
Sunday, August 27, 2017


Only a partial eclipse above the 49th parallel; but the sunlight level did dip some and it got colder at about 1000h PDT. I was working in the vineyard then, and lo, if my break time was timed to be just then. The assholes had me sleep in another hour after the alarm, so I elected for a 0800h start time, instead of the usual 0700h. The first break is usually two hours after start time, and so I got to have my break as the eclipse was on. I had plenty of sleep, so there was absolutely no need for an extra hour's sleep, so I suppose the perps  were up to their usual get-up time manipulations, this time in service of their long running stunt of dimming down the sun intensity. This time of course, it was predicted and within the natural order of things, such as we know them on this planet.

And as one can seen the "chem trails" crowd were on the job at the moment of the eclipse, doing their usual thing of emulating either cloud formations (har, har) or often times, land forms. In this case it is the former in all its contrivations.

An astonishing computer intrusion last night; I was listening to KW on allflac last night and I decided I liked the album, but the buttons said "download" instead of the usual "add to cart". So I clicked the button and got the downloaded album for free; most odd. Then I unpacked the zip file and copied them to move to my RAID disc, and created the parent KW directory (a new to me artist), and lo, the album title showed up. Then a second directory with another album that I liked. I went into Tag Scanner to clean up the file names and rename them just the way I consistently do. But they were already renamed just the way I do it; track-song title-artist-album name. I couldn't believe it. A free download, plus one extra album, directories created and files renamed exactly how I wanted. After downloading hundreds of albums from this site, I just cannot get over it, and all this to my favor instead of the usual adversity.

Vineyard work, and only a little smokey, and I got some tanning done (shirt off- casual place), and music listening. The latter activity was postponed for later in the morning after the vehicle in the next orchard quit pummeling me with their vehicle radio, doors open, all for me to hear at loud volume. Then after four hours of listening to my headphones, they cranked up their radio volume again, presumably to punch through the headphones, even if it was just when there were inter-track gaps. But of course at this point, that is, noise inundation through the headphones, they put on a few helicopters, and the adjacent house building noise also reached a crescendo.

I have it figured that I will be working at this vineyard, or more correctly, jointly managed vineyards (two), as in both instances, the owners are building a new house. The perps like to compensate cooperating employers, and one of the seeming methods is arranging the construction of a new house. Recall that my employer of 2015-16 was building a new house. Anyhow, there was a full time job that I was unable to respond to in 02-2017, and it has remained unfilled, so I am hoping it comes up again. I have my doubts given the number of times I have been baited by the "perfect" job, as posted, and it doesn't materialize. There is no agency that loves to mess with victims' minds over the theme of "don't count your chickens before they hatch" than the perps. Just hilarious, and now 15 years of these mind-fuck pummelings.

A Wednesday off work due to a mid day doctor appointment in Kelowna. It was for an IV  to supply an iron medication, as I don't absorb it from my diet. And if your are low dopamine,  your are low iron as I read there in the doctor's office,- I took my book) as it took 1.5 hours or so to drip in. It was a double dose, and so the IV bag was a deep brown color, I suppose, twice as the single doses of last year.

And in keeping with the perps and their color coordination games, it wasn't too much of a surprise to see deep brown UPS vehicles on the road, and too, the brown skinned folk out greater numbers. One stunning piece of idiotic driving was these three negroes in a blue vehicle who pulled in front of my parked vehicle and stopped in mid-street, skewed as if they were making a R turn, but stopped. As it "happened" they were stopped because they were about to enter a one way street in the wrong direction and somehow "failed" to notice this at first. I haven't seen anything quite so stupid for a while, which was last year when there was a car full of negroes stopped in mid-street, unable to continue their turn for whatever reason, all to hold me up of course. It maybe another 10 years before they let me wear a brown shirt, assuming they mind fuck me into it, which they can do readily. One doesn't own one's dislikes in this rabbit hole.

And in an unrelated game of fuckery while in Kelowna, the I was skunked out of getting work gloves at a particular store that has them at half the price locally. The notion to get some replacements had been going on for over a month, as I am down to my last pair, holed in the fingers as they are. (The perps just love to blow holes in my gloves; once I had a pair at work that developed holes while they were unused on my break time). Anyhow, I go to this store, and lo, they are out of size M. Lots of L and XL, but I like M size as extra long floppy fingertips just drive me to distraction. Another case of dashed expectations, or is it, planned shortages.

