
Sunday, March 29, 2020

COVID19 and all That

About time an update on targeted harassment and abuse in the times of COVID19 was put out there on the "inter-web" That is to say, the 2019 outbreak of the Corona virus that has the human world in its grip with lockdowns of countries, or otherwise severe restrictions on ordinary freedoms in those societies that normally allow such. Or, ever more restrictions than the ones typical of dictatorships, even the one that seemed to have spawned the Wuhu Flu. And said sponsors of the COVID19 virus, inadvertent or otherwise, even have the World Health Organization (WHO) shilling for them, having put the head honcho in the chair. Said honcho, Dr. Tedros, Director General as of 02-17-2020 was even telling us that closing borders wasn't necessary due to the constrictions of trade.

Tedros said there was no need for measures that “unnecessarily interfere with international travel and trade,” and he specifically said that stopping flights and restricting Chinese travel abroad was “counter-productive” to fighting the global spread of the virus.

Like WTF; the Director General of WHO, supposedly with a health-only mandate, is stepping into the trade arena to find excuses to do the bidding of his masters? If there ever was a shill for the CCP and the "General Ditherer" in all of this, it would be he. Aka, Chief Health Sabotage Officer. Lesson learned; don't dump him and his lulu notion of health care in light of his position, chuck all of the WHO into the gutter of has-beens and the rest of the similarly polluted international organizations; its just too much human politicking to be humanly safe.

On this front (Province of British Columbia), there are shutdowns of all essential businesses, including restaurants, though the "essential" list is extensive. Though I am covered; agricultural workers are deemed essential, along with the hordes of Mexicans and other nationals that have visas to work in agriculture. (And the non-visa ones who arrive for "holidays" during picking season) I resent foreign nationals regularly taking local jobs as one can discern; not only do they get subsidized housing, but nearly all the money they earn goes out of the economy. Call it "beggar thy neighbor economics", though in the US it is at least an order of magnitude worse, and even Trump hasn't put a lid on it as promised. And he could by making E-Verify, verifying employment status online, mandatory. How wimpy to make it optional. Looks like a fix from here, even if it would do more than a physical border wall.

And too, in IT where I formerly worked it is the same but worse. These individuals displace high wage US workers, but they also send the analysis electronically back to India (most often), where another five or so individuals turn it into code that should be doing the right thing for the customer. A 5x job hit for every H1-B is a stretch, but 3x might be a better average. I cannot imagine the huge cultural disparities of understanding that must erupt in these circumstances, but hey, we got a load of Indians in suits (project managers) to cover that off, and if not, the executives of these offshore IT labor operations, some with direct access to high levels of government. So far, now 3.5 years into his mandate, Trump hasn't called these outfits on their H1-B scammery and has yet to limit these visas down to zero, where they should be. If you want MAGA, that would be a start. Cut the guff, fluff and pomp, even if there is a pandemic.

For me in the TI realm, the BC government mandated 2m (6') "socially distancing" in public due to the COVID19 crisis makes for an interesting change up on the gangstalking scene. I now have a legitimate reason to avoid the gangstalking Fuckwits if they get any closer. I can, with legitimate and sanctioned cause, move away from them if they get closer. A rare ace up my sleeve in this near 18 years of Fucking Hell bestowed upon me, this abuse-athon that never ends, with all supposed law enforcement and clinical (and on and on) agencies fully participating. So I get a little Fuck-You distancing out of the deal. Any closer than 2m, and the person is a shill or a fuckwit, or operative.

But of course, that doesn't end stalking by any means. At the grocery store checkout two days ago, with the two-meter marks on the floor to clearly delineate the "social distancing" requirements, why, this Fuckwit woman with a shopping cart arrives between me and the next person waiting in line, two meters away. I look this Fuckwit up and down to see if they are mentally capable/stable, and of course she is looking away like nothing is up, standard gangstalking procedure. And the shopping cart was another tip off as they love to hound me with these things in all their metal wire and whatever else they derive from this particular prop. Even the cashier waved her hands in despair. And as check-outs and all locations and events of financial transactions are one of the most prevalent gangstalking scenes, this made it all the more obvious.

