
Monday, October 21, 2019

Back From a Windows Upgrade

This PC, which seems to be the only one that can access this blog for whatever reason, is back to operational. I appears the BSOD problem was due to Windows updating and imposing its drivers over top of the drivers that were working just fine. Just to think that dear old MS's remedy for like malfunctions is to update the drivers from their website. That is, replicate (and re-impose) the problem-causing issue. Well done boys and girls. It just makes me want to go to Linux all the more rather than be cast deeper into a Kafka-esque circular techno-perversity that has no reason to exist in the first place.

Well I suppose my keepers just might of had this all planned some 17 years ago. Back then, when they first went berserk/overt and continually hacked my home PC, I attempted to go to Linux in an attempt to avoid their intrusions which were so boldly frequent and invasive then. I forget why I gave up Linux then, but they were certainly hacking me and taking it down whenever they wanted. Since then, I came to realize there was hardly a breath I took, or a notion I had, that wasn't orchestrated in advance, so doubtless that short (6 months) Linux episode served some ulterior purpose.

As did other feints and fuckery of the day. Back in 2003, when just out from illegal incarceration, my pal from my teens and 20's "happened" to drop by, all the way from Hamilton ON to Victoria, BC (4,000 miles apart) where we grew up and hung out. That he had no particular reason to be there, as his parents were both deceased, (and had moved to Parksville BC anyhow), seemed to get a blow-off excuse. Anyhow, we chatted at my parent's place for an hour or so, and it was perfectly obvious that he didn't want to talk about recent events, like, the total (berserk/overt) life invasion, the perps and what their agenda might of be, criminal police involvement etc., all extremely topical to me and very much at issue. I had previously assumed, or more like, was planted with the notion, that the harassment onset of 04-2002 was the beginning of this, and that anyone I knew from long beforehand would be trustworthy, as in not involved. Not that I requested him to act on my behalf or anything, but I assumed he had nothing to do with this rain (or reign, as it became, now 17 years into this), of intense and highly coordinated abuse. About six months later other clues became plainly evident that I was in their sights long ago, likely from birth.

So during this above naive phase of understanding the scope of my harassment, as a TI "only" a year or so, (more than a minute is fucking hell on earth IMHO), why, my good pal (per above) just "happens" to drop in from 4,000 miles away to chat. Of course, when I later realized that I had been kept as a TI from the get-go, naturally my pal had to been involved. Then, when recalling many past interactions with him, it all made sense. All those quirky or smirky looks, the inside humor that he wouldn't explain, the peculiar and terse answers I often got as to why did someone do something incomprehensible etc., blowing me off about things I plainly saw etc. As with any traitors, I don't want to see the SOB again. He just "happened" to slip into that window of time from mid-2003 to late 2003 when I was still unaware that I was being kept as a lifelong TI. And too, he didn't want to know about any of the current abuses and insane fuckery that was so relevant to me, another tip-off of prior arrangement.

Anyhow, I have no idea why the Psychopaths like to have me swap PC's every so often; obviously there a myriad differences between the internet residence connections outside and the sights and sounds of interacting with the device. Differing wire colors, motherboard layout, and even a different monitor and keyboard. "Somehow" I forgot to get this (much preferred) particular monitor with an HDMI connection, and hence this bifurcated situation where this PC and the back up PC each have their own monitor. And separate mouse too, having prior problems with a KVM set up, where the same keyboard, video and mouse can be readily swapped with a keyboard stroke to a different PC.  All a big deal for the Psychopaths, including the color of wiring and circuit board etc,, but I just couldn't care less. Just leave me the fuck alone.

Speaking of which, it is a four day long weekend for me, as the Boss Man texted last night, and indicated that he would not be coming into work today as he is taking the Mexicans, my laboring co-worker couple, on a tour of the Kootenays. Lovely country, and I did live there for three years, and as it "happened" they covered the very town I lived in and my many other routes. More of that geographic coverage of my former regions and routes by family and colleagues.

I had the option to work today if he could get someone to open up his business, but elected not to. And it served to tell me that I am still physically trashed and recovering from the heavy lifting and laboring work of the last three weeks in the course of digging holes next to the foundations, lifting steel plates, carrying 100lb bags of cement, etc. So... it tells me all the more that if it takes four days or more to recover from six days of this laboring job, that the usual one day off per week isn't going to cut it. And too, that I should inform the Boss Man that he had better find a replacement. We shall see how that goes tomorrow, though I would not be surprised that he knew this was coming.