There was a woman at the parking lot when I arrived, whose card wouldn't work, and tried it twice. She was first to arrive at the meter among three of us, and since her card didn't work,  she let the cute babe go ahead in turn. Her card worked fine and then first woman tried her card, and it still didn't work, kind of getting her card in ahead of each of us. Then when it didn't work, she let me pay, cash, and I was done. Then she said she would park elsewhere. No matter; and lo, once I exited the doctor's office and one of the staff led ahead (on lunch break), and I turned the corner on the street, why, the woman with the seemingly dysfunctional card was on the street in her ridiculous day glo sunglasses.

In the waiting room at the doctor's office, two fat women were on either end of the red leatherette couch, so I sat in the white single chair. Then three women came in, two fat sisters and one slim daughter, two of them standing near me. It was kind of like a fat women's stake out, save the daughter. Eventually one of the original fat women was called to her appointment, and a blonde woman came in a few minutes to sit in her place.

After the IV drip, I headed to my vehicle in the parking lot, and there were three white trades vans just sitting there with the Fuckwits sitting in them. Like WTF; since when did trades folk go to a public downtown parking lot just to sit there, even if it was lunch time? As long term readers will know, white trades vans seem to be the vehicle of choice to hound me, and when all this shit came down in 04-2002 there were suddenly out in profusion and haven't let up since.

No other spectacular driving idiocy today, despite being on the highway one hour N bound, and again, S bound. Funny how the perps let off sometimes. Though I had plenty of vehicles around me for most of the trip, nothing new there. I had a laddered pickup (aka "Ladder Patrol") hound me for the first 10 minutes when heading N bound, and an ambulance came in the opposite direction during this interval. I wouldn't be gangstalker-free at the South Pole.

I worked two jobs today, and I see a forest fire was timed such that the fire retardant aircraft flew over me in each location. And with a N wind, they turned above the former vineyard I worked at for five months until June on their approach to the airport. (When I was there there were many fire retardant aircraft overhead, making turns, empty or loaded depending on wind conditions). I finished the part time job and texted the vineyard owner on my completion and hours.

So much for the IV iron preventing me from afternoon napping at home. Another day in the vineyard, and lo, if the assholes didn't screw me out of my digital audio player, as they had me "forget" to charge it up last night, and only let me know as I was about to head out the door. Then to add insult to injury, the Power Amp phone player also failed inside of an hour due to some kind of software upgrade glitch. (I have been through the Power Amp app forced upgrade issue before, and am fucking fed up with this senseless version contingency failure problem, hence acquiring a dedicated digital audio player). Thanks a bunch assholes; twice jerked around over portable audio player failure in one day.

The part time vineyard owner texted me in the morning and said there was a paycheck for me on the fridge. I texted him back and said I would be there at 3:15, after my day job. I went there at that time, and no one was there, save their poodle who wanted to play, and I obliged, as I am a former poodle owner, and that is the one thing they love to do- play. I tried their door even, and it was locked. So WTF; I arrive exactly when I said I would, and no note, and no one was there. What is it about these fuckarounds over getting paid? One part time vineyard of a few years ago pulled this shit too; they said the paycheck would be under the door mat and it wasn't, necessitating another trip there.

Saturday, a day off, but what a fuckaround of a day. First, I was awakened at 0700h after an 8 hour sleep, and somehow it took me another 1.5 hours to finally get out of bed. I got my laundry done at the laundromat amidst the relentless vehicle trains at 1000h, and while out, I yet again, got skunked on acquiring these particular gloves (per above) I prefer at a work wear store that normally has them.

The weather was sunny, but with the Kelowna fires, there was smoke haze in the air, but not anywhere near as bad as the prior 6 weeks. After lunch, it would of been ideal for me to lay down on a towel in the grass outside my place, but as the landlord applied 2-4-D in the last few days (without notice this year), the chemical stink was intolerable. Inside, the perps ground me down for a two hour nap attack in the afternoon (after reading for 30 min.), and from my sun worshiping perspective, it would of been far better to lie down and sleep outside and get a tan at the same time. But it was not allowed in this constrained and orchestrated world of being a mind controlled experimentee, especially when my sunlight exposure is so highly important to the perp's objectives.