A second gangstalking stunt was a few days earlier at the pharmacy, when I was the calm collected customer and didn't mind that they didn't have the Rx ready on time and came back the next day. (Too, there were two creepy Chinese women stalking me outside, and then appeared to be lead-ahead stalkers, so I split). I finished up at the counter (financial transaction, note) and turned to leave, and was immediately stalked by this Fuckwit about 2m behind me. As I walk fast, it was immediately apparent that this asshole was on me, especially as he suddenly came on me when there was no prior sighting, presumably he was waiting for his cue. I went about 10' and immediately turned into an aisle at full tilt and he did too. No normal shopping person does this. I turned again in another 8' as there was a short bridging aisle between the longer ones, and suddenly this Fuckwit reverses direction, again at full tilt. Again, no one shops like this. So... the first rule of gangstalking violated twice inside of 20 seconds; make it look like you are not stalking the victim but just "happening" to be going the same way. You are busted asshole, even if the COVID19 virus has forced a change in public distancing. Presumably he got the hook to get out of there as I was pissed that the stalking was so obvious.

Though the ambulatory gangstalking pattern has changed some; they have the Fuckwits posted at the very location I wish to shop, doing their bend-overs, a stock stalking posture, often without purchasing anything. loitering there for 5 minutes or more sometimes. More of these than usual, given they have preferred the "tail me" methods previously.

The newly hired "security" at the SOF supermarket is 2 for 2 (so far) has the unerring habit of "happening" to be outside (WTF) facing the E parking lot when I arrive and am about 40' from entering the doors, and then proceeds to turn around and do a "lead ahead" stalking through the 100' of mall aisle before I get to the store entrance. The second time she also "happened" to be loitering at the entrance where the self-checkouts are (financial transactions again), but at least she smiled at me. (And I smiled back).

One could summarize the first week of COVID19 precautions (here) as the ambulatory gangstalkers being less frequent, but the fewer ones are more obvious.

On the vehicular gangstalking front there are fewer vehicles to be sure, though they have the same "habit" of coalescing into trains at the same locations, often to hold me up in making a L hand turn. There are less off the "pull-outs" where they need to get in front of me from side streets, but still the same vehicular gangstalking patterns.

On the harassment front, of things going wrong, getting screwed up, and all physical and kinematic events, keystroke fuckery, etc., nothing has changed. I still swear at them about the same for all their interruptions, perturbations and outright fuckery. The masers, the fuzzy blobs and wisps seems to be especially active of late. Anytime I look at the venetian blinds in my residence, I can be sure that they send one or two fuzzy maser blobs (sometimes intertwining) in front of this linear backdrop. Nothing new, just more of it.

And their all time maser game subject is toilet paper. For the past three years there has always been some masers buzzing and floating around, passing through the toilet paper as I unfurl it, passing through the roll etc. And lo, if we don't have a toilet paper shortage now, purportedly due to the COVID19 viral crisis, Like WTF; the symptoms rarely cause a need for toilet paper, and lo, if we don't have a lamestream media sponsored toilet paper shortage.

At the vineyard while working, and with schools shut down, why the children are out in number. They are also a common gangstalking prop for whatever reason. And lo, if they don't have the girls screaming and yelling senselessly for extended durations. I mean come on, maybe they might see a worm or a spider or something, but that's not worth two minutes of screaming is it? And of course they carry on again, day after day. They are on a 10 acre fenced property so they are safe from any other outside sources that might be a threat. There are some 100m away, so I cannot really see what they are screaming about, but it is very unconvincing screaming or that there is a legitimate reason.

Long time readers might recall an instance I surely noted on this blog about 8-10 years ago when this young girl who was loitering around in a parking lot next to a building, suddenly screamed at length for no reason whatsoever as I passed by some 6' away walking toward the street sidewalk. And she started the screaming as I passed by, not when approaching, most utterly strange, if not uncharacteristically unbalanced. Even her parents called her out on this who were in a vehicle some 20' away. The whole thing was a stitch up from the get-go anyhow, as why was the young girl loitering around except for this fucking abusive stunt to collect her $20?

