
Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Return From System Hack #3 of 2019

Ah yes; the third extended (one week+) system hack this year, and still two weeks to go. All over the graphics card (GPU) this time. The word was that this X58 chipset motherboard  could accept only certain GPU's of its era, 2010 when this one got put together. Somehow, I thought that all GPU's were backward compatible and there wasn't anything online to suggest otherwise. But as it "happened", the tech service outfit was pulling old PC's out of a commercial operation and they had these old GPU's that "happened" to be compatible. Ergo, a new-used GPU and I am up and running again, As usual, the timing was wretched; I was in the middle of an Inkscape drawing job, hobbyist level that is, when this here PC went down. And we know who just loves to protract completion don't we? Its their signature card.

As if my stumbling and putzing with Inkscape wasn't enough delay for crissakes, as this drawing project was at least six weeks in the making, and I haven't any prior experience with software based drawing tools, though I do know a little about computer graphics terms from my GIS and mapping software days. (And to be clear, my woeful ignorance of Inkscape and drawing software was the problem; there is nothing wrong with Inkscape as a drawing tool). I suppose they, my keepers, must of known in advance, as I managed to finish the job yesterday inside of a couple of hours and didn't hit the wall like so often before. As if that effort wasn't enough punishment, I will now load it into a CAD program, a free one, and attempt to enhance the part to add three dimensions to it (specifically flanges), rather than the two dimensional flat plate it is. (This a part off a pair of secateurs that needs improvement, given that it is an annoyance, even if the design is at least 30 years old). And a warm-up for improving another part, an assembly if it works out. Such are the idle hobbies of a TI; having any influence is not allowed, -you only get to putz away on your own as your keepers run interference and determine the limits of progress each day.

And if you think I am being outrageous, I am speaking from personal experience of being harassed and abused by the Psychopathic assholes for 17 years. If two shrinks also say I am being "persecuted" (oh so generic), then maybe the film director John Carpenter would be more convincing with his film, "They Live". On Youtube, (5 min.) some decades later, he declares the film to be a documentary (LOL) when it was originally intended as science fiction. I only recently discovered the film, and haven't seen it yet, but in reading the promotional copy, he had it nailed:
They influence our decisions without us knowing it. They numb our senses without us feeling it. They control our lives without us realizing it. They live. Horror master John Carpenter (Halloween, The Thing) directs this heart-pounding thriller. Aliens are systematically gaining control of the earth by masquerading as humans and lulling the public into submission. Humanity's last chance lies with a lone drifter who stumbles upon a harrowing discovery a unique pair of sunglasses that reveal the terrifying and deadly truth.
 And yes, much of Hollywood science fiction is in the realm of "prepping", that is, preparing us for future realities that may be revealed to us at some future date.

Back to my reality; I am back on vineyard work in this cold snowy weather. This is the esoteric, though boring, job of collecting canes for future propagation. A given varietal and clone block of vines is tested for viruses in advance, and if OK, we then collect canes of good quality and within the size specifications to then bundle and then ship them to a propagation facility. There, they undertake sanitation practices, excise sections with buds and then grow them into plants, and then later graft them onto rootstock of a different variety chosen for Phyloxera resistance and growth habits. The buds on these canes will be the planting stock (scion part=fruit) for new vineyard plantings in two years. Just to think, a small band of broke-ass vineyard laborers (no Mexicans available at this time of year), whittling away in the snow and cold for eight hours a day for some 8 weeks, provides the primordial  feedstock for this industry. Bring on tissue culturing I say.

Yoga tonight; more absurdity, this time the male-female mix. For years when it was 95% female, and I was the only male, it was about 50:50. I hadn't seen so many dudes in class, some eight of them and seven females. The ridiculous bare chested dudes were there again, flab and all, and hopeless as ever, save one muscle bound creature. I hadn't seen a bulked-job able to exhibit any flexibility until tonight; most have been ridiculously muscle bound and stiff. The noisy breather male was there again, getting huffed over nothing. All in keeping with the ongoing Psychopathic incremental obsession over visually exposing me to males. Add in the cute blonde babe, the instructor in this case, and we have yet again, the time-honored Psychopathic stalking stunt of babe-and-then-fugly-dude insertion, then repeat. Fuck you and your relentless orchestration of all minutiae in my visual field; I will stick with the babe only for my visual lift.