And after the above colossal and unneeded sleep, I tested and packed up my stereo amplifier, as it has been flaky for the last month. But the perps had a few more games to play, as it wasn't working in the L channel, and now it was. But it flaked out sometimes, but the digital audio player wouldn't play at all, so I played it through my little used headphone amp and it was fine. I also swapped the speakers, and they were fine. I went through this senseless and utterly confounding shit twice last year when the YBA amp crapped out, as the repair job was faulty. So I got a new amp, and now it has crapped out. What is it about stereos, and music reproduction that the perps need to sabotage it so much, so often? I just don't get it. Infuriated barely covers my exasperation.

I had intentions to collect my paycheck from the part time vineyard, but lo, I never heard from them all day. After standing me up yesterday, I thought they might of been somewhat contrite, but no, these things don't happen in this state of been kept in a managed Fuckover scene, 24x7.

With damn near everything going wrong today, it has been one long day of screaming at the assholes over nearly every move. All these fake touches, having me blunder into things, having things constantly snag and hang up, and then the extended and unneeded forced afternoon nap. And now, no end of keystroke errors. I have had enough today.

Sunday, and another day off; vineyard work is less demanding as one gets closer to harvest. With any luck, I can get another two weeks of work into September. After that, it is sporadic harvest jobs.

And what a night last night; they kept me awake while prone in bed and wanting to get to sleep for over four hours, in this slow "rotisserie" state, where some kind of invoked discomfort causes me to turn some. This time, about every 15 minutes for at least four hours. I suppose I got some sleep along the way, but it didn't seem like it. Short shrift for some 10 hours of prone time.

And what did they do to me in the night that has caused such pain to my rib cage and also into the back of it too? All day I have had a sore rib cage, most noticeable when bent over and more force is exerted upon it. No bruises or visible damage curiously, as they seem to treat me lightly for these kind of visible marks, unlike some TI's I know.

I was up for hiking today, to McIntyre Bluff, but was delayed by a road race on the highway. The ITU Multisport Championships were wrapping up today, and the perps like to keep me clueless as to what is going on. But what is it about the perps and them not allowing me to start a hike early? All my life I started hikes early, and ever since they invaded there is one thing after another that stops me from getting away any sooner than 1100h, and usually 1200h before I start the actual hike.

Anyhow, enough for a week, and onto posting this.

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Planting Vines

Two days of planting vines with a small crew; four others for the most part. Which the perps seem to have exploited to make me feel rather wrung out from this, even though I have done this very task many times in the past five years since this viticulture gig came upon me. My knees are sore even if I had knee pads on, and my thighs are sore too. I don't think it was yoga last night unless I am getting taken down on that account too. And nap attacks each evening when I get back. Brutal ones, even if an hour, it takes another half hour to extricate myself from the bed.

No planting tomorrow for some reason, a common perp timing where they like to interrupt something that is going well and/or is on the cusp of completion. Or, they do arrange a reason oftentimes, whereby something goes wrong or else the weather intervenes.

The respective owners are building houses at the two vineyards I work at, and the perps just love the noise of construction, the wood cutting, and presumably there is a host of other energetic qualities and changes they like to monitor as the house is constructed. Plus, having redimix concrete trucks traverse the vineyard is just the bee's knees for the perps, given their insane predisposition to place this material into the gangstalking scene. (Given the ubiquity of concrete, from floors, walls, ceilings to paths and roads, I get it).

And today, the house construction crew at the vineyard were working on some trenches using a mini-excavator, and one of them had his (presumed) wife in the hole doing some manual digging. Talk about a fish out of water; obviously overweight and in tights, I don't think I have seen such an incongruous sight on a construction site. Whether this was related to the fact that we, the planting crew, were digging holes all day long to place the vine stock into was some kind of parallel soil digging emulation games, I don't know.

The summertime yoga teacher is quite a treat to see, after weeks of wearing flowing and/or draping clothing she is now in full tights. Black ones last week, fugly dark brown ones this week, perhaps in keeping with some brown skinned yogis in class.

Tending to fruit thinning in the vineyard today, and the first day in 4 weeks of full sunlight, sans smokey skies. Ergo, I got some tanning in while working, and then departed an hour early to make my appointment for IV vitamin  C. I felt trashed all day today, seemingly stiff from vine planting over the prior two days. The boss man got some kind of muscle injury as well, and the young woman also got carpal tunnel problems, though she has had this in the past.