Which is what children get for these stunts, something I learned from them when they were hanging around my door once, on the other side of the school fence. I asked how much they got paid, and one of the three told me "20 dollars". Another told me "we don't get anything for doing this", and the other, slightly older one, told me they don't get anything in payment. Two of three immediate confirmations ain't bad as this gig goes.

Likely related to child screaming noise is the increase in the number of sirens and emergency vehicles. Again, they so often "happen" when I am passing through door or gateways, entering or exiting my vehicle or changing direction. These are all regular locations of noise, headlight stalking (or pitlamping) or other fuckery like pulling the keys from my hand or forced "forgets" to cause another trip back to the vehicle or house. Check out "Twenty Mile Zone" (3:24) by Dory Previn sometime.

So to take the worldwide COVID19 crisis up a notch, and put it into the perspective of the Psychopathic Confederacy as to what they may gain from all of this. They like people dying (as always, especially in a depleted energetic level), though as always, there are multiple experimentation objectives of any given significant world crippling event, one that is surely timed and arranged by the Thems, aka, TPTB. Too, they just love disruption stunts, from not going to work, regular routines, financial duress, interrupting manufacturing, supply chains, or any such like event where there is an expectation of a certain predictable flow or orderliness. And last but not least, they have a long running interest in air, oxygen and lung activity, the site of the COVID19 virus' most perturbing effects. Just like government, they aren't going to let any good crisis go to waste.

But perhaps they wanted to ratchet up all what they have learned from hounding this TI and all the other TI's, (and covert coverage of naive subjects), and that is to be able to exercise their model of human and other living organisms energetic interactions, this time by ensuring there is greater distance, or "social distance", between their nonconsensual subjects. Yes, this is conjecture, but having being gangstalked for nearly 18 years now by all manner of normals, freaks and wierds, perhaps they have a bio-energy field interaction model, complete with parameters for skin thickness, race, body size, hair color, gender and the rest of human genetic combinations, as well as parameters for clothing fabric, color etc. that they wish to test on the greater populace. And what better test than forcing extra distance between the (unaware) subjects, as distance-dependence is also a big factor in their gangstalking activity. Again, just conjecture, but I am constantly thinking of how their relentless abusive and senseless subjugation of TI's fits into their bigger plans. And they have a plan to be sure, but just what it is and all its physical and energetic dimensions is largely unknown to us. I have speculated on the Many Worlds Theory of Hugh Everett III in the past, though this may not be all of it.

Anyhow, I am hoping no TI's get COVID19, and will call this posting done for now.

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Red Eye

It was 03-06-2020 after a day of vineyard work that I was at the mirror in the bathroom in my residence, plucking some hairs out of my cheeks (the ones that sit under my skin for months and finally pop out), and then leaned down to wash my face. And lo, when I looked up, my L eye was flooded with blood, save my iris. I can see properly with my eye, but the white part (schlera) is red covered. A few hour later, the brighter red turned to a darker, unoxygenated blood, color. I looped it up, and supposedly it is a case of spontaneous subconjunctival hemorrhaging, and will clear up in two weeks.

But now, some four days later, my L eye looks a brighter red, as if the blood is being replenished, and no apparent recovery or recession of the blood coverage. That is, the schlera isn't visible yet. As well, I feel a little ache-y and "creaky", as if a sudden onset of old age has come on. And too, a little less energetic, not quite my usual spark. Needless to say, I haven't got this one figured out yet, if it is hospital worthy (perish the thought), and what this cluster of symptoms means, or if it is related. No doubt another medical stunt brought on my keepers, one that I could of done without.

Now a week since my subconjunctival hemorrage in my L eye spontaneously erupted, if you believe in such things. Some healing, meaning diminution of redness, but this was a good one, the whole of the white part turning red a week ago. I felt some pressure on my L eye earlier this week, spawning thought conniptions that this might be something else that caused it. Along with the above mentioned stiffness, the odd warm sensation, light pressure on some locations in my skull etc. I suppose the Psychopaths just might be up to their games again. As to whether the eye hemorrhage erupted because they were messing around or by design I do not know or care. Just leave me the fuck alone.