And what is with these new variations of maser displays of late? I have long mentioned the black floating dots, often in pairs or triplets, and the filamentous drifting versions that can arrive suddenly upon seeing something unusual, or trace the very location on a page I am reading, and other specific situations. The latest variant is three or more undulating filamentous lines scrunched together, a filamentous parallel cluster if you will, which have more perturbing and edge detection impairing capability. A few days ago, I had my feet up on my work surface edge while watching something on this here monitor, and lifted my feet off for a bit, given that I am often imposed with momentary discomfort. And lo, if at least four to six sets of these filamentous maser clusters didn't suddenly arrive and sit over the very location where my feet had been for at least five or ten seconds, drifting right and left in unison by an inch or so, all of the same pattern. Like, as if, we need to get a magnetic reading on where your feet were ASAP, especially since they weren't on the ground, but on an elevated surface (an edge in fact). I don't give a shit; just leave me alone; I am not anyone's magnetically kept subject that I want any part of. Regular readers will recall that the last most reliable magnetic readings I got in my immediate proximity were around 1700Gauss, some 3400x normal background level. Go figure.

I told the Boss Man I couldn't continue to work beyond the week as the job was too physically demanding. He seemed to know it was coming, and concurred it was a tough job to do. I was set to work in the yard as the only employee today to cut 3" steel pipe into 16" pieces. The pipe sections were 6' or 8' and I lugged them onto the chop saw and cut them up. My back was not happy about it. As I was 40' from a busy two lane thoroughfare, the traffic noise was on high, and they even put on the infernal and much loathed HD motorcycle noise. Another trademark noise of theirs is the ill-maintained mufflered vehicle, replete with a manual transmission to keep the noise more ridiculous. Also, the "performance" mufflers, aka hot-rod like sound; plenty of them too.

A whole day of cutting metal pipe and sending sparks flying from the chop saw. The wind happened to come on, and so there was all manner of spark cloud variations. Another piece of fuckery that is more prevalent on this job is the intrusions to force me to take my safety wear off momentarily, or else the forced "forgets" over using it, e.g., visor on my hard hat. And lo, just when I pull the visor down, why, a sudden burst of muffler noise from the street heard through my ear muffs. The perps just love to add variations of what I am looking through; plastic visor material in this case, but other times, variants of glass or translucent plastic etc. And perturbing me with putting gloves on and off, and forcing far too many such events. Another variant on changing up my safety gear is for someone to start talking to me when I have my ear muffs on.

The Mexican couple weren't working today, but did come by to chat briefly, and of course, causing me to remove my safety gear to talk to them.

Never, ever, am I allowed to do a heads-down (and stay down until done) task with the Psychopaths on my ass. They constantly arrange disruptions, and in this case, breaker kick-outs as well. Even getting started was a two hour event; sure I had to set this up to get consistent cuts and making the repetitive process easier to perform, and there was an alternate chop saw I tried to fix, per Boss Man's direction, but I never got it going. And a total mind fuck about attempting to put a new 14" metal cutting chop saw blade on as well. Anyhow, I got it all done, with the Boss Man arriving while I was on my second to last pipe, and then he tells me when I am about to make the last cut, I should make it the last pipe as he wanted one full length to remain. Funny how the stalking show erupts when I am about to complete a task.

Below: an add-on from the prior week, when this PC was down, in place of not having access to TI World on the Lenovo back up PC
The PC is down again, and I managed to take it to the repair shop today, as it was a rare in-town work day. Because air compressors are in high demand due to irrigation system blow-outs (removing water from farm and residential properties alike), the labor job takes place tomorrow on site, an hour's drive away. Today I was cutting 3" steel pipe. I got set up with two pallets to support the pipe and set it up on the chop saw.  No mean feat, as the sections were either 5' or 6' (heavy). The chop saw worked fine until it crapped out due to a prior cord burn. [Brushes as it later turned out].  Funny how these "issues" (that were there for the past two weeks) suddenly erupt into a problem when I am into a production run. The Psychopaths just love to mess with production runs when I am there. Longtime readers will recall the almost unrelenting string of "happen chance" disruptions when working on a wine bottling line. The sequence is entirely predictable; a series of stop-start problems at the beginning, sometimes for a few hours, and just when production is getting into a respectable groove (as am I), why, a disruption erupts. All to repeat itself with another wine, or bottle, label, closure change, until day 2 or 3.