As it "happens", she does house cleaning jobs, and this year cleaned the two houses of my former employer of the past two years. We exchanged some stories yesterday, and I learned some interesting gossip, not to be related here. Today she was on her house cleaning job, perhaps for the last time as she is going away on holiday for two weeks and then onto school for a construction management course. No more vineyard work for her due to carpal tunnel problems.

I still felt trashed after work and during my IV vitamin C infusion, and needed yet another post treatment (or post work) power nap of an hour and a half. These after work power naps are becoming a "habit", though surely governed by the Psychopathic Controllers who seem to be getting leverage from me in a sleep state during daytime. (Or at night, as my dreams have become more vivid and odd). After having dinner it seems that I have recovered some, but still too unmotivated to set off and get my favorite food, chocolate.

I felt better today undertaking the dusty and exhausting work of planting vines all day in the sun. The smokey skies crept in during the afternoon, though it still had to be 30C. That, still didn't prevent two one hour quasi-naps after work, once immediately after stuffing my face, and then again after doing dishes and before heading out to SOF supermarket. Which is the the ideal timing (post nap, or near nap) to put on the gangstalkers, even at 2000h, as they seem to be out in significant numbers when there. The gut-strut, the aisle blockers, main aisle no less, doing their protracted pondering act, the god-awful plaid shorted males, and a few other freaks. And in keeping with the ongoing game of stalking my ass after finishing up a the self-checkout, four criss-crossing Fuckwits were on me for the very occasion of covering me as I was about to depart with my groceries. Recall last week's E Indian troupe in file entering the store through the self-checkout, an exit for crissakes, just as I finished up and was ready to depart.

After two weeks of waiting for the replacement cord for my HIFI Man headphones, it arrived. And lo, if the R side driver doesn't work. I don't think my analysis was incorrect, but just another headphone hassle on top of another one. How fitting; they decided to prevent me from listening to this set for three weeks, and now have sabotaged them again, without so much as any response in the R side, which was not the case when I engaged with the customer service rep to get the things RMA'ed. This insane sabotage of audio gear never fucking ends, and especially so for headphones. This goes back 40 years, when my very first pair, a Koss model, just fell apart slowly. The current pair of Grados, now 20 years old, have been back to the repair depot 4x in the last 15 years, as well as being sabotaged at least once before. (Once before was in 2002, the high harassment days, when the steel posts that attach to the driver just rotated on their own (they are fixed into the plastic gimbel bracket), and of course the drivers just dropped off the post.) I have even flung headphone pairs out as I was so pissed with the ongoing and senseless sabotage of them.

[Second time headphone evaluation; the HIFi Man headphones are now working in both channels. I though I would leave my exasperation rant as written, per above].

And to prevent the new footwear problems, I wore my safety toed boots today, and lo, I note that the heels are separating from them. I haven't worn these boots more than 10x, and they keep falling apart almost the same day. The new footwear problems are my regular hiking boots, now in use for 5 years, and why, they now pinch my toes. Either my feet are getting bigger, or my boots are shrinking. Don't laugh; I had a pair of custom boots that somehow "grew" two sizes larger with no apparent stretch; all components, sole and uppers, just all expanded together without any apparent expansion differential between them. Well done assholes.

Though this time it seems they are growing my feet as my runners are also now tight in the toes. No doubt a total footwear upgrade is in order, all in keeping with the perps senseless sabotage over footwear.

Post-Charlottestown analysis; I'm totally with Trump on this one, and good on him he isn't bending over for the liberal-azzi. Things got ugly there for sure, but this alt-left, or liberal-azzi notion of deemed press cover privilege and earnest righteousness needs to be put in its place. Same for those shameless (though less strident) versions here in Canada.

Vine planting was finished in 3 hours this morning, and then onto bunch thinning the adjacent mature vines. Nice that the owners gave us a bottle of wine each after planting completion. On-off hot weather today, seeming in keeping with tan containment. And on-off hot (off due to clouds) because it wasn't smokey today.

In the morning I met two former coworkers, both female babes, as the farmer's market. A brief chat on our employer news while amidst the throng, the one where so many people know to step in my way while I am approaching noiselessly from behind. At the regular market stall I go to, the regular young woman was back to her usual cursory; last time she was decidedly friendly.