Out two nights ago on a tanning salon run and then a subsequent visit to the SOF supermarket. The prior tanning bed customer for whom I was waiting to finish just had to do two back and forths before she finally exited the salon. She trotted out the door, and ordinarily that would of been it, as that what nearly all customers do; done and gone. But not her; she did a back-and-forth to the tanning bed room and then departed, and lo, just when I thought that feint was enough (why, she might of forgotten something), she returns for a second time to wander 8' in front of me and make like she was looking at the adjacent tanning products. A whole 10 seconds of that, and she headed out again. These back-and-forths are not uncommon on the gangstalking show, and too, the look-at-nothing stunt as well. (IMHO, if she was really interested in the tanning products she would of looked for longer, as there is over a hundred of them. Besides, why didn't she look on her way out the first or second time?). All for her to be seen I suppose, as I was ignoring her after the first exit, and paid little mind on the second exit. And too, she needed some more dwell time in front of me, and maybe to be seen for longer as well.

It is my long time experience that those who have stood where I have stood or walked, (or in reverse, follow me) are often assigned more dwell time, that is, another gangstalking re-visit and hang around me. In this case she would of been lying down on a tanning bed and its acrylic (?) trough/bed, so I suppose she was carrying these residual energies with her that somehow needed (from the Psychopath's perspective) to be correlated to whatever energies I have before I go into the same room and lie and tan on the same tanning bed. I had never seen her before so I have no idea how they might undertake vertical energetic correlations, say, over a month, week, in differing clothes, locations etc. Oh to be a gangstalking victim and endlessly ponder what in the Earth are all these fuckers swarming me for and why the ridiculous re-visits and feints. And also ponder who gets to be selected for how much gangstalking exposure and too, who gets the privilege of deeper interactions of looking at me, speaking with me, and even working with me. Its all too complex and detailed for me to comprehend at times.

Then post-tan to the SOF supermarket, where at 2030h on a Wednesday evening they poured on extra perambulating Fuckwits (gangstalkers) who had the unerring knack of re-appearing where I was about to go, and also in the predictable patterns of in the E, N, S and W areas of the store, as well as the all-out (usually) predictable checkout. And even in the parking lot, as the large bodied dude in plaid just had to walk 6' past my vehicle as I was loading it when the parking lot was near empty. Said Fuckwit also "happened" to be at the same checkout too.

But that wasn't enough checkout stalking action, no sir; this 260lb Fuckwit in baggy shorts (still winter here FFS) was standing at the self-checkout 4' behind me with a keyboard on the scale, making out he was a stranded checkout terminal technician waiting for something/somebody. He was standing there the whole time I was processing my groceries. Then when I was done, a store assistant came by and said something to him and he was done. Strange technical work in the least.

And if the above Fuckwit Whale in shorts wasn't enough why, the checkout stalking action was extended all the more. Another Fuckwit dude came through the self-checkouts from outside, as if he didn't know that one turns R to enter the grocery section and is effectively entering the exit. Said Fuckwit also happens to circle the self-check outs, all for more visibility I assume. Like dude, you just made a 180 degree path at the front of the store; if you had made that R turn on entry (like everyone else) you would of been exactly where you needed to go, assuming you had a genuine store purchase in mind. But no, circling the victim is a standard Fuckwit stalking pattern.

Just when I was distracted by the above Fuckwit, another male Fuckwit also passes straight through the self checkouts, again, effectively entering the store at the exit. And lo, if it wasn't the classic Fuckwit pose (while walking); looking sideways but past me (not directly at me) while walking forward. Who but a Psychopathic Fuckwit does this? I had never seen this ridiculous walking and looking sideways (at nothing, and evading me), act before 04-2002 when all this shit and non-stop abuse-athon erupted, and have now seen it countless times. Its the Fuckwit Classic Perambulating pose. I would forgive these Fuckwits if there was something distracting to look at, say, a hot babe, but there are never any at SOF at that time of day.