More pipe-cutting production crap out problems occurred when I found the replacement chop saw didn't have a hold down washer and bolt. A second one did, but was less powerful and invoked many circuit braker kick outs. That was largely due to the cut-off blade wasn't the same as what I was using, though same-rated and from the same manufacturer. As I was only 40' from a two lane thoroughfare I am quite sure a major vehicular gangstgalking was on as well, though I was mostly heads down attempting to deal with the onslaught of operation disrupting aforementioned fuckery. "No productive or efficient operation goes unsabotaged" is a Psychopath credo in my experience.

And what was with the heavy gangstalking tonight when out visiting larger stores such as LD and SOF? A swarm of four to precede me at the checkout, one of whom lingered over the self-checkout I intended to use, (and did use, as it was the only one available), and two actually checked out groceries while the other two lingered nearby. One of the Fuckwits had to come in close to me to talk to his pal in mid-checkout, all in keeping with financial transaction stalking, their stock (or stalk if you prefer) in trade. And tailing me all over the store, doing the suddenly-arrive-behind-me game (no "excuse me" in this town). Another one arrived at the jerky section as I was there, just to obstruct me and piss me off and drive me elsewhere.  Two vehicles at different angles with headlights upon exit at both stores; you would think I was royalty or something. The bum-stalk outside LD, still there on my exit. And wearing red pants to make it obvious; I loathe red pants on males for some reason.

A brutal day on mud-jacking today at the job. The "mud", actually a grout that slowly solidifies, comes out of a hose with a fitting on it and the connection is pointed inside a drilled hole in the concrete pad. As it happens, these subterranean voids are connected and will bleed grout out of holes and into places we don't want. Such as the garden bed next to the driveway, the 5' dug hole where the pilings are pushed below the foundations etc. And it is our job to pound in the rolled up empty concrete paper bags into these grout leaks in an attempt to seal them. Well, it isn't quite so simple as this is soil, and when a liquid substance is under pressure, it will leak out somewhere if the voids are filled. In other words, there were plenty of leaks, with me pounding away at awkward angles to get the leaks plugged. As part of this strategy, the Boss Man moves from hole to hole, so the job at one location isn't quite done before he wants it done at another. And in these circumstances he is at his worst denigrating self, so plenty of ill-aimed insults to absorb as well. And then a major clean up afterward so the grout doesn't sit in the hose or pump any longer than necessary. I was glad it was over.

As it "happened", the Boss Man has a Cheech and Chong obsession, and they were in town tonight. He gave us each front row tickets, worth $125 no less. We cleaned up as fast as we could, traveled an hour back, and then had about an hour to get ready for the show. Not my kind of fare, but worth a visit, and so I went. It was well done, up to date, funny and not too raunchy. The Boss Man was such a fan of C&C that he paid an extra $125 to see them after the show for the meet-and-greet and autographs, some of it going to charity. He even scooped the C&C staff, and recited some of their skits from their first album he said. Only C&C themselves knew that his recitations were from their first album. Funny the things one learns about one's boss after hours.

Thanksgiving in these here parts. Always a weird-assed premise of a holiday for this TI anyhow. What am I to be thankful for as a nonconsensual human subject subjected to relentless imposed adversity and infuriation? Furthermore, the entire bounds of normalcy have shifted for all time; e.g. is everyone cruising near me a gangstalking Fuckwit, why have "coincidences" increased by an order of magnitude, why are so many normal people behaving strangely, and how is it that everyone knows I am a TI in advance of seeing me (i.e. is everything orchestrated)? Just a few starter questions, and I could make this a very long list. As I see it, I have nothing to be thankful for while being kept alive under the insane and abusive thumb by the Psychopathic Confederacy in search of what seems to be the Universal Wave Function (more below).