Saturday, and a day off, save the small vineyard owner wanted me for more de-leafing. So off to work on my day off to scrape some more cash for the ongoing expenses that keep coming. I stopped in at the winery from last year, and picked up a wine that was nearly sold out. And meeting up with one of the above mentioned babes again. I must say, I like a perky personality. And the harvest babe from last year was there too, strapping, blonde and gorgeous.

Not trashed tonight for some reason; the fatigue stretch seems to be abating.

Sunday, and another work day on de-leafing. I cannot get over these arranged heavy duty trucks on a Sunday. Before I got to the end of the street at 1000h, one boom truck was parked on the street, and then a redimix truck just around the corner. It is hard enough to get these guys out on a Saturday, let alone Sunday. And this is the Okanagan where the folks take their recreation seriously.

Anyhow, enough to get this launched for another week of the enslavement chronicles.

Sunday, August 13, 2017

Ripping the Sky

A double event after vineyard work; first the dentist for cleaning for an hour and then dental X-rays, and then an inspection by the dentist. And lo, in the whack-a-mole fuckery that has become my dental care, another tooth is abscessing. One was bothering me for the past month in the run up to the dental appointment (in typical perp  timing over the past 15 years). I thought it was the very expensive crown installed in 02-2017, but no, it is an older root canal, two teeth away. Because it is an old root canal with a crown on it, I must go to the specialist, which means double the expense, like an estimated $1200. Thanks a lot assholes.

The fall expenditures they so like to nail me with are starting early. The dental appointment ran late, and then with a 20 minute home stop for food, a near-impromptu gig with Ben Waters, as he was circulating in Canada, between gigs, and the local impresario (nice guy, friendly and treats me normal) set him up here in Penticton. Ben Waters put on a great show, 3 hours less break time, with his 16 y.o. son on excellent saxophone (good on keyboard too), and an strong local drummer and bass player.

But was was with the couple in front of me who really put on a perverse show. I could see fine from the corner of the room, but they decided to act weird, even if they were 50+ y.o. It wasn't enough that they had seats to my R, but then had to stand up, move to my L and stand (both of them), then occasionally dance to some of the rock and roll numbers. Then the classic "split couple" gangstalk stunt, where one of them was on each side and I viewed the stage between them. Then they swapped places for their viewscape limiting sentry duty, and even swapped seats. And then to finish their performance, they left at the end of the show, but before the encore, which lasted 30 minutes. And lo, who, steps in front of me when I was about to exit, why, it is this same gangstalk couple who should of been long gone.  It is me who has ADD, and I know restlessness better than most. I haven't seen such obvious performance stalking stupidity for a long time, largely because I avoid open seating situations as this kind of ridiculous shit breaks out every time.

Just what is it that the perps need in order to block my view of things? From concerts, to viewing out windows on the bus, or setting up view obstructions like large vehicles on the roads, the perps' need to obstruct what I see is insane as it is relentless. (They will even obstruct me viewing myself in the mirror by floating in some mucus on my eye ball). If nothing else demonstrates they know what I can see in real time, it is this absurd game of visual field obstruction they constantly manage down to the microsecond.

So apart from the animated couple gangstalking stunt detailed above, on further analysis, it would seem the perps wanted me out and about after dental cleaning work with X-rays at a concert with 170 other attendees, with minimal intervening residence dwell time (20 minutes to eat) before I was out again until 2200h. Presumably I had some kind of different energies about me they wanted to capitalize on. (Not to mention prior extensive touching by the dental personnel). Then I had to get up earlier as I had to start work at 0600h, so to burn the candle at both ends.

Another smokey vineyard laboring day, and then off to an appointment for my IV vitamin C treatment, my pre-radiotherapy plan before I get it for prostate cancer in early October. And for "accompaniment" one patient managed to have blood dripped on her arm, and another was in a wheelchair (much Unfavored). As "usual", a heavy vehicular gangstalking show to accompany me from Okanagan Falls to Pentiction, post treatment.

Onto the title of this post; an aerial display to start off Peach Fest tonight in this Okanagan town, in what ought to be hot weather, but is merely warm due to the smokey conditions. We had the Snowbirds doing aerial displays, and then a CF-18 fighter jet ramped up the noise by flying lower and faster for 30 minutes. All while I was outside picking out the grass darts from my socks from vineyard work. The perps love a good sky ripping noise, and all the better that it can be delivered at lower altitudes than normal.

