
Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Still Here

Don't ask me how I somehow "found" my way back to being able to compose again in my own blog, but I did. At least for now.

For the last 6 weeks I have been through a series of Google sent "verification" requests, and thereby cast into to a dysfunctional morass as to what they want, how to get passwords reset, and the rest of the interface hell that Google foists upon me and all others. Yep, its the same assholes who have inflicted the world with the Android phone, and in 45 years of computing (IT) experience, I have yet to understand how anyone could create such a incomprehensible shit-show of an interface and keep their job. And if Apple weren't so idiotically hung up on their proprietary audio file formats, I would of gone there a decade ago.

But as Blogger, or Blogspot (per above interface and concomitant naming confusion) and this diary of being a Targeted Individual (TI World) weren't on a Google platform (or service, or product, or whatever they call it, again, per above), I would not be using any Google services.

Added into this realm of orchestrated fuckery was that this here desktop went down twice over 4 weeks, and in the latter trip to the repair shop, I had to get the boot drive (Windows and all software) reloaded as it was corrupted "somehow". (The physical drive was fine). My second backup PC alternated in its repair shop visits as well, and despite my best efforts, there was no getting back to this here blog except to look at it. The right hand corner to sign in (my last resort) was blanked out, so I could not get into my own blog from the backup PC, and nor could I re-establish a connection to this blog via my Google accounts. Now, with this main desktop PC re-built and re-established, (a whole lot of effort BTW), somehow the whole Google thing has seemingly recognized me, and my Google account, even without logging in LOL. And deep under "Dashboard" I discovered I could find my way here to write to explain my absence in this posting. (No new comments, no one asking, so I am under no illusion I have a wide readership of ever-eager readers waiting for a new installment of imposed trials, abuses and other fuckery that is the daily lot of Targeted Individuals, or at least, this one.)

Add on the fact that I never wanted a Google account in the first place (except to support this blog), and then about 4 years ago the phone company forced me to have one, and somehow that got me two Google accounts, just to add to the confusion. In fact, I tried to delete one of the two Google accounts and the system would not let me do it.

Enough said for now, and in a week or so I will get to regular postings, and detailing the litany of this abuse-athon, which is what it is really all about anyhow.