Regular readers of a year or two ago might recall the troupe of four or five E. Indians (from India) who paraded in single file through the SOF self-checkout just as I finished paying and held me up from exiting. All of them doing the patented look-away look, save the last one who lost it and put on this goofy smirk.

And its not like any of the above pretended to be fumbling their way into the store for the first time and "accidentally" passed through the self-checkout. No, they all came barrelling through like it was no big deal and this is how one enters the store. Wrong on that; hardly any one does, just ridiculous paid-for gangstalking scum. And when I entered this same SOF for the first time, the entry and self-checkout were in the same respective locations, and upon seeing the self-checkout I realized it was an effective exit and found the entry way on the R side. So there, the folks barrelling through the self-checkout from the store entrance at SOF are gangstalking scum.

And they have even pulled this same shit at least once when I was at the manned checkouts which are up to 40' offset from the same entrance. A Fuckwit entered the store, walks 30' to the L where the manned checkouts are, and "happens" to loiter at the checkout I am at, and then proceeds to "need" to get past me to enter the store. Like WTF stalker fucker; there are at least ten other empty checkouts without barriers that are closer to the entrance and "for some reason" you need to enter the store where I am at. Give me a break.

And we aren't done checkout follies yet. Same SOF, same self-checkouts, three days earlier. I ran out of dishes detergent on Sunday evening and decided to go to SOF  as the usual source (LD) was closed. Another fine confluence of coincidences. I pick up a few extra items, circle back to the produce to pick up a lime and take the route from there to the self-checkout. I never take this route because I go to the produce first, but "happened" to remember to get a lime. (An example of a fortuitous "happen-chance" recall (ahem)). I turn the corner and am about to enter the self-checkout, and lo, my fickle-friend "happens" to be coming by. He doesn't normally shop at SOF, but at the other big store across the street. Anyhow, we chat for 5-10 minutes, and my above mentioned red bloody eye was decidedly topical, and meanwhile the store staff play with an Easter bunny toy that made strange squeaky noises. Eventually we each depart on our separate quests, as he had just finished a day of vineyard pruning and was tired. So I suppose, stalling me for 5-10 minutes next to the self checkouts might have been a prelude for the above triple Fuckwit parade at the same self-checkouts three days later. And has any other TI experienced the absurd but relentless gangstalking and other unconventional interventions and distractions over making financial transactions that I have? I have yet to encounter a TI that reports this, but perhaps I am getting rusty as I don't keep up on all the TI activity that I should.


And something completely different; I don't usually dwell on the myriad of unofficial narrative theories, aka, "conspiracy theories", as this is a very big rabbit hole and I feel it would detract from the particular one that deal with, 24/7. For me to delve into this would dilute the focus on detailing the harassment and unconventional abuse-athon I am kept in.

In fact, while being kept in this rabbit hole, I am reluctant to engage in official narrative debunking, as I really don't want to expand my "disbelief system" any more. It was the 9/11 of 2001 events and the gathering skepticism of the official version in about 2005 where I plain didn't want to look into it, thinking that my own story is more than enough of a belief system disruptor. But the Psychopaths kept hammering me to keep looking into it, and after some time, I realized it was indeed a fix of major proportions.

Many readers will have encountered the Apollo moon landings hoax theories, and I am on the fence with this one. One detail that is most peculiar is that there is no moon dust on the gold colored mylar dust boots of the Lunar Lander after it had deployed its retrorockets to gently land on the moon. Another was all the Apollo "firsts"and no casualties. Though a clincher might be the absolutely desultory and evasive interview of the astronauts post moon voyage. As if they went to a funeral rather than the moon, but stick with the given  script for the latter version. There is an equivalent BBC interview somewhere out there too, but I cannot find it, where they cannot agree if they saw stars from the moon FFS.

The possibility of the Apollo spacecraft passing through the radiation of the Van Allen Belt  undamaged was another challenge, though others debate its role. of the So here is a link to The Register on the Van Allen Belts, and it does seem that the radiation is indeed intense and readily damages electronic equipment. So how did the Appollo spacecraft get to the moon again? Or am I being spoofed? Caveat emptor, aka, trust no one.