The smoke continues to sit in the valley, reducing the sun to a orange-red orb, even at noon. More local dimming it would seem, all to thwart full out hot temperatures. And no tanning can be had with the reduced light intensity either.

Vineyard work, still with smokey skies. Not even close to tanning light levels still, now two weeks straight of this "weather system", four weeks in all. As I see it, it is more local dimming experiments by the perps, but who knows how all this feeds into their huge nonconsensual human experimentation agenda, which IMHO, includes the entire Earth and its bio-sphere.

What was with the rude-assed troupe of E. Indians (from India) parading in at the self checkout at SOF tonight? Presumably a family, but walking in single file at 8' apart, and just after I finished paying for my groceries, in keeping with the absolutely relentless and senseless gangstalking whenever I make a financial transaction. What was so rude-assed about these five Fuckwits was that they entered the store and then proceeded to walk through where customers exit. All they had to do was go to the R and bypass the whole self checkout section. But no, this grim E. Indian woman leads the pack in her flowing robes (sari?) with the characteristic perp-managed "look-away" countenance, and the rest of them follow, suitably spaced apart to hold me up for longer at the self-check out. Talk about fucking rude, delivered by one of the brown people minorities that need a lesson in civil conduct, assuming they weren't set up for this performance. Maybe they were there for "brown calibration", as I had chocolate in my purchases.

Similarly, it was last week at SOF when at a regular checkout as I was about to pay, they slid by an E. Indian male in a turban and his pyjama-like robe outfit, which caught my eye. (And likely raised my abreaction response). I loathe the sight of turbans (all head wear in fact), and also dislike the draped robes/sari garment look, both much Unfavored. In other words, also at a financial transaction event, they put on the E. Indian gangstalker. Per above, they added four more tonight, to make five of them to parade past at this long-stalked perp Fuckover moment. Normally the E. Indians don't go to SOF, as they seem to like a competitor across the street where they shop in droves. (My crippled local fickle friend took me to this supermarket competitor three months ago when I was helping him out doing his shopping while he was on crutches). Very curious, this file of E. Indian gangstalkers "happening" to arrive at financial transaction moments in a store they rarely frequent.

Continuing smokey skies while doing vineyard work. Another cancellation of the planting I was to be doing; the boss man had arranged two of us to be planting vines all day today, but the water system wasn't working right. Which is what happened yesterday, but today I was informed this morning. Not a huge deal; I worked on the adjacent vineyard doing bunch thinning. And perfect perp arranging; I got caught without my headphones and player as I thought I was to be planting, and usually have someone around. In such circumstances I don't wear headphones when working with someone nearby. Deliberately tuning out in a cooperative environment is the height of rudeness IMHO. Not that it bothers the perps any of course. Rudeness of others is just another entre to pissing the TI victim off.

Saturday, and a day off, even if there will be a pressing need to tend to the fruit thinning and the de-leafing, just as 2 acres of planting stock need to be planted.

And an obvious gangstalking at the whole foods place today; one of the cashiers was doing shopping for herself and hounding my ass, as in gangstalking. Then, not too surprisingly, she shows up ahead of me at the line at the checkout. And what does she do when she is done with the cashier, why, she swaps out with the cashier and then becomes my cashier! All this for the last 30 minutes of store opening time. Talk about an extra obvious financial transaction stalking.

Some pointless fuckery today, traveling 30 min. to the organic farm to get 4 lb of basil, all to find out that they hadn't picked it. I will have to phone ahead next time, something I wanted to do today, but the mindfuck games were on and I felt compelled to drive there just to find out all was for naught. Thanks assholes.

Then to the Ford dealership to get the Escape's oil changed, and the timing belt inspected as I have no records of it, the papers supplied by my perp-abetting mother. But as the vehicle had been faithfully maintained at a Ford dealership in Victoria, the service representative offered to phone the dealership instead. (Timing belt replacement interval is 100,000 km, and the vehicle has 113,000km). So... as it turns out he got blown off and not helped over the phone, and didn't inspect it either, so I still don't know. Thanks a lot assholes, a classic perp stunt; be all over an issue and then get doubly thwarted (seemingly) by the minions who earn their living by doing this kind of work but somehow don't deliver. Excuses, but no determination. The perps just love this kind of FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt); escalated by lost paper work (potentially), prior ineptitude (potentially), have the TI victim get all over the issue and take the vehicle to someone who is to make a positive determination and lo, nothing happens. All to escalate the FUD, and also to vex the victim all the more over the potential consequences (a broken timing belt means a broken engine- been there, had it done to me). And lo, the quote on a timing belt replacement is $750, where the prior Toyota Camry was $200, as I had it done. Well done Ford.