I saw the Disney/Pixar film titled "Coco" a few nights ago, which was recommended by my Mexican co-worker. The story was set in Mexico on the eve of Dias de los Muertos, where families visit the grave sites of the buried. The theme of the film is a young boy manages to transition from the living to the dead world, and ultimately, back again and doing good in the process. What I found was interesting was that there was this world of the dead in the story, which of course mirrors many beliefs from other cultures. Also portrayed in the film, is the concept that if a member of the dead is forgotten by the last remaining living person (who has memories of them), then they will disappear from the land of the dead. I thought about this, also with the knowledge of Hugh Everett's Many Worlds Interpretation of quantum mechanics, as well as the Psychopathic assholes and their abusive research agenda. And too, human  nature, (doubtless managed too) in that we typically do have events to remember the dead, be they national holidays, Rememberance and Armistice memorials, and the huge realm of named objects (streets, stamps, currency etc.) statues and other cultural markers. I don't exactly know how all this fits together, but if humans are nonconsensual human subjects, and placed here on Earth for that very purpose, then studying the living and the dead just might be another facet of the Psychopath's research agenda. I know from personal experience that the Psychopaths engage in no end of memory fucking games, aka "forced forgets", and they also like to plant memories (persons most often) in mind that are entirely irrelevant to the context, and so it just may be that they are also exploring the material world (the tangible present) and the "soul world" (the dead) energetic associations. All to possibly elicit and identify the Universal Wave Function, as espoused by Hugh Everett, who stated that it is unlikely that we could not determine it on this single planet. Anyhow, just a few associated thoughts on this topic, as I am sure it will direct some of my reading in the next year or so.

From low brow Cheech & Chong to mid-brow show by Jill Barber at the Dream Cafe, Oct 11, two nights later. A magnificent show and one to remember for a long time. She was personal, personable and was in excellent voice. A request tour apparently, where requests are submitted in advance, but as she indicated, somehow there was a "glitch" for this show and no advance requests were received. The "somehow glitch" thing again. I didn't get the focused stare from the performer like so many other shows, but she did a song in serenade style, and walked to most of the tables while singing one song. And so, while sitting at the table at the back wall near the stairs, why, she walked down the aisle singing and did arrive 2' away from me (as she did for many others), and we did make direct eye contact. Long time readers will know that that nearly every show has at least one of these direct stare moments from the stage performer, from the stage, but in this case she came directly to my table making direct eye contact, and in the context of her serenade, many others experienced too. At least I did not receive the attention of the microphone pointed at me to finish the last sung word of her song as did one other patron. All in good fun. Even more funny was that she signed autographs while singing, holding the microphone in her armpit. Even more arresting was her negligee-like outfit for the second set, perhaps enough to make Miley Cyrus blush.

Enough of the snippets from now and before, and I shall attempt to get this posted before another sudden crash.

Monday, October 07, 2019

Don't Want to Know

I work with this Mexican couple on this hole digging gig. They aren't the most productive, even if they speak good English, but they are nice folk, friendly and engaging. Sometimes I wonder if this whole gig isn't a big arrangement; like why would the Boss Man be so nice to them when they aren't real laborers?

Anyhow, they like to know how I am each day, and I tell them what it is. This morning I was suffering from the continuing effects of yesterday's mysterious ailment. That is the sensation of bruised ribs and sore muscles in all my torso, as if someone had walked on me. I told them exactly that, and they didn't seem the least fazed as to what this mystery ailment might be. And as they knew I felt like crap, you think they would of asked me how I was doing. None of that. It just seems so peculiar they didn't inquire at any time over the day, when they are really caring people. I suppose they aren't allowed to ask, or just don't want to know. Regular folks behaving strangely is nothing new in this harassment gig, and shame on me for thinking they would be any different than the hordes of arranged stalkers out there.

Slowly over the day, I felt better, getting over the torso musculature abuse I somehow suffered. I had something like this three years ago, and didn't have a clue as to what I was suffering, and two doctors didn't seem to have a clue, even if they had a grin on their face. Nothing funny about that, let me assure you. I wasn't even sure I was going to live when going through this imposed awfulness.

A three party male decend-on-me stalking when I was finishing up with the jackhammer this morning at the residential house work site. OK, I get it; tool use, beginning, use and cessation is a big deal. But will you assholes tell me why it is so important? I really don't give a flying fuck, save that I like good tools, take care of them, and never lend them out.