Onto NSA surveillance, circa 2008. A list of the known technologies to undertake surveillance on computers, (even with an "air gap", i.e. no internet connection) and phones. I like those inserts they can plug into a USB connector, very clever. Burying their technology in those fat ferrite cores on cords is another one. And fake cell phone stations as well. Imagine what they can do now, 12 years since this document was released, let alone the undocumented technologies.

Anyhow, time to get a posting out there in digital-land.

Sunday, March 01, 2020

Gangstalking and Spinal Flexing

A Leap Year moment of sudden and unexpected access to my own blog. It seems that way. I have spent the last three days attempting to get to this blog that I have been writing since 2006 by way of endless and senseless "Google verification" fuckery of unimaginable contortions, re-directions and proportions. You won't get a real person to talk to of course, but for now, and I am not out of the woods yet, I seem to be able to get to this blog and post something. And this is it. I just may not be able to post to this blog again, I don't know.

As this blog and attendant Google Gmail user ID was created in 2006, it just seems they didn't ask a whole lot of details as to how to recover one's account. Back in 2012 when I got my new cell phone account, the cell phone network required me to create a new Gmail account which I didn't want to do because I already had one, and being an IT guy, I instinctively knew having two accounts from the same outfit (Google) would create problems, and I have been absolutely correct.

In 01-2020 I managed to (somehow) get back into this account and reset the password, and now a month later, the Google Gmail/Blogger crowd, (or their puppet masters if you prefer) decided to put me through Google Verification Hell again. My regular password of a month ago, duly recorded on paper, "somehow" just didn't work. Around and around I went from the "default" account (the 2012-created one Google decided) to attempt to get back into this one. Last night I had the inspiration to make the 2006-created account the "recovery account" even if I couldn't get into it with this "verification" password blocking, and as of now, I somehow got back into TIWorld.

It has been a long round of password fucking hell to say the least. Tricks like sending my "verification code" to an email address that didn't arrive was a good trick. Giving me verification codes that didn't allow access, but instead "we are reviewing your account" (code for not happening). Even now, the account that displays on the upper right of this page is the 2012-created account, not the 2006-created account that owns this blog and desperately needs extra recovery information added. I have come to the conclusion that the Google masters have taken nearly every measure possible to stop me from accessing the 2006-created account and this blog by extension, and keep sending me to the 2012-created account which does NOT have this blog attached to it.

So.... why not merge them? Why Google, who likely yanked the chain of the cell phone carrier in the first place which created this account bifurcation fuckery, doesn't have this functionality as stated in their own FAQ. Which to me seems like a tacit acknowledgement that there are two classes of Gmail accounts depending on when they decided to embrace the "mobility" scene and hang cell phone access and all the rest of the data particulars they would of captured from the cell phone network off of Gmail accounts.

FFS Google, just allow Gmail account consolidation/merging so I can access my blog from a single Gmail account. Or this the plan; to screw me out of owning it? Besides, I don't use my Gmail account for regular email as Google likes to read other's mail as a matter of course.

All this was also precipitated by someone messing with the browser settings and not allowing persistent "cookies" which then caused me to log in each new session. Not the end of the world, but that seemed to be the excuse to kick off the latest round of fuckery whereby my password got blocked.

After all that, and while on this blog editing, I cannot get to my 2006-created account to reset the password and add more recovery details. The only clue is that it says "Sign Out of All Accounts" versus "Sign Out of Account". They don't make it easy, don't plan to, don't want users to access their own blogs (possibly selectively), don't have any real people to talk to and don't give a shit. Well done Google; only you could outdo Microsoft for creating intense user interface/interaction vexation. And I am making an assumption it is only you, not someone else jacking me around which is usually the case.