A sudden weather change when I was about to walk back to the Ford dealership, a 10 minute walk. After four weeks of stable sunny weather, much attenuated by smokey skies, why, the wind picks up and clouds roll in, and effectively re-creates the attenuated sunny conditions, just with a different muting agent, clouds instead of smoke. Go figure.

I got out hiking today, and even an hour of tanning, though not skyclad. The hiking gangstalking was relatively light, not hordes up on McIntyre Bluff today. I got my 4 lb of basil finally, and when home, got hit with a restless phase, and after reading a book for 30 min., I got hit with a 1 hour nap attack. I don't know what it is about reading, but the perps have been hitting me with nap attacks afterward, sometimes 2 hours when there is no sleep deficit.

Anyhow, time to launch this for the week and ponder what next the perps will dream up. As of this posting, 1800 published posting in total dealing with this in situ invasive atrocity.

Monday, August 07, 2017

Bigger Smoke

Very smokey from forest fires today; apparently from Montana and BC this time. Which of course dropped the sunlight levels, and temperatures. It was to be 32C today, but I doubt it wasn't more than 28C. And of course, diminished light levels, something the perps just love to do.

And what is with Youtube, or at least, I think it is them? The incomparable Eva Cassidy, singing Nightbird, one of six songs of hers when she and her band went live at Blues Alley. The video image, never great, just got degraded into fuzzy pixellations. Did someone want to screw me around as they know I like to watch this so much? [Later, I see the pixellations have been removed].

Plenty of smoke in the air again; all in keeping with having full sun but attenuated light penetration. Plus the early morning reddish-orange-ish glow gets on my nerves for some reason. Decades ago, the then-wife purchased some 5 year warranty incandescent light bulbs which had an orange-pink glow. I couldn't stand them, and she seemed pissed that I replaced them with a white color temperature bulb in a week or so. I am sure that wasn't a coincidence. If I like white light, that is, high color temperature bulbs, then why is it a long running hassle to get and keep them?

My second IV vitamin C infusion today. Now at 50g, which is in the oxidative range apparently, which belies its usual status as an antioxidant. All too complicated for me, just get me ready for the upcoming irradiation treatment for the prostate cancer I got stiffed with.

In the vineyard, three co-workers today; one new young woman who didn't want to say hello, the older French guy who speaks very little English, and the young single mom whom I met yesterday. And she is pretty, and nice to look at too. I get plenty of leg views as the foliage on the trellis wires blocks everything else. No real engaging conversation with anyone, save the boss man when he is around.

But again, same with the last vineyard, why do the co-workers place their packs and coats in my row, and then go work on another? Is this some kind of victim homage or something? Even more strange is that they place their belongings in my row before I get there and start the row for crissakes. Even I don't know which row I am going to go into next until I get there. The French guy was a case in point; he always puts his lunch bucket in his row and proceeds to work the same row, now a week's worth of observed habit. But today, he places his lunch bucket in my row, before I got there from the opposite end, and then moves over one row to start leaf plucking there.

Similarly for the young woman I met yesterday; I am 60' into the row, having started it with no one in it, I look up, and I see she has started my row from the top for 20'. I look up to see what the deal is, and then she heads to another row. And no, I wasn't wearing camo, and it was a 100' or so. Like WTF; even the sane ones at the last gig were pulling this stunt on the odd occasion, and the less predictable ones were doing this way too often to be a coincidence. Call it cross-employer coordinated co-worker fuck-up collusion or something like that. I never saw any of this "accidently-on-purpose" bullshit at the larger crew job I did for the past two years on my weekends.