And what is is about my co-worker on my ass, using the tools I was using without so much as a mention. A very polite guy, and suddenly without mention, he has to use the bucket I was using for my small hole that I was digging for a piling support. (I was using this pair of small buckets all afternoon). I am in this dug hole next to the foundation some 5.5' deep, and then he asks if he can finish the job. NO. Then he wants to do the jack-hammering to take off the concrete excess wide of the footing. Like WTF; I am 5.5' deep in a hole, and it makes perfect sense that I continue for this 10 min. task. Answer was NO.

Never mind he has the unerring knack of getting in my way much of the time. These same nutzo take-my-tools (when I obviously haven't finished using them), take-over and get-in-my-way stunts were exactly what my Russian emigre co-worker was pulling last year. Funny how that "happens". The Russian guy was smart and construction savvy (but had some inexplicable pissy moments), and this guy is neither,- quite different cats with the same habit of running interference.

Then we decided to test the hole depth under the footing with the piling mount, a 20lb piece of welded steel plate, channel stock and pipe stock, and we lower it down the hole. I am in the hole and place and test it, and decide that we need another inch of height below the foundation footing, as in digging down. The hole is 2'x2' and he tells me it is easier to dig down by moving this steel piling mount aside, it being at least 15" wide. Like WTF; how can I even get a shovel around it? I say NO, and lift it up for him to receive, and dig the hole an inch deeper. Will someone tell the Psychopaths I do not like to have claustrophobic co-workers crawling up my asshole in attempting to do the very thing I am doing (competently), with the tools I am using and attempting to stand in the very location I am? Just go fuck yourselves; I have had enough of this shit, and that would be 17 years of intensive stalking coverage and a prior 47 years of covert fuckery that had a lot of similar themes. And for the record, if you can back it off for 47 years such that I don't detect the obstructive fuckery patterns (usually), then you can back it off right fucking now. In fact, back off 100% and leave me alone.

A shorter work day as I had a scan on my L hand at the hospital and then went to work in Osooyos, an hour drive away. A good thing too, as it was a brutal day, with concrete cutting, jack hammering, concrete removal, etc. to 1730h.Then an hour drive back with my crew member, on our own time. And the dust and dirt too. I don't think I am up for this particular flavor of construction work, as well as the long hours. And when we go on the road it is 12 days straight, 2 off, and on the road again, all with a room mate. How should I make my exit?

The Boss Man was on a major griping day; I was one minute late (said is was OK last week), then over price of gasoline, every fucking thing it seemed- low testosterone maybe? He could of helped me when I was 7' down a dug hole, mentioning how to detect more rocks (that send the piling start the wrong way, but wouldn't get me the tools). And he was no help in getting the piling mount (above mentioned 20lb piece of steel) out of the hole, somehow inferring that I can dig with it in there, again, a 2'x2' space in the bottom of a dug hole.

I catch the work travel vehicle low fuel issue before when set off, as I drive it work bound, (I don't retain the vehicle overnight) on account of him cheap-assing the day before and not filling it up (when he could of, but didn't) and he goes all pissy . I should of got a medal, as he was the one who forgot. Imagine running out of gasoline on the highway with his only three workers...

We travel back (one hour) on our own time, but he phones before we leave on where to fuel up, to save 10 cents a liter, a whole $5 on filling the tank. Right; three workers in a vehicle with the fuel meter malfunctioning by pointing the wrong way (down when full), on top of him forgetting about to fuel it up, and he goes silly over saving  $5.

Every day I swear I am going to quit this gig, but "somehow" I get distracted.

Sunday; yesterday's work day went OK. We are back filling the holes now, so the heat is off and the Boss Man doesn't need to be there full time.

But, this here PC is crashing right and left, and the spare one is having its problems in attempting to boot up. And the spare PC also temporarily freezes when viewing videos online. And it won't let me access this (my) blog. And did I not have both PC's fixed and examined this past summer? Yes, and even having a back-up PC is subject to sabotage. No good deed, (or intelligent anticipation of fuckery or sabotage) goes unpunished.

So... if there is a dearth of postings for the next month, you will know why.