I would of though that going to yoga class would be plenty of spinal flexing and twisting by the ongoing proximate gangstalking tourists for the week, but no, add in the new mobile (tractor trailer) bottling operation and the new hire at the other vineyard, and there is more. The new hire dude, tubby and a little rough around the edges, "just happened" to engage in unnecessary and extensive spinal flexing while in my proximity some 4' away. It was especially noted when I was having an infrequent break in the production line action and he sat down 4' opposite, on the roller conveyor no less, facing me and did lateral (side to side) spinal flexing. And he really got going on spinal flexing when I had a sip from my water bottle. Normally I don't need to keep it near me for this kind of work, but "for some reason" I got thirsty, placed the bottle near me on break, just when the new hire dude was re-assigned from other work further away to work near me on the production line. Funny how that "happens". I have never known anyone to do spinal flexing while on a bottling line before while they are busy handling and packing bottles. First impressions are lasting, and perhaps the new hire dude is going to be one to get under my skin all this vineyard working season. Woohoo, more work adversity, as if I haven't had enough over my working life.

Some time ago, my youngest brother was doing similar senseless spinal flexing nearby at the First Feral Family house, and I told him that is exactly what so many of the gangstalkers do, so therefore, he must be one too. He kind of blanched and ceased flexing his spine, and did so for good. So we shall see if the new-hire bearded-boy has a real need to flex his spine as part of his "natural work habit" or else was he putting on this shit just for me.

At least three others at the bottling line operation could of introduced this new-hire to me over two days, and didn't. Like WTF; why does this shit behavior persist and is so consistent. Even going back three decades, the then-wife, a fully compliant plant, also pulled this shit and I began to wonder if she was being so fucking rude on purpose. Well, as I later found out, she was. The perps constantly thwart, delay and protract the introduction of others in my orbit. Why don't they just get over it, and put name tags on these Fuckwits titled, "Gangstalker #nnn, goes by, xxxxx"? Given that the new-hire dude ranks mid-level on the Unfavored scale (male >20yo., facial hair, fat, a rude ass (as he later demonstrated apart from the aforementioned spinal flexing gangstalker habit) and is full of himself), maybe he will be the upcoming summer-long (co-worker) Unfavored test specimen for incremental inculcation in an attempt to have me "accept" such scum without immediate loathing on first sight.

This new mobile bottling line was a very smooth operation and there was little down time for a change. There was the odd hiccup, as production rate dithering, slowing or stopping it, is another one of the perp's fuckery favorites. With all the production lines on this planet, why do they need to round on me and have them mess up? Well I suppose I am a test subject, and whatever neural correlates and psychic reactions to even work flow is detectable when I am in the groove (everything is going smoothly and therefore I am relaxed some), and then I suddenly become more attentive while the slowdown causes are analyzed, all the more study fodder for all the poor souls on production lines everywhere else. Just my theory of course, but the perp's interests do seem to have a very consistent pattern.

Back to wallet "forget" fucking, now twice in two weeks; both times having me "forget" to take my wallet to the grocery store and only happening to find out at the check out with a full carry basket. Once I got back into my vehicle with the windows closed I made sure they knew I was utterly infuriated. They pulled this stunt maybe 10 years ago in the same circumstances, and now it "happens" twice in two weeks. There have been other wallet "forgets" in the interim, but none where I needed it until this latest eruption of fuckery. Regular readers and possibly other TI's will know the Psychopaths have a long running interest in my wallet's contents, the color of the bills (very colored in Canada) and the cards in my wallet.

Ths Psychopaths were on the rag today, that is to say, they were fucking me with "forgets" and dropping things from my hands far beyond their "normal" harassment rate, which is of course an order of magnitude that would happen to unharassed mortals. Three forced "forgets" on turning the stove burner off/on in succession this morning, then "forgets" on taking supplements (a daily jerkaround now), then again for my Rx, and then extra insane fuckery when attempting to get out the door (boots, clothing, gear) which is a daily battle of fuckery, infuriation and delay. Then later at work, vine pruning mistakes I hadn't made for the three weeks I have been doing it this year, adding the hot-rod muffler noise of passing traffic in considerably greater frequency, incessant dog barking noise from multiple locations, an overflight by a military aircraft that had blackish emanations from it and plenty of helicopters (at least 12) etc. The assholes didn't relent all day, save perhaps the last hour of work. Then on my ass at home, getting the order of things wrong making dinner etc. -likely about 200 infuriation stunts today, well beyond their 80-100 average. What the got into the assholes today?