I got to work on my own today, only the French guy was there, and in another part of the vineyard. Almost on my own; a boom truck arrived with three day-glo linesmen and proceeded to work on the pole some 40' away. I have long remarked on the proliferation of boom trucks on the gangstalking show, and here they were, doing some legit looking work next to my vineyard activities. Then in the afternoon, they continued to the next pole and replaced it with a metal one and transferred all the connections and hardware to the new pole. Anyhow, they ran the boom truck engine long enough that I didn't bother listening to music through my headphones all day.

Another day of smokey skies; continuing the local dimming project it would seem, when it would of been scorching hot (35C), but was moderately hot (30C).

The vineyard owners dog was tethered near where I worked, which became a PIA, though it wasn't out of character from what I learned from the owner.

What was the deal last night over leg cramps? I go to bed earlier at 2030h, and then the assholes pummel me with leg cramps for the next three hours, keeping me awake all the time of course.
Saturday, and a day off for a three day weekend. It is called BC Day here, and a month ahead of Labor Day. All kinds of local activities are on, though I usually avoid them, crowd clusterfucks being the norm. The boss man didn't seem to want me to work this weekend, even if the single mom will be working the Monday. Just one of those things it seems, where the schedule is planned ahead, and I submit.

Laundry day, and seeming motorcycle day too. Two of them parked on the street, and another two mobile before I got to the end of the street I live on. Then one more all for a 5 minute trip to the laundromat. I got to dry my laundry outside today, something the perps have assiduously avoided for most of the year, no matter the weather.

And what was it that the perps needed to stalk my ass today when out on laundromat trips? Huge vehicular trains for all roads, at the laundromat, at my parked vehicle there, and on my ass at the LD store. Was it my usual Saturday arms and front torso shave, no supplement intake, or my rare combination of shorts and underwear? Who knows why the perps go berserk, on top of one of their favorite stalking/harassment events, doing laundry. And it didn't go unnoticed that the pair of usual washing machines was disrupted; one of them is out of order. And the alternative washing machines of the same make were also tied up. So I used a dissimilar washing machine under the dryer (plus the regular washing machine).

Continuing smokey skies, a seeming need to limit the light levels but keeping the heat up. Though mostly, I spent my time indoors. I really don't know how much of a tan I am going to get from the deal. I checked LD for bronzing agents, that is, improving the results of an outside tan, but to no avail.

Sunday, and a hike to McIntyre bluff, and still smokey skies. Some four parties coming down while I was uphill bound, all seeming to have at least one member with a red T-shirt. Curiously, no one coming my way when downhill bound. I see the adjacent farm's 12" water mainline was dug up while traversing the vineyard, some 4' down. The perps have a never ending need for me to witness, touch, repair or otherwise become involved in water supply or irrigation issues, (or the water supply I drink from), so this wasn't anything new. And thanks to the smokey skies, no tanning happened.

I bought some 35lb of tomatoes at the associated farm at the trailhead farm store, plus some other groceries. This evening, I converted the tomatoes to pulp, after parboiling them, a 3.5 hour job. The perps like this activity of food preservation, as this is the third successive year of

Monday, the holiday day here in BC. Continuing smokey skies, again, getting the heat without the light, the ongoing experiment in "local dimming". Perhaps to map to global dimming in some respects.

My fickle friend, he of injured status, still recovering from his split knee cap injury came over. He brought the munchies, (red colored tortilla chips) and I provided the wine, this at 1500h in the afternoon. Two bottles of wine later he needed a nap, and so I let him nap on the floor with blanket. Sleep he did for an hour while I was in the bedroom reading a book, and he got up with a cough and once up, it was apparent that he barfed his guts up on the carpet without having sufficient warning, a pink color it was. Anyhow, I helped clean it all up and all was good. And I drove him home.

Straight out of the perp play book; no warning of bodily emissions, and lo, a major mess to clean up. And do the perps ever love a mess.

And it is confirmed; the perps have hacked my one year old stereo amplifier and it only functions in the R channel, no matter the input source. Like WTF; why do they continue to sabotage the shit out of my stereo gear? Readers from last year may recall that a reliable amplifier (but older) got sabotaged and had to be sent to Chicago twice because the didn't fix it properly. That stunt prompted me to get a new amplifier that would be more maintainable, and lo, it too gets sabotaged. Now this amplifier has to be shipped to England for warranty repair, hoping they are more competent than last time. Thanks a lot assholes.

Anyhow, I am a day late on my weekly schedule, and time to get this posted.