Finally I got there somewhat earlier, and still they had the planted Fuckwits in my usual mat location. I took a spot at the back-center of the room, (now the assigned alternate location, more than this visit), and had an empty mat space next to me. Usually they plant some Unfavored freak (fugly dude, tattoo-attacked Fuckwit etc.) there at the last minute as class is about to begin, as they know I would avoid such a freak if he/she were positioned in advance. But not this time, but instead an extended reversal session with everyone facing the back wall (18" away in my case), and the aforementioned perky blonde instructor arrived beside me to demonstrate the poses. Could be worse by far; e.g. the male instructor with the beer gut of a few years ago. are some of earlier the notes I made off-line while this PC was in the shop again... Of particular note was the kidney stone episode. Thanks assholes.
The Psychopaths pulled a good one today, only 1300h as I write this up. At 0230h an excruciating pain started up on my R testicle and reached into my abdomen. At first I thought it was their direct beam torture, even if the last I had was in 2003. Then, stuffing metallized cloth in my pants stopped that stunt dead. I don't possess countermeasure materiel now, but this morning I used a flat steel lapping plate, and it did seem to work for a few seconds. I tried a few other objects, and in combination they were effective in pain abatement for 30 seconds or so. Not long enough for a reprieve by any means. Various postures of bending over, crawling etc. seemed to help, but not for long. The pain kept up for an hour or so, and walking around seemed to ameliorate it some. Then the telepathic message came in real clear; "this one is for real". Eventually I got dressed and drove myself to the local emergency ward, booking in at 0513h.

The first doctor didn't have a lot to say or examine, and said he would get a pain killer. After about 40 minutes of continuing pain, often leaning on the bed as it was too painful to lie on it, I was administered some morphine, which as it turned out, did nothing. About 0630h, a new doctor came in on the shift change, and suggested right off the bat that it might be a kidney stone, something quite outside my experience. He got an ultrasound scanner which was attached to a laptop and scanned me on the bed. He seemed more certain that it was a kidney stone as my R kidney was slightly larger than my L one. He ordered a CT scan, and then indicated he would use a ibuprofen-type pain killer, as the opiod type (prior morphine) aren't that effective for kidney stones. Anyhow, I got the scan, and follow-on blood tests, and an urine test. At about 1015h, the doctor said it was confirmed; a 3mm kidney stone poised at the bladder exit. Not a big one thankfully, as 6mm (1/4") and larger are considered large, the largest being about 13mm in his experience.

This was the day that I was to drive to Kelowna for a 0900h IV treatment for iron supplementation. I phoned to cancel the appointment as it was clear that I was not going to have sufficient time for this medical episode and associated tests and an hour drive. During this process of being treated in the emergency ward this morning, three nurses kept mentioning setting me up for an IV, one saying it was needed for injecting a contrast agent prior to the CT scan. But she didn't set one up, and within 5 minutes I was on my way to the CT scanning procedure. Another mentioned that she was going to inject me with pain killer via the IV needle, but didn't fit one, and then changed up the injection plan and directly used a syringe. Surely they know what the needed steps are for preparing a patient for a CT scan of abdominal soft tissues are, so why mention one step (IV tap) that wasn't necessary, as well as confusing me as to their intentions and not following through, and not even informing me that one wasn't needed after all. Even at the end as I was preparing to depart, another nurse came by to ask if my IV tap had been closed. Like WTF; I didn't get an IV, and yet again, another gratuitous (IMHO) mention of "IV". So what was that about; it just seemed to me that it was an exercise in gratuitous name dropping of a term ("IV") that was specific to a planned treatment, for another purpose, in another city at about the same time. Call it an orchestrated contemporaneous-and-same-method-event-but-displaced-by-distance (and putative purpose) stunt. Putative, as the nurses suggested it, but seemed (to me at least), to have no intention of administering it. Anyhow, quite the mouthful, unless any readers or TI's have a more succinct term, (say, "do the same thing (or have it done to the victim) at the same time, but elsewhere"). Maybe other TI's have experienced something similar at the hands of the Psychpaths/Perps.