When this extra infuriation fuckery goes down there is usually a reason, and today "just happened" to be the day I dropped off a shit sample at the lab, and given the Psychopath's intense interest in excrement, it just might of been the event to trigger their insane minds to lay on substantially more fuckery and abuse. Longer term readers may recall when I was about to exit my vehicle at this same lab location with the same sample, they sent a negro on a bicycle at high speed about 6" past my door as I was about to open it. I could not believe it then or now as to how utterly stupid it was for a cyclist to go so fast and so close to street parked vehicles unless of course they were assured that they would come to no harm. This negro Fuckwit stalker could of moved over by 12-24" and still there would of been plenty of room for motor vehicles to get by. Never mind the rarity of negroes in this town, and the even greater unlikelihood that they would of been on a bicycle, excepting street sports events which was not the case. Funny how all these improbabilities add up all the time, isn't it?

And the last month has also been evidenced by increased sleep disruptions; heavy nap attacks after work of 1.5 to 2 hours and longer on weekends, and even throwing in some unconventional sound invasions. On two occasions I was napping, maybe only 15-20 minutes into it and drifting off into a deeper sleep it seemed, when they planted a noise to bring me out of it. This residence has no one upstairs or down or anyone else on any side, and nor does it have anyone else here, and on one of these occasions they planted the noise of someone clearing their throat. I was immediately awakened as there is no one else here, and "somehow" I was also calmed with the suggestion that "it's just the Psychopaths planting a noise again" so that I did not get up. And in this state of heightened and constant threat assessment and reaction to any and all fuckery conventional and unconventional alike, nearly running 18 years now, there is no way my normal self would of not got up and investigated the possible presence of someone in my place that somehow got past a locked door. I believe the second nap noise event was a wall pounding (of no known conventional cause), and as I get these about 6x/year I would of assumed it was them again because of its familiarity.

Funny how the sleep disruptions suddenly came on too; I was doing fine in December into mid-January on this job with 6 hours of sleep and no evening time nap attacks. Then when I switched jobs, why, the sleep disruptions came on and have persisted for at least 6 weeks now.

The weekend prior, the night before going to the walk-in clinic for an Rx refill, why, I couldn't get any sleep "for some reason". Though as "usual" I didn't suffer for the lack of sleep.

The usual situation at the walk-in clinic is to sit around in the waiting area for an hour (or more) with a presumed orchestrated gangstalking scene around me. On this occasion, a five yo. child was staring at me furtively, and twice when I looked at her, she immediately averted her gaze as if looking at me was prohibited. Probably was, but she couldn't help it. As to what she was staring at exactly I don't know for sure, but I suspect I must have some visible emanation about me as I can never figure out why I often get stared at by people whom I have never seen before.

Another Psychopathic campaign this week is to have me feel poorly while at work in the vineyard continuing with the vine pruning.  As if my ADD stimulant Rx never kicked on one day (and I know I took them), another day feeling like I was slowed down and weaker (also not an Rx intake problem).

Then when I get enough sleep (per pre-harassment normal), why, I still feel like hell this week. So just what are they up to and why all this sleep fuckery, which to be fair, had a sudden onset when they first invaded my apartment and went beserk/overt in 04-2002. As one TI reader noted, one may be more psychically accessible while sleeping, which accounts for the instances of more enforced sleep, aka, nap attacks. But also, the revelations of Donald Marshall, if they are to believed, suggests that there is much covert ongoing research to ensure the human clones have a tranferable/replicable conscience/awareness while the parent being is awake. Apparently, the clones do have a conscience when the parent being in REM sleep. An interesting technical issue which may have relevance to the Psychopath's relentless sleep fuckery games that I endure. This being a more speculative notion I usually entertain but possibly very relevant.

Anyhow, I am going to post this in the hope that I can gain access to this blog again on a continued basis. We shall see what the Google Verification Fuckery Maze has in store for me. I didn't expect this one, but as password keyboard entry, desktop and at the checkouts on one's debit card, is another long running Psychopathic research theme, we shall see.