this as part of this CIA supported program. By way of invasive and extra conventional technologies, as enabled in this densified magnetic field I am kept in, there are suggestions of other abusive facets from this era, though I have no explicit recall as to what exactly happened.

Nearly all of my conscious recall seems to have been blanked out from 1956 to 1960, save above mentioned snippets of early (24 to 30 months) formed memories. The present day ongoing public harassment presentation includes clinical themes (white coats and clothes, and such personnel closing in on me), black colored vehicles, wheelchairs, the plasmic LSD colorations mentioned above, male crotch grabbing, bald male heads, large beer guts, negroes, electroshocks, coordinated coughing and other freakish appearances and perverse public behavoirs. As this has been so consistent for the past 7.5 years of harassment (as of late 2009), I can only assume that some of it is designed to re-enact events of subconscious recall that my harassors cannot yet access. [Update] The web site named The Indian Lake Project holds some photographic pictures of military staff with children from the 1950's, and one shows the children in cages, one blind, and another negro. This may hold some clues as to what exactly transpired for me in the "lost years" of 1956 to 1959, as I get an excess of military, blind and negro gangstalkers per local demographics.

A second significant component of my travails is that I deal with extra-conventional gravitic harassment all day long, and anywhere I go. Teleporting crumbs, dog hairs and lint are 100x/day or more events, and objects can move by themselves, often in my visual field with no apparent causality. I am not always allowed to do the most basic of things; my fingers will fly off the light switch without it moving, book pages will stick together, my hand will somehow slip and drop what I was holding even with no intention of releasing anything, the extraordinary number of typos that "happens" defies some 35 years of keyboarding experience, and other litanies of ongoing applied abuse all day long. And too, I get teleporting operatives arriving from nowhere, or else disappearing in my proximity. This senseless and insane extra-conventional remotely applied gravitic abuse is the second major reality disruption I encounter all the time. The enire conventional notion of human understanding of our physicality and the effects of applied forces has been turned on its head, as I see violations of this every day, e.g. water climbing out of the sink drain.

The third most significant aspect is the infliction of torment and enragement as reactions to these constant harassment stunts. There is nothing they like to do more than enrage me, and as one can detect, it can be easily accomplished by full time and real time applied methods of manipulating the physicality of my existence, and ensuring that it is gratuitious, petty and obstructive to be annoying enough to say something. I get between 50 to 250 such rage-fication fuckover events every day.

And don' t tell me to see the doctor; the last two said I am being persecuted, and that should be enough reason for the First Feral Family to exert some objectivity, but they won't.

This is my journal of all things irregular and of harassment proportions from an observational perspective, and I attempt not to weave this into a larger conspiratorial matrix, but it would be easy to do when one considers the timing of news events as they occur for me, and if one adopts the notion that nothing that ever happens, or has happened, in my life has been a coincidence.

Those who are genuinely curious though circumspect, and are not a TI, are best advised to read the Essential Introductory Postings (to the right) first to aquaint themselves to the extra-conventional reality that I deal with every waking moment. It is so highly unlike anyone else's outside the TI (Targetted Individual) community, that assimilating the facts requires effort in smaller digestible pieces.

Thanks for reading.