Though I am quite sure there were many objectives served in this morning's seven hour kidney stone episode, delivering substantial pain being one, and right at my testicles being another. Long time readers will recall from my Introductory Story, that the Psychopaths hounded me relentlessly in Seattle when this escalated harassment first came on in 04-2002, and one of their worst in-situ torture methods was to publicly deliver excruciating pain to my testicles as long as I wasn't near metal objects. And once I realized this, it was readily defeated by me keeping metal objects (or magnets) in my pants pockets. I will never forgive the fucking insane assholes for that one alone, and if I had the freedom and the resources I would hunt down every fucker who had anything to do with that depraved atrocity.

Another objective of today's kidney stone fuckery would of been to have me in unusual juxtapositions; e.g. crawling on the floor (in pain, at home), leaning against the wall to temporarily alleviate pain (at the hospital), disrupting my sleep (eventually getting some light sleep for about 90 minutes on the hospital bed after I got the right kind of pain killer), injections of two kinds of pain killers, cancelling an appointment, and the early morning hospital visit. Not to mention the intense vehicular gangstalking activity around me when I was attempting to reverse my vehicle and and leave from the parkade. That is, four vehicles converging and/or contingently waiting, plus a pedestrian party of two that was timed to cross behind my vehicle and keep me in place so the vehicular gangstalkers could then perform their contingent ("hold-up") choreography, aka supreme clusterfuck. Add in another vehicle that just had to drive slowly beside me when I first walked out of the building into the parkade, and three more that held me up on my way out by cutting corners while traveling so slow. All this in the parkade that I traversed countless times on last year's three month construction gig.

And a footnote to the hospital visit; the "usual" furtive or evasive looks from the staff, save the admitting nurse and the CT technician. And the second doctor managed to make eye contact, but what a fugly tattoo mess on his  one forearm. The first doctor knew he would be long gone at the shift change, so why not protract the agony with a vague diagnosis and the wrong pain killer for an hour before his much younger colleague took charge? Surely to fuck he had seen kidney stone patients before? After it was all over, I phoned the clinic for the iron IV appointment re-booking, and the woman being a nurse, and she said kidney stones were more painful than child birth!

Yoga; hadn't been for four weeks because of the "usual" long running disruption game they pull (wiped me out with sudden tiredness, statutory holiday, and then a harvest party)....... and the place was 3/4 full within five minutes of available entry time, ten minutes before class start. I would usually arrive at this same time and the room would be virtually empty. Now, "for some reason", the majority of the class has somehow erupted in coming early. And the ridiculous heavy breathing and groaning of last time had also "somehow" abated even if there was at least 40% more yogis. (Same instructor, same class type). By the time class started there had to be at least 22 yogis, the most I have ever seen. I had the woman in front feet 12"  from my head, and the woman beside me also slid in a whole lot closer than usual. The guy behind me, while having a lot of room, always wanted to close in on me. Like WTF, three of them, closing in on me. Said dude was also big on standing up so to be visible when I was leaning back; in my warm up, and again when we did this pose in class. (And it is exceedingly rare that this pose is performed in class as it is considered advanced and most yogis cannot to it.) And don't the Psychopaths just love it to have dudes lingering and standing over me if it can be arranged with plausible denial.

...some TI and alternity material that I gleaned from my forced hiatus from blogging.....

"The Matrix Deciphered" by Robert Duncan, 2010. Surely one of the most educated and accomplished US Defence Department employees who became a TI. A 194p magnum opus on the technologies of just how easy it is to remotely invaded. one's neural energy field, and then apply similar neural gleaning (from a database) to others to then remotely change or guide behavoirs. Also, he has familiarity with discreditation methods and the whole supporting propaganda show. Worth a read, but it will take some time to absorb, given the 194pp. The bottom line; the technology has been around for at least 30 years. A quote;
 "My apologies to the human race for my contribution to tyranny. I was tricked into thinking it would not be misused by corrupt government especially in my beloved country. I was wrong. The Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Directorate has Skip Green on the governing board. One of my old colleagues at a technology think tank in Cambridge partly in charge of the radio frequency weapons testing for neurological disruption now torturing and killing people worldwide. Several other US Navy and UK Navy scientists have been knocked-off and that is why I have come forward. I know my time maybe near. I am currently a professor in computer science and business, helping to educate the public on government corruption, greed, and stupidity. Like my ancestor Lincoln, I am fighting against mental slavery in a new Civil War engineered by the same useless elements in over 80 government agencies who have tested radiological, drug, and viral weapons on unsuspecting Americans for over 45 years"
"I have interviewed over two hundred people and worked on the highest level of military projects for the U.S., NATO, and U.K. and have given videotaped testimony to senators and representatives on this topic resulting in lip service since they have no real power to enforce. Two high level FBI agents and a couple CIA agents have come forward to validate the existence of anMKULTRA-like project that continues to grab random people for mind control experimentation. Two of these have since become part of the program and endure daily psychotronic tortures. All the torture can be done using directed energy psychotronic weapons with the so called continental ballistic missile surveillance defense grids."

And you think it is just the government, huh?

Of minor interest is that somewhere in this opus he mentions that an ideal abuse/nonconsensual subject would have a high natural dopamine level. Well, perhaps he is mistaken, and not attempting disinformation. I can personally attest that a low dopamine candidate is an exceptionally desired subject, 65 years worth in all, and I have the brain scan to back up my ADD (=dopamine deficiency).
A rich vein of credible TI and mind control material on this site, though not well organized. One could spend days on all these links. A bit hyped, and I don't know who is managing it.
If you didn't know already, don't use Google, Youtube, Chrome. The article explains why Google has slowly become so lame-assed these past ten years and seems (to me at least), is becoming the non-agenda contra-search tool.
Project MKULTRA, The CIA's Program for Research into Behavioral Modification,; The Senate Joint Committee on Intelligence, 1977. 178pp. NOT the Church Committee, but a follow-on meeting to rake then-CIA Director Stansfield Turner over the coals about the small amount (but important) of MKULTRA financial records that were (conveniently) discovered after the Church Committee submitted its report in 1975. All the MKULTRA records were thought to be destroyed in 1973, and this committee is now revealing the records that were unexpectedly found in the finance records. And the committee hearing minutes show that the CIA was chastised to follow up on all the affected victims, har, har. Its like asking the fox, after given free reign in the chicken coop for 30 years, to aid the maimed. This kind of softball admonition makes me wonder if the whole game was rigged on both sides. At least we can thank Richard Helms, the CIA director who attended the Church Committee hearings for the startling revelations of their nefarious and illegal handiwork. Too bad it got it got a bye in terms of legislative redress, but hey, what did you expect from government, who, in the immortal words of Frank Zappa, is the  "entertainment division of the military industrial complex" (!) 
Jane Tripp; major alternity here. Looks like fascinating stuff, time travel. I don't really buy into "time travel" per se, but I do believe that TPTB can insert imagery into any real-time scene and that some forms of photography just may pick it up momentarily, simulating time travel subjects, depending on their dress and associated props. After all, how many times have still frame cameras picked up UFO's when no one saw anything?  I have been scanning my life's pictures these past two months, and I cannot say that I saw anything peculiar like EMF or scalar waves, pre-harassment and abuse onset. I shall give this site another close read and see if it applies to my case. The perps really didn't tip their hand of covert surveillance and control until 04-2002 when all hell landed on me and hasn't let up. Some of the latter pictures do have some peculiar lights and/or damage, and may show up here at a future date.

Enough for a posting, and to alleviate me from feeling that I haven't been keeping up. And too, enough for Christmas holiday reading, of a kind.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Same Title as Last Posting

Just when I want to put this together, why, another MS Windows upgrade and lo, if I didn't get some 30 crashes over the day.

[In fact, this should be titled System Crash #2 of 2019, as I suffered another three week outage for repairs following this write up, but before it got published].

And too, I have been roundly emotionally pummeled, with subsequent evening recovery time, by this male co-worker who is the most unpleasant and denigrative person I have ever encountered on a job. Not only is he uncommunicative and affrontive, he doesn't explain what he is intending to do, thereby exacerbating the already tense situation. Add in some dissonant diversions like, "we must work together", and then he doesn't (never did; totally out of character), and even more specific task dissonance such as, "we must cut (trellis) wires together", when he hadn't, and then continues to ignore his own directive. And if I am momentarily waiting for him to be available to cut the wires together, he gives me shit. A damned if you do, and damned if you don't kind of guy, along with being insulting. Add in the unsafe practice of him cutting the high tensile steel trellis wires by himself and letting the end go, which is very springy, and so it comes flying some 60' back at me. (Dangerous as the wire tip can cut one, or take out one's eye if not wearing goggles, though I do.)

Anyhow, when one views going to work with trepidation and angst, it isn't a good gig. Add in my (likely exploited) ADD nature of not getting instructions right the first time, along with his minimal or no direction as to what to do, its a scene where someone figuratively lit the accelerant in terms of interaction. Or, in the perp oversight context, have the victim be bullied and verbally cut down, constantly.

And what might be the reason for this? Why, it is a momentary way (at least) to deplete the victim's dopamine. And furthermore, should one be bullied and emotionally abused during one's developmental years, it leads to permanent brain changes, and not for the better (per JAMA paper, here). And so it comes to pass, that yet another social problem that is widespread and increasing all too much if the whole media show is to be believed, that is, bullying, has a dopamine depletion component. And it just might be purposely applied to the population at large for this same reason.

Not too put too fine a point on it, but also, societal crippling with opiods and like addictive substances, delivered in great quantity the by the CIA, (e.g. Mena) etc. also cause release of dopamine. This runs down one's own natural dopamine feedback and generative capabilities, leaving one dependent on an exogenous supply, aka, addicted. Another world wide, and an significantly unfortunate one at that, dopamine depletion study on the population at large IMHO.

Just speculating of course, but with yours truly a dopamine deficient ADD sufferer, and a TI since 04-2002 after a lifetime of being covertly monitored, surveilled and remotely controlled to some extent, this whole human experience of dopamine reduction, depletion, and other imposed jacking around with such a vital animal hormone, (and it is, not just a neurotransmitter), this whole world wide dopamine study theory seems to tie together.

While TI''s are in the hot seat as study subjects, and kept acutely aware of their plight while always being under their (TPTB) thumb, some or much of the rest of the population may well be at least monitored in some capacity with respect to their dopamine, genetic and bioenergetic interactions. And too, with the relentless media promotion of "love", (a neurochemical surge of dopamine), this state too could be another worldwide dopamine study coming from the opposite direction. Well at least, it may answer the long running question all TI's have, "why did they decide to pick on me?".

Though in fact, the answer is likely to be many faceted. One's endogenous dopamine state is one selection criteria (aka, nonconsensual research parameter), but I suspect that blood type and lineage is another, one's energetic profile, skin color and the melatonin and dopamine interaction, one's knowledge comprehension and retention capabilities, and a few others. I don't buy into the organization retribution angle much; likely they (the covert researchers) had the victim/subject lined up since birth (as it seems in my case) and then staged a workplace stunt, say, to then cause an event (say, whistleblowing) that paints a picture of the organization invoking a nefarious retribution targeting of the individual. Sure, perhaps a few may suffer this fate, but should this "happen" to you, I would re-examine one's whole life and the interesting coincidences, aberrant behavior of others and other high strangeness to see if there was a pattern all the while. I cannot think of anything more humbling and perturbing to learn that one's life was an orchestrated fraud all along, and all one's family and friends are nothing more than treasonous quislings on the stage.

Anyhow, now 12-11-2019, and I will get this posted and call this much delayed